phrasal verbs list with meaning and example

She TRADED IN her old car for the new model. Example 2: I have gained weight and grown out of the pants I purchased last summer. He FELL FOR her the moment their eyes met.

Fold the top covers of a bed down to make it ready for someone to go to sleep. Example 2: I will bring up the issue of cleanliness in the meeting today. The CEO STEPPED DOWN after the share price dropped. The teacher READ OUT the names of the students who'd passed. In English, a phrasal verb is a phrase that indicates an action—such as turn down or ran into. Prefixes and Suffixes in English! He WENT FORTH and found a wife in another city. He PRINTED OUT the letter and checked through it carefully. The membership FELL OFF dramatically when the chairperson resigned. Consume something you don't want to be consumed. When the police blocked the road, a few protesters PEELED OFF and left the march. They were two-nil down until five minutes before the end, when they PULLED BACK a goal. Control things in your life to achieve your aims.
Cheat somebody out of something that is rightfully theirs. Example 1: I need to take my money back from him. Go across a place rather than around it to make the journey quicker.
Get to the bottom of something, get detailed data. They KEYED IN ON the person they believed had done it. Edward slipped on the ice and THREW OUT his shoulder. We PALLED UP when I started working with her. He CHOKED UP on the bat and hit the ball better. Phrasal verbs are combinations of words that perform the function of a verb. CALL OFF your lawyers; we can work something out. He REASONED OUT the answer to the math problem. I've put on so much weight that I'm going to have to LET my suits OUT. The report's so long, I BOILED it DOWN into a two-page summary. He agreed to meet me last night, but he STOOD me UP. Example 2: On the last day of college the professor took the students out for lunch. Call-in; 9. The government's decision SMACKS OF hypocrisy. She STARTED OFF as a receptionist and ended up as the CEO. He wanted to ASK her OUT but was too shy. Appear in court charged with a crime or offence. Come after; 11. She was very CUT UP about coming second as she thought she deserved to win. They BASHED him UP in the fight in the pub last week and he had to go to hospital. Be jealous, abuse or have an active hatred of someone. Chelsea couldn't HOLD their opponents OFF and lost the game. The two guys FRONTED each other OFF, but someone managed to calm them down before it got out of hand. Wait till something has finished, usually something unpleasant. I had to STEP IN when they started fighting. Example 2: The concierge at the hotel helped us pick out a nice restaurant. She TIED her hair BACK before playing tennis. His boss PACKED him OFF to a regional office. A phrase contains no finite verb.