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“Being Black and Feeling Blue: The Mental Health Consequences of Racial Discrimination”. 27,35 2005; 61(7):1576-1596. o    Taylor T.R., Kamarck T.W., Shiffman S. “Validation of the Detroit area study discrimination scale in a community sample of older African American adults: the Pittsburgh healthy heart project.” International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. The EDiS comprised eleven ordinal items categorized from never (0) to almost every day (5). & Lepisto, E.M. “The perceived racism scale: A multidimensional assessment of the experience of white racism among African Americans.” Ethnicity and Disease. 0000004272 00000 n Have you ever been UNFAIRLY denied medical care or provided medical care that was worse than what other people get?19. •    Source: Williams, D.R., González, H.M., Williams, S., Mohammed, S.A., Moomal, H, Stein, D.J. Have you ever moved into a neighborhood where neighbors made life difficult for you or your family? “Racial Differences in Physical and Mental Health: Socioeconomic Status, Stress, and Discrimination.” Journal of Health Psychology. At any time in your life, have you ever been UNFAIRLY fired?2. You are treated with less courtesy than other peop le are. & Collins, C. "Racial Residential Segregation: A Fundamental Cause of Racial Disparities in Health." Kevin Jefferson. You were prevented from remaining in a neighborhood because neighbors made life so uncomfortable? 2000; 527-564., New York: Russell Sage Foundation, •    Developed for the 1995 Detroit Area Study (DAS). 4. 12. Can you tell me if any of the following has ever happened to you:1. In what year did you first have an experience of ___________________?H1e. •    Krieger, N., Waterman, P.D., Kosheleva, A., Chen, J.T., Carney, D.R., Smith, K.W., Bennett, G.G., Williams, D.R., Freeman, E., Russell, B., Thornhill, G., Mikolowsky, K., Rifkin, R., Samuel, L. “Exposing Racial Discrimination: Implicit & Explicit Measures-The My Body, My Story Study of 1005 US-Born Black & White Community Health Center Members.” PLoS One. 2004; 11:88–94. Everyday Discrimination Scale 1. How many times has this happened during your lifetime? �T:!Uw����=-lJp\D��/�]�y�8�R. You were denied or provided inferior service by a plumber, car mechanic, or other service provider? Your Education or Income Level    OTHER POSSIBLE CATEGORIES TO CONSIDER1. A Physical Disability    11. “Racial/Ethnic Discrimination and Health:  Findings from Community Studies.”  American Journal of Public Health, 2003 93(2):  200-208.•    Wyatt, S.B., Williams, D.R., Calvin, R., Henderson, F., Walker, E., and Winters, K.  Racism and Cardiovascular Disease in African Americans:  Evidence and Implications for the Jackson Heart Study. Talked to someone about how you were feeling.6. This Post-Print is brought to you for free and open access. (1997), the Everyday Discrimination Scale (EDS) is among the most widely used instruments to assess this type of discrimination (Bastos et al., 2010). 1999 54:805-816.•    Williams, D.R. Some3. Sought or found spiritual comfort and support.Global Evaluation            H7. •    Expanded from the 1995 Detroit Area Study and the MIDUS study for the YES Health Study. (CHECK MORE THAN ONE IF VOLUNTEERED).H4. 1997; 2(3):335-351. o    Krieger N., Smith K., Naishadham D., Hartman C., Barbeau E.M. “Experiences of discrimination: validity and reliability of a self-report measure for population health research on racism and health.” Social Science & Medicine. You were not hired for a job? Try to avoid certain social situations and places.Response scale for all items:    Almost every day………1    At least once a week………2    A few times a month………3    A few times a year………4    Less than once a year………5    Never………6. Some other Aspect of Your Physical Appearance    9. o    Krieger, N. “Racial and gender discrimination: Risk factors for high blood pressure?” Social Science and Medicine. 0000002976 00000 n “Racial Disparities in Health: How Much Does Stress Really Matter?” Du Bois Review, 2011; 8(1): 95-113. How often are you watched more closely than others?4. “Research on Discrimination and Health: An Exploratory Study of Unresolved Conceptual and Measurement Issues” American Journal of Public Health. “Racial Differences in Physical and Mental Health: Socioeconomic Status, Stress, and Discrimination.” Journal of Health Psychology. Scared7. 4. •    Developed for the Chicago Community Adult Health Study (CCAHS). “Perceived Discrimination, Race and Health in South Africa: Findings from the                                                                                                                                               South Africa Stress and Health Study.”  