postmessage vs sendmessage

If you have no simple way to get the window handles, you have the option of using the HWND_BROADCAST handle and at the receiving end you simply process a WM_COMMAND message in the WndProc or equivalent. Let's consider some: SendMessage does not return until the message has been fully processed. process the message, hence saving your program from hanging. PostMessage returns immediately and the message will be processed later (when Windows finally finds time to post the message). Also it is usually best to use SendMessages for messages that must be handled within a thread and PostMessage … Terms of Service apply. Was looking at another response. The solution to this is to use PostMessage instead of SendMessage. The difference between Sendmessage and PostMessage is that Sendmessage forces the other application to handle the message ("Take action NOW !!!! Let's consider some: It is my understanding that PostMessages are ranked and delivered by priority. I have used both functions extensively but have never found a difference.
Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. 16-23 Specifies the scan code. The value is always 1 for a WM_KEYUP message. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Mai 2006 Ort: Leipzig 283 Beiträge Delphi XE2 Professional #1. The data may be any value or JavaScript object handled by the structured clone algorithm, which includes cyclical references. On Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:51:48 +0200, "Poul Bak", 1. What is the difference? Deshalb sind die Argumente die selben! What could be the reason? By logging into your account, you agree to our. VB.NET to C#. Apparently Bud wants the Form/Dialog to close itself by sending it a message. to this is to use PostMessage instead of SendMessage. Which of them you have to use depends on your requirement. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I would imagine that with multiple forms that each window would be a separate thread and as long as each form has a message loop of its own, it should work. It may appear they are LIFO for that reason. SendMessage bypasses the queue? Or you could submit an event or a user group in your area. Gee, I never knew that. .NET Installation and Configuration Issues, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) & XAML forum, Scripting - Server Side (PHP, Perl, etc. SendMessage works the same way but additionally waits for a return value, which can be used for things such as getting the currently playing track in Winamp (see Automating Winamp for an example). For additional details, refer to our Privacy Policy. > I try to post a message I registered (RegisterWindowMessage) to other > applications of mine using. (Get your first solution completely free - no credit card required).