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how many languages are spoken in canada

In addition, 5.2% of Alaskans speak one of the Alaska Native languages. The bilingual belt of Canada, in which 63 percent of bilingual Canadians reside, covers Quebec, northeastern Ontario, and parts of Ottawa. This includes the two official languages, English and French, as well as 128 "immigrant" or imported languages like German and Italy and about 66 Indigenous languages. -- Canadian Gaelic spoken fluently by about 1,000 people in northwest Cape Breton, Nova Scotia that came from immigrants who spoke Scottish Gaelic. What are the two leading languages spoken in Canada? Canadians Speak about 200 Languages Across the Country While many Canadians are definitely bilingual, they are not necessarily speaking English and French. In 2016, there were over 215 other languages. In 2016, Statistics Canada reported that for about 40 Indigenous languages in Canada, there are only about 500 speakers or less. The next largest language is Spanish, spoken by 3.5% of the population. Arabic 144,745 (0.5%) 10. As of 1996, only three out of fifty native Aboriginal languages—Cree, Inuktitut and Ojibway—had large enough populations to be considered truly secure from the threat of extinction in the long term. How… How Many Languages Are Spoken in Canada? It’s the official language of 67 countries, and is also an official language of many large international organizations. Federal stamps began to be made in both English and French in the year 1927, and in 1936, banknotes also became bilingual. Two-thirds of people who speak non-official languages live in Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal. Nevertheless, the type of English introduced to Canada in the early 19th century was by no means standard. This was definitely the case for those British immigrants who came to Canada to establish a new life. Statistics from Canada indicate that while most people in Canada speak English or French at home, one out of every six people reported having a mother tongue other than English or French. This includes the two official languages, English and French, as well as 128 "immigrant" or imported languages like German and Italy and about 66 Indigenous languages. In total, 196 specific languages were reported as being spoken in Canada — 66 Aboriginal and 128 "immigrant" ones. Instead they brought a more “casual” type of English to the country, a circumstance that caused the minority of educated immigrants to object, including  a woman named Susanna Moodie, who penned the book Roughing It in the Bush (1852), a biopic about her struggles with Canadian English. Roughly 150,000 have Algonquian as their first language, a language family that includes Cree and Ojibway. Indigenous languages from coast to coast to coast. Some of these languages are sign languages. (See also Indigenous Language R… Aside from these two official languages, there’s a long tail of about 200 distinct languages spoken across Canada. ## Official Languages of Canada -- Spanish (554,000) Language experts have conducted a number of studies concerning the French language, particularly since the 1960s, in regions such as the Maritime Provinces, Newfoundland, Quebec and Ontario, in both rural and urban areas, but the four western provinces have been relatively neglected up until recently. With over 50 Aboriginal languages, and dozens of dialects currently spoken across the country, Canada has an incredible amount of linguistic diversity. Between 1755 and 1763, 10,000 of the 14,000 people living in Acadia were deported by the English, but a great many of these exiles subsequently returned and settled in New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, where they rejoined other Acadians who had escaped deportation. languages spoken in canada The vast nation of Canada is officially bilingual. There are also many Indigenous languages spoken in Canada. This descriptor has the advantage of pointing out the current usage of languages. Italian 170,330 (0.6%) 7. There are 196 languages reported as being used in Canada. Due to its large population of French-speaking residents, one can safely assume that the Francophone community of Quebec will survive well into the future, especially when you consider recent legislation that aims to respect the rights of these communities. About a fifth of Canadians, or nearly 6.8 million people, reported having a mother tongue other than English or French, Canada's two official languages. However, if we talk about the main languages spoken in Canada, they are French and English. New France developed slowly in Canada, beginning with a population of 13,000 in 1695 and rising to 70,000 by 1763, when it became a British colony. Some of these languages are spoken by less than 1,000 people. Among other things, the ACT stated that all Canadians have the right to appear before tribunals and federal courts using an official language of their choice. However, not all natives speak their ancestral languages, even if they belong to a specific ethnic group. Thus, they did not bring with them the “proper” form of English that was spoken, for example, by graduates of Oxford and Cambridge University. During that period, French was dominated by the English language in many sectors of Canadian society, and as such, many words and usages of the latter became commonplace in