Social Science and Medicine, 2008 67: 441-452.•    Tynes, B., Giang, M.T., Williams, D.R., and Thompson, G.N. 0000008466 00000 n In what year was your MOST RECENT EXPERIENCE of _____________________?H5a. 0000007791 00000 n Carefully observe what happens around you?6. •    How did you respond to this/these experience(s)? •    This scale was used in the National Survey of American Life (NSAL) and the South African Study of Stress and Health study (SASH). & Lepisto, E.M. “The perceived racism scale: A multidimensional assessment of the experience of white racism among African Americans.” Ethnicity and Disease. 0000011114 00000 n 0000002472 00000 n DHHS pub. … “Race, Place, and Discrimination.” In Carol Gardner (ed. C1[]�IY��U(�6�^��͵ʝ'-Z�0,!⺈�(�v�!�� \�R@V�� ���b�.L�:x��Tc(�����J��Wc\�W�F�$*0���H�꣪H��+�]&���G��L}���d�a ��u�:_fK`E���y�������n2����2�y:-/u�2s��/E�r�u�n�o����Stҿ�t����bi%�&L,V�n+� Overall, how much harder has your life been because of discrimination?1. (If more than one main reason, circle all that apply.)1. NOH3a. •    Adapted from NSAL for the CCAHS study. )# OF TIMES IN YOUR LIFE1. A physical disability2. 3. “Unfair Treatment, Neighborhood Effects, and Mental Health in the Detroit Metropolitan Area”. “Racial Disparities in Health: How Much Does Stress Really Matter?” What do you think was the main reason for your worst experience? �y�fq��S)s�s�t���fY�p��!h�^W��çJ���u!���cW�٦8�.ڬ�{ʔ�% Nursing Research, 2002 51(3): 183-190.•    Jackson, J.S., Williams, D.R., and Torres, M.  “Perceptions of Discrimination, Health and Mental Health:  The Social Stress Process.”  2002 Socioeconomic Conditions, Stress and Mental Disorders:  Toward a New Syn of Research and Public Policy. Have you ever been unfairly stopped, searched, questioned, physically threatened or abused by the police?5. (In Press). “Racial Disparities in Health.” Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 2011; 8: 95-113. o    McNeilly, M.D., Anderson, N.B., Armstead, C.A., Clark, R., Corbett, M., Robinson, E.L., Pieper, C.F. “The Concept of Race and Health Status in America.” Public Health Reports. 0000002359 00000 n 11. “Discrimination, Race, and Health.” 1998  Proceedings of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics and Data User’s Conference, July 28-31, 1997, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., CD Rom #1. “Race, Place, and Discrimination.” in Carol Gardner (ed. Have you ever felt that others at your place of employment UNFAIRLY got promotions or pay raises faster than you did?4. (PROBE:  ensure that information is included about the age, gender, and race of the perpetrator).H3. 2. You were discouraged by a teacher or advisor from seeking higher education? 69-80 in Whitfield, Keith E., (ed. Have you ever moved into a neighborhood where neighbors made life difficult for you or your family?8. JAI Press. Please tell me if you did each of the following things A LOT, SOME, or NOT AT ALL:        1. 1997). The Everyday Discrimination Scale that he developed is the most widely used measure of discrimination in health studies. How often does your supervisor or boss direct racial or ethnic slurs or jokes at you?6. 1997 2(3):335-351.•    Forman, T.A., Williams, D.R., and Jackson, J.S. Went on as if nothing had happened. ), Closing the Gap:  Improving the Health of Minority Elders in the New Millennium. 209-243.•    Guthrie, B.J., Young, A.M., Williams, D.R., Boyd, C.J., and Kintner, E.K., “African American Girls’ Smoking Habits and Day-to-Day Experience with Racial Discrimination. How often do others assume that you work in a lower status job than you do and treat you as such?11. The Everyday Discrimination Scale (EDS; Williams, Yu, Jackson, & Anderson, 1997) is one of the most commonly used measures with both adolescent and adult populations, as this nine-item scale has been used in a multitude of population- and community- 0000004873 00000 n “Discrimination and Health.”  In Anderson, N.B. “Racial segregation and disparities in cancer stage for seniors.”  Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2008 23(5):699-705.•    Haas, J. S., Earle, C. C., Orav, J. E., Brawarsky, P., Keohane, M., Neville, B. 1, Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications, 2004 254-259.•    Williams, D.R. Not surprised/resignedH5f. Talked to someone who could do something concrete about the situation. •    Source: In Press  Williams, D.R., John, D., Oyserman, D., Sonnega, J., Mohammed, S.A., Jackson, J.S. Tried to keep your feelings to yourself. 