the divided self quotes

I must play their game, of not seeing I see the game”, “We are effectively destroying ourselves by violence masquerading as love.”, “Pain in this life is not avoidable, but the pain we create avoiding pain is avoidable.”, “We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.”, “we are all murderers and prostitutes – no matter to what culture, society, class, nation one belongs, no matter how normal, moral, or mature, one takes oneself to be.”, “Human beings seem to have an almost unlimited capacity to deceive themselves, and to deceive themselves into taking their own lies for truth.”, “Attempts to wake before our time are often punished, especially by those who love us most. The idea of a connection between the sadistic and masochistic perversions had already been noted by Krafft-Ebing . They think anyone who wakes up, or who, still asleep, realizes that what is taken to be real is a ‘dream’ is going crazy.”, “We all live under the constant threat of our own annihilation. Refresh and try again. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, The Politics of Experience/The Bird of Paradise, The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness. Error rating book. Only by the most outrageous violation of ourselves have we achieved our capacity to live in relative adjustment to a civilization apparently driven to its own destruction.”, “Perfection is something we should all strive for.

It is potential liberation and renewal as well as enslavement and existential death.”, “Whether life is worth living depends on whether there is love in life.”, “Insanity -- a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.”, “There is a great deal of pain in life and perhaps the only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid pain. It is radically estranged from the structure of being. Out and in beyond life and death now, beyond inner and outer, sense and non-sense, meaning and futility, male and female, being and non-being, Light and darkness, void and full. Other forms of alienation that are out of step with the prevailing state of alienation are those that are labeled by the ‘formal’ majority as bad or mad.”, “In a world full of danger, to be a potentially seeable object is to be constantly exposed to danger. It may also be break-through. The Complete Works of Sigmund Freud are now available in electronic (standard e-book/e-text) form. او احساس می‌کند که هرگز به دنیا نیامده‌است. Beyond all duality, or non-duality, beyond and beyond. They are playing at not playing a game. “There is a great deal of pain in life and perhaps the only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid pain.” R. D. Laing, The Divided Self I had an appointment with my doctor this week, to review the results Where did Freud say, "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."? Such a person is not able to experience himself 'together with' others or 'at home in' the world, but, on the contrary, he experiences himself in despairing aloneness and isolation; moreover, he does not experience himself as a complete person but rather as 'split' in various ways, perhaps as a mind more or less tenuously linked to a body, as two or more selves, and so on.”, “One may see his behaviour as 'signs' of a 'disease'; one may see his behaviour as expressive of his existence.

I breathe again.”, “There are good reasons for being obedient, but being unable to be disobedient is not one of the best reasons.”, “Our 'normal' 'adjusted' state is too often the abdication of ecstasy, the betrayal of our true potentialities.”, “Here we have the paradox, the potentially tragic paradox, that our relatedness to others is an essential aspect of our being, as is our separateness, but any particular person is not a necessary part of our being.”, “Creative people who can't help but explore other mental territories are at greater risk, just as someone who climbs a mountain is more at risk than someone who just walks along a village lane.”, “Truth is literally that which is without secrecy, what discloses itself without a veil. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal. In the meantime, he has a body that roots him to this time and this place.”, “Even when the [schizophrenic] patient is striving to tell us, in as clear and straightforward a way as he knows how, the nature of his anxieties and his experiences, structured as they are in a radically different way from ours, the speech content is necessarily difficult to follow. we need to ask: how has it become acceptable that so many people, and especially so many young people, are ill? This is not a statement that appears in any translation of any of Freud's works.