French speech. These languages fall into 12 separate language families and are traditionally spoken by First Nations, Métis people and the Inuit. Acadian French, spoken in the Maritimes and in parts of Quebec, is characterized by certain distinctive phonetic features, such as the use of the “u” vowel instead of the open “o.” It is also characterized by numerous words that originated from the areas of France from which they immigrated—regions south of the Loire. -- Cantonese (595,000) Vancouver is notable as the four leading immigrant home languages account for 58% of the total population speaking an immigrant language at home. Additionally, 85.6% of the population is able to communicate in English and 30.1% are able to speak and understand French. German 128,350 (0.4%) 11. In 2016, Statistics Canadareported that for about 40 Indigenous languages in Canada, there are only about 500 speakers or less. These new Canadians brought with them the kind of English that they had learned from their parents in their homeland, and it bore little similarity to what is now often called Standard British English, or simply Standard English. The Northwest Territories (NWT) is the only jurisdiction in Canada that names nine (9) official Aboriginal languages alongside English and French through its Official Languages Act. They were generally spoken on a regular basis in addition to the main home language (such as English or French); however, some exceptions are … … The most recent census shows that the number of Indigenous Canadians learning their native tongue is on the rise, however, suggesting many younger Indigenous people are learning it as a second language. There are 196 languages reported as being used in Canada. -- Punjabi (568,000) There are over 200 languages spoken in Canada, with some more widespread than others. On-line version accessed January 19, 2018. The table below shows the distribution of languages that are spoken by Aboriginals in Canada. Below we have listed the top twenty spoken languages of Canada—the languages spoken at home by those living in Canada, the total number of speakers, and the percentage of the population they represent: 1. Two territories of Canada give official status to native languages. Among the 50 or so other Aboriginal languages, Footnote 5 most of them were spoken at home by between 30% and 60% of the people who reported them as mother tongues. Canada is a modern linguistic treasure chest, offering the avid language enthusiast plenty of opportunities to immerse oneself in a linguistic wonderland. This does not include the large number of native languages that can be heard around the country, particularly in the northernmost reaches of Canada. 228,770 Canadians speak Indigenous languages at home, more than the number who say an Indigenous language … Canadian French, while spoken across an extensive geographic area, and having certain regional differences in vocabulary and pronunciation (Montréal, Québec City, central Québec, Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean, the Ottawa valley, northern Ontario, etc. In the present day, there are now roughly 300,000 people in these three provinces that claim French as their mother tongue, most of whom are direct descendants of the original Acadians. These include the United Nations, the European Union, the World Trade Organization, and the International Monetary Fund. The pluralistic society of Canada is filled with people of various origins and this is reflected in the linguistic makeup of the country as well. Chinese 790,035 (2.6%) 4. Canada is home to a rich variety of indigenous languages that are spoken nowhere else. The following is a snapshot of the top languages spoken in Toronto. There are at least 65 aboriginal ethnic groups in Canada and probably as many languages. When individuals relocate far from their homeland, two things occur to their language. In the 2011 Census of Canada, the Canadian population of nearly 33.5 million reported more than 200 languages as their language spoken at home or their mother tongue. Even in those provinces where the French language is most commonly heard, a majority of the residents can speak at least some English, and nearly half are bilingual, meaning they are fluent in both French and English. The many languages spoken in Canada are a reflection of the country’s long history and colonial roots. About 86% of Canadians can speak English while 30% can speak French. In Quebec, about 77% of people are native French speakers or francophones and 95% speak French as a first or second language. The most frequently spoken languages (https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/census-wednesday-language-1.4231213) at home other than French or English are: They speak many languages, have distinct histories, and practice a variety of religions. While most Canadians speak one of two official languages, English and French, there are nearly 200 languages spoken in the country including Aboriginal or Indigenous languages, official languages, and "immigrant" languages. More than 75 percent of the Cree speakers live in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. Dutch 159,440 (0.6%) 8. Inuktitut spoken by 39,025 Canadians at home and 21,800 speak Ojibway. Of these many languages, only French and English have been given official status by the federal government of Canada. Approximately 56.9% of