93-130.•    Williams, D.R. How often do you feel that you are ignored or not taken seriously by your boss?10. Could you tell me more about what happened? Surveying Racial Discrimination: Analyses From a Multiethnic Labor Market. You told me that you have been UNFAIRLY ________________.H1a. Your Ancestry or National Origins    2. Follow-up questions after each item:1. How often are you watched more closely than other workers?3. 10. In addition to what we have talked about, have you ever been treated UNFAIRLY, prevented from doing something, or been hassled or made to feel inferior by the police or the courts?Other Major Experiences of Unfair Treatment17. People act as if they think you are not smart.5. “Racial Disparities in … 2000; 527-564., New York: Russell Sage Foundation, •    Measure: Here are some situations that can arise at work. •    Williams, D.R. GLOBAL FOLLOW UP QUESTION AFTER ALL ITEMS: What was the main reason for the discrimination you experienced? 0000006864 00000 n •    Collins, C. and Williams, D.R. NOH5. •    Adapted from the 1995 DAS  •    See for more information•    Source: Kessler, R.C., Mickelson, K., and Williams, D.R. 6. It has been accepted for inclusion in OHSU-PSU School of Public Health Faculty Publications and Presentations by an authorized administrator of PDXScholar. What do you think was the main reason for this experience? 2000 Johns-Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. At work, when different opinions would be helpful, how often is your opinion not asked for?3. 2004; 11:88–94.•    Measure:  In your day-to-day life, how often do any of the following things happen to you?1. Thinking over your entire life, in addition to what we have talked about, have you ever been treated UNFAIRLY, prevented from doing something, or been hassled or made to feel inferior in some other aspect of your life?Response categories for all of the previous questions are Yes/No.•    Follow-up Questions:We want to talk in more detail about experiences of unfair treatment you told me about earlier.For each Question:H1. [Things like] poorer service, when people act as if you are not smart or as if they are afraid of you. Some other aspect of your appearance8. 1990; 30 (12), 1273-1281.H6. For unfair reasons, have you ever not been hired for a job? %PDF-1.5 %���� This study explored select psychometric properties of the Everyday Discrimination Scale in 120 Black adolescents (65 males and 55 females). Was your worst experience of ________________________ also your VERY FIRST experience?Response Categories:     YES -   GO TO H4. Please tell me how often you have experienced them during the LAST 12 MONTHS.1. 2012 7(1): e30501. Kim G(1), Sellbom M(2), Ford KL(3). •    Source: Kessler, R.C., Mickelson, K., and Williams, D.R. People act as if they are afraid of you.6. ), Perspectives on Social Problems. •    Measure: Here are some more situations that can arise at work. Developed by Williams et al. Have you ever been unfairly prevented from moving into a neighborhood because the landlord or a realtor refused to sell or rent you a house or apartment?7. “Race, Health, and Health Care.”  St. Louis University Law Journal, 2003 48(1):  13-35.•    Williams, D.R., “Racism and Health.”  2004 Pp. Your Sexual Orientation    10. Public Health Reports, 2001. “Perceived Discrimination, Race and Health in South Africa: Findings from the South Africa Stress and Health Study.”  Social Science and Medicine, 2008; 67: 441-452. a. 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Clark, R. “ Racism and Health: how much has Discrimination with.? Harassment ( 3 ):335-351.• Forman, T.A., Williams, D.R. and... Conceptual and Measurement Issues ” American Psychologist Socioeconomic and Racial Differences in Physical and Mental Health: An Study. And Fellows of Harvard College or avoid being harassed? 4 reason other than Discrimination, enter `` ''! From distinguishing inseparable causes of Discrimination, `` Racism, Discrimination & Hypertension: Evidence & Needed ''. =.84 ) 1 during your lifetime: Sternthal, M., and Discrimination. ” in Kris Heggenhougen and Stella (... Medical care that was worse than what other people are.2 ).H4 and support.Global H7... The little indignities of Everyday life your day-to-day life, have you ever unfairly! Seriously by your boss? 10 ( CHECK more than ONCE ( SPECIFY ) _____________________________ service or avoid being )... 0.18 ) much has Discrimination interfered with you having a full and productive life? S15 and Medicine three! 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