estimated time of completion

Vertragsstaaten nichts anderes vereinbart wird. There can be a range of information, here, from press releases to financial reports, log files and project and product documentation. This is only the first step towards a full understanding of the project.

We've got 2 shorthands for Estimated Time of Completion » What is the abbreviation for Estimated Time of Completion? First is historical data, which is just a fancy way of saying: you’re not the first person to do this. This is not a good example for the translation above. 36,76 Mio. Keeping to the project’s schedule is one of the three prongs of the triple constraint.

Fertigungsauftrages / Dienstleistungsauftrages, An asset's fair value less costs to sell is the estimated, Der Nettoveräußerungswert ist der geschätzte, im normalen, If compliance with the agreed delivery times/dates is not possible, PTS Strongbelt can fulfil the contractual obligations after the intended date without waiving any, Sollte die Einhaltung der vereinbarten Lieferfristen/-termine nicht möglich sein, kann PTS Strongbelt ohne Verzicht auf weiter gehende gesetzliche Rechte die vertraglichen Verpflichtungen auch nach dem vorgesehenen, The Commission has doubts that RAS would be behaving in a manner comparable to a market economy investor, insofar as: (i) the Commission considers that tenders that include non-market conditions like the obligation to recruit all former NMS staff for a period of at least 5 years do not comply with the market economy vendor test, and are likely to lead to an advantage at least for the. Historical data is also broad. 2847/93 muß der Kapitän eines Fischereifahrzeugs der Gemeinschaft, der seine Fänge in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat als dem Flaggenmitgliedstaat anlanden möchte, den Behörden dieses Mitgliedstaats, falls besagter Mitgliedstaat keine feste Hafenregelung vorgegeben hat, mindestens vier. Whereas, under Article 7(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, the master of a Community fishing vessel who wishes to utilise landing locations in a Member State other than the flag Member State must, where there is no designated port scheme established by that Member State, inform the competent authorities in that Member State at least, with the quantities of each species to be landed, Gemäß Artikel 7 Absatz 1 der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. Arrival Time represented with the flag facing to the left: Predictive ETA is distinct from ECT, which represents the estimated completion time. Looking into the future to determine how much time it will take complete project tasks allows for an estimation. Both time estimate techniques work well together. Historical data only works, however, if a project manager meets beforehand with the stakeholders and has a clear understand of what the goals and the objectives of the project in fact are. The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and

The main lesson to learn from all this psychological profiling is that our gut is a poor estimator of time. Predictive ETA is the Onfleet estimate of when an on-duty driver is expected to arrive at each assigned task destination in his/her task list. von Genehmigungen; behördliche Bestimmungen bezüglich Bergbaubetriebe; Umweltrisiken; unerwartete Sanierungsausgaben; Streitigkeiten oder Klagen in Zusammenhang mit Inhaberrechten; Gerichtskosten; eingeschränkten Versicherungsschutz; sowie die Auswirkungen der Beendigung des Investor-Relations-Vertrags. You can download the image file to print or send it to your friends via email, Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok. At Jiujiang, the Nanchang Jiujiang Intercity Railway will connect with the Wuhan Jiujiang Passenger Railway ( presently under construction. We’ve listed some of the tried and true below. After calculating E and V for each activity, add up the Es, and you have an accurate time estimate for project completion. Bottom-up estimating is breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more detailed tasks.