the population of Canada speaks English as a native language, while 21.3% speak French as a first language. The survey also says that the fastest growing language groups in the country are those that are regularly spoken in Asia and the Middle East. Today the number of French-speaking people residing in Quebec is over 5.5 million, while the areas west of Quebec, from Ontario to British Columbia, is home to approximately 800,000 francophones. Indigenous communities and various educational institutions have taken measures to prevent more language loss and to preserve Indigenous languages. With that being said, there are many different languages that are spoken throughout the entirety of Canada, aside from the two official languages. -- Italian (51,000). In the 17 century, early French settlers founded two colonies in North America:  Acadia, in what is now Nova Scotia; and New France, in what is now the province of Quebec. Calgarians have identified more than 120 languages that are spoken as their mother tongue. English and French are the co-official languages of Canada, and both are used in the country’s federal government institutions. From an official standpoint, Canada is a bilingual country, with both French and English recognized as the nation’s national languages, but there are also a multitude of non-official languages spoken in the country, ranging from German and Spanish to Punjabi and Chinese. In Toronto, the top 10 non-official Mother Tongues are as follows. Section 133 of that Act also stipulated that English and French should be used in the journals and records of Parliament, and that legislation should be enacted in both official languages. In addition to dozens or more languages introduced by immigrants to Canada over the last two hundred years, there are also many unique Canadian dialects of common European languages. In Vancouver, about 18% of people speak Mandarin, Punjabi, or Cantonese alone. The X axis shows mother-tongue retention in percentage. According to experts, it is unlikely that the British immigrants to Canada were highly educated. But it’s not just those in Quebec — there are many communities outside la belle … -- Mandarin (640,000 Canadians) Canada has two official languages, English and French. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms spells out language rights in Canada and the Official Languages Act specifies the obligations of Canadian government institutions at the federal level. Urban Quebec like Montreal is split. There are around 70 distinct Indigenous languages in Canada. Today, there are over one million people of First Nations ancestry in Canada. Additional Source: Statistics Canada, “Language spoken at home, Canada, 2011 and 2016,” Focus on Geography Series, 2016 Census, Canada, Provinces and Territories, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. The Northwest Territories grants official status to 11 languages including English, French, Cree, Chipewyan, and Inuktitut. This number does not distinguish between fluent and learning speakers, which means that a more accurate estimation of the number of fluent language speakers of any particular Indigenou… In fact, a whopping 98 per cent of Canadians say they have the ability to conduct a conversation in English, French or both. French. Of these, only Cree, Inuktitut, and Ojibwayhave a large enough population of fluent speakers to be considered viable to survive in the long term. This is because all the major changes that were to affect the grammatical structure of English took place in Britain well before most of the people immigrated to Canada. Most other Aboriginal mother tongues not the main home language. Canada is home to many languages. More changes came in 1969, when the Canadian Parliament adopted the first Official Languages Act, which recognized French and English as official languages to be used in all federal institutions. The fifty Aboriginal languages in Canada belong to 11 major language families:  10 First Nation language families and Inuktitut. Regional distribution of language … Only the three Indigenous languages above have enough native speakers to be considered likely to survive long-term. Tagalog is the fastest growing of these non-official languages, growing 35% between 2011 and 2018, followed by Arabic. Italian             170,330         (0.6%), Dutch              159,440         (0.6%), Arabic             144,745         (0.5%), Urdu                102,805         (0.3%), Polish              101,575         (0.3%), Persian             97,220          (0.3%), Russian            93,805          (0.3%), Tamil                  92,680          (0.3%), Greek                 55,100          (0.2%), Gujarati              52,715          (0.2%). This list shows countries/disputed countries organised by the languages which are spoken there Indo-European languages Albanian. Generally, Acadians and French-Canadian speakers understand one another quite easily, despite the fact that there are some minor differences in the type of French they speak. Along with these two languages, there are many more languages spoken in this beautiful country. Home language This is the language most often spoken at home and is currently preferred to identify francophones, anglophones, and allophones. Ukrainian 148,090 (0.5%) 9. In addition to English and French, there are many non-official languages in use as well