all html5 tags must have at least 1 attribute

How to add collapsed borders to a table (with CSS): How to add background-color to a table (with CSS): How to add padding to a table (with CSS): How to define table cells that span more than one row or one column: Most browsers will display the element with the following default values: HTML Most of them represent structural elements, but there are also new tags used for graphics, forms, and media. In case of element nesting, an HTML element can also contain other elements which are then called nested elements. All the other elements should be nested inside this element: The HTML
element includes introductory information (e.g., a headline): The element defines all visible page content: The

element describes the content's heading: Note: there are six possible positions for a heading, going from


. Then you’re come to the right place.

The localStorage stores the data with no time limit, which means the data can be accessible at anytime and any windows/tabs (with some conditions like same domain and same browser) even if the browser is restarted. Perhaps, you can use these as HTML5 essential before start your own HTML5 website. HTML5 semantic tags and HTML5 semantic elements: why do you need to write semantic HTML? Gain knowledge and get your dream job: learn to earn. See all of them in the example below: To simplify working with the structure of the document for the developer, HTML5 introduced semantic tags: HTML5
tag defines a piece of self-contained information that can be reused: The content of the
tag also supports the Event Attributes in HTML. An element is defined by HTML tags. So, how about you? An HTML table may also include
, HTML5 also offers new
 tags to help us create semantic content. We all know that HTML5 has introduced many brand new tags and elements as well as attributes and features. Nesting occurs in all HTML pages: it provides better functionality and a neater look. Perhaps, you can use these as HTML5 essential before start your own HTML5 website. The element which was opened last must be the first to close: A standard element in HTML has content enclosed within opening and closing tags, but some are empty (void). === (div vs section vs article) The
 tag is used to specify independent and self-contained content.