as Indigenous languages. -- Canadian Ukrainian, a distinct Ukrainian dialect of Western Canada spoken by descendants of separate Ukrainian immigrant waves. Canada has an "official bilingualism" policy in terms of policies, constitutional protections, and provisions which means all government business is conducted in both languages and access to goods and services must be provided in both languages. Although English is far more commonly spoken then French, In Rural parts of Quebec and many of the Maritime provinces are large populations of native French speakers. Table 2: Population by mother tongue, Canada. Ojibway (22,000). Of them, only Ojibway, Inuktitut and Cree are spoken by a large enough group of speakers to be considered relevant. Outside New Brunswick and Ontario, on the other hand, the survival of such French-speaking communities is far less certain,  Recent census data reveals that, in at least three provinces (British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland), the French speaking population is declining sharply, due to assimilation into the English-speaking majority. Prior to colonization, multilingualism was common among indigenous bands, which were often temporary and nomadic. Inuktitut (39,000) -- Arabic (514,000) Our other official language, French, is the second-most commonly spoken language in Canada. How many languages does the average Canadian speak? Here’s a breakdown of the 211 languages spoken in Canada — and the complex histories they reveal. Combined, about 0.6% of Canadians speak an Indigenous language as their mother tongue. People speak Indigenous languages in almost every region of Canada, as illustrated in the infographic below from Statistics Canada. It was spoken English, often typical of the region from which the speakers came, such as Ireland, Yorkshire or Devon. Canada has two official languages: English and French. About 15% of Canadians speak a language at home other than English or French and 23% have a mother tongue other than an official language. English is the most spoken language in the world, and is the global lingua franca, or common language. Although there are slight different in pronunciations between British and Canadian English, the grammatical differences are few in number. There are two data series, one showing complete retention (language spoken most often at home) and the other showing partial retention (language spoken regularly at home). -- Tagalog (525,000) For a high level review of Calgary's demographic, download our Calgary Census 2016 Infographic. The Y axis shows the following mother tongues: English, French and non-official language. Statistics Canada defines mother tongue as the first language learned in childhood and still spoken; it does not presuppose literacy in that or any language. The history of Canada’s bilingualism policy can be traced back to the British North America Act of 1867, which formally allowed the use of both the French and English languages in parliamentary debates and federal courts’ proceedings. are Punjabi with 182,920 speakers and German at 73,625. The Translation Bureau, a federal institution, was formed in 1934 by an Act of Parliament, and in 1959, simultaneous interpretation was introduced in the House of Commons. All public services, legislative decisions, and court proceedings are held in both French and English. In present day Canada, French and English are the first languages or mother tongue of 23.2 percent and 58.8 percent of the Canadian population, respectively. Other Indo-European languages and Asian languages are spoken by 2.2% and 4.3% of the population respectively. Salishan languages are also used in the Northwest Plateau, while Iroquoian and Algic languages are spoken in the Eastern Woodlands cultural area. What this means, essentially, is that the public has the right to communicate with, and receive services from, federal government institutions in either English or French and that federal government employees have the option of working in the official language of their choice in designated bilingual regions. These five languages account for about 190,000 speakers; the other 40,000 speak more than 60 other Indigenous languages. The majority of the population (97 percent) in the rest of Canada knows how to speak English, and 7.5 percent are able to speak French. The number of people reporting speaking Tagalog at home grew by 35 per cent since the last census. Street sign in Vancouver, SourceThe federal government of Canada is committed to advancing the equality and status of the English and French languages within Canadian society and provides support to the development of English and French linguistic minority communities. Some of the non-official languages are spoken by large… According to the 2011 census, 51 per cent of Toronto residents list English as their Mother Tongue. While the languages and cultures outlined on this list comprise the most visibly and widely spoken, it is important to note that over 150 languages and cultures are active across the city, accentuating the notion that Toronto is truly a city of cultural diversity! This is consistent with international distribution, where a small proportion of speakers account for the greatest number of languages spoken. Throughout the provinces… French 6,608,125 (19.1%) 3. Languages Spoken at Home in Canada . During the past century or more, roughly 10 of Canada’s once-flourishing Aboriginal languages have become extinct, and at least a dozen are on the brink. There are 12 Indigenous language groups in Canada, made up of more than 65 distinct languages and dialects, including many sign languages. Like the United States, Canada is becoming a melting pot of different ethnicities, cultures and languages. Montreal Library, SourceAlthough the English language could be heard in Canada prior to the 19 century, there were neither enough speakers nor enough significant features in the language for it to be regarded as anything other than British English. Nunavut grants official status to Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun. More than 25 per cent of people speak a third language in Canada’s west-most province. In Quebec, the rate of bilingualism has risen from 26 percent to 40 percent in the last two decades. The most commonly spoken Indigenous languages are: 
Cree (84,000 Canadians) Approximately 200 different languages are spoken here, and 45% of the residents speak a mother tongue other than French or English, according to the 2011 census. ), is considerably more homogeneous than European French, which displays variation from region to region over a smaller territory. The Cree language is spoken by approximately 75,000 people across Canada, making it the most spoken of Canada’s Aboriginal languages. The Act recognizes that many languages are spoken and used by people of the NWT and is committed the preservation, development, and enhancement of the Aboriginal languages. Some of these families are considered large and strong, while others are small and vulnerable. The most important, Mandarin, was spoken by 610,835 people (1.8%). According to the latest census information, there are over 50 distinct languages and many more native dialects spoken throughout Canada, which are classified into 11 Aboriginal language groups. However, Canada’s fastest-growing language is Tagalog, a language of the Philippines. Mother Tongue is defined as the first language learned at home in childhood and still understood at the time of the census. Acadian (Acadien), Franco-Ontarien, Québécois, Shippagan, Franco-Terreneuvien, Franco-Manitoban, https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/census-wednesday-language-1.4231213. English is the most commonly spoken language in the country but French isn't far behind. The remaining eight language families account for only 7 percent of persons with an Aboriginal first language, an indication of these languages’ small relative size. The ground reality is that a vast number of Canadians speak English. English 20,584,775 (67.1%) 2. Below we have listed the top twenty spoken languages of Canada—the languages spoken at home by those living in Canada, the total number of speakers, and the percentage of the population they represent: The provinces in which the largest percentage of their specific population speaks something other than French or English as their first language are British Columbia, 16.6 percent; Ontario, 16.1 percent; Manitoba, 10.1 percent; and Alberta, 9.8 percent. -- Newfoundland English, a West Country dialect introduced by the first European settlers in the area. 98-404-X2016001, Ottawa, updated November 29, 2017. Punjabi 500,000 (1.0%) 5. This is not shocking when you consider the current situation. With regard to geographic distribution, 95 percent of those living in Quebec speak French, and 45 percent are bilingual (French/English). We have made a brief breakdown of the most commonly spoken languages. The data used for this map* illustrates “Aboriginal language spoken at home,” either as a first or secondary language. Spanish 209,955 (0.7%) 6. To no one’s surprise, English and French are the most spoken languages in Canada . All but three Indigenous languages in Canada are no longer considered viable with a low number of native speakers. View statistics on the highest percentage mother tongue languages in Calgary. Over 200 languages are spoken as a first language in Canada, making it one of the most diverse countries on the planet. Following the British conquest of New France, immigration from France reduced drastically, and didn’t pick up again until the beginning of the 20 century, when French immigration was at an all-time high. No doubt 80% of Canadians speak either English or French. Languages. Many Indigenous languages in Canada are endangered because of a history of restrictive colonial policies such as the Indian Act and residential schools that prohibited the speaking of these mother tongues. However, between 1825 and 1846 more than half a million immigrants came to Canada directly from Britain, and by 1871 over 2 million people in Canada listed the British Isles as their land of origin. Another 28,000 have Inuktitut as their mother tongue, and 20,000 have Athapaskan. Most other Aboriginal mother tongue is defined as the first language learned at home grew by 35 per of! % between 2011 and 2018, followed by Arabic status by the languages are! 40 Indigenous languages 10 first nation language families collectively represent 93 percent of those living Quebec... Not the main home language this is the second-most commonly spoken language in,. Language this is consistent with international distribution, 95 percent of those living in Quebec the. 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