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The Peace of Prague of 1635 temporarily ended the fighting and granted a truce to the Protestant opponents of the emperor. Pick, the cinematic version of The Last Valley, directed by James Clavell, was the final feature … The often chaotic way in which armies were recruited and financed was at least in part responsible for the widespread lack of discipline among soldiers often remarked upon by contemporaries. . The Balkan Wars of 1912–1913 initiated a period of conflict in Europe…, Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Thirteenth Amendment (Judicial Interpretation),,,,,, However, his death at the battle of Lützen in 1632 caused Sweden's German allies to abandon the fight. Peace between France and Spain proved elusive. In 1619, Ferdinand of Styria became Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor. Yet the actual participants in this religiously motivated, seemingly endless conflict have largely been ignored. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. . The Reformation, strongly opposed by the Catholic Habsburgs, brought religious persecution and civil war to Germany. Corrections? The Protestants of Bohemia responded by declaring Ferdinand deposed as their king and replacing him with Elector Frederick V of the Palatinate. "Thirty Years War consequences The Catholic Habsburgs was the strongest family in Europe. Using this as a pretext, Danish armies entered the Empire. His allies in Germany, in particular Maximilian of Bavaria, were, in fact, increasingly apprehensive about the predominance of Habsburg power and the close cooperation between Ferdinand II and Spain. The Thirty Years' War was fought from 1618 until 1648. Moreover, they resented the arrogant and ruthless behavior of Ferdinand's commander-in-chief, Wallenstein, who had imposed enormous financial burdens on friend and foe alike, raising contributions for his 100,000-man army almost everywhere in Germany. The electoral dignity and the Upper Palatinate were granted to Maximilian of Bavaria (1623). of Calif.1947). Gustavus, engaged in a Polish war, could do little, but Christian, a prince of the Empire by virtue of his ducal title to Holstein, did intervene. At this stage, however, the Habsburg ascendancy in Europe, successfully reasserted in the early 1620s, was seriously challenged by France and Sweden. ." The Jesuits were given charge of the education of the Bohemian nobility and of the task of converting Bohemia to Rome. c. v. wedgwood, The Thirty Years War (New Haven 1939). Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. 7 Apr. World Encyclopedia. World Encyclopedia. Experiencing the Thirty Years War: A Brief History with Documents. Cities, towns, and villages were burned and plundered; some of them disappeared. . Who had ultimate authority in the states that made up the Holy Roman Empire—the emperor or the prince of each state? The Thirty Years War (London, 1984), xv, makes the opposite—and more plausible—claim that Wedgwood represents a continuation of the German war approach. Refer to each style’s convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Münster/Osnabrück 1998. The Renaissance. Reacting to the relentless Counter-Reformation offensive, which had, by a combination of missionary activity, generous imperial patronage for converts, and brute force already been successful in Styria, Carinthia, and elsewhere, they decided to kill the emperor's governors in Prague in the spring of 1618 by throwing them out of the windows of the imperial palace during a meeting of the Estates. Retrieved April 07, 2021 from 7 Apr. The Thirty Years' War was fought from 1618 until 1648. Christian’s defeat and the Peace of Lübeck in 1629 finished Denmark as a European power, but Sweden’s Gustav II Adolf, having ended a four-year war with Poland, invaded Germany and won many German princes to his anti-Roman Catholic, anti-imperial cause. In fact, almost all of the powerful countries in Europe were involved in the war. As no satisfactory agreement could be reached between the followers of Catholicism and Protestantism, a feeling of bitterness continued to persist between them which ultimately culminated in the Thirty Years’ War. READ PAPER. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. A brief treatment of the Thirty Years’ War follows. This was true in particular for the Holy Roman Empire but to a lesser extent also for some areas of northern Italy and of France. Because of these developments, many historians regard 1648 as a dividing line that marks the beginning of modern Europe. In fact, the important Dutch fortress of Breda had to surrender in 1625 to Spanish troops, a victory immortalized by Velázquez in his famous painting, La rendición de Breda (1634–1635; The surrender of Breda). However, King Christian IV of Denmark, who was also, as duke of Holstein, a prince of the empire and who hoped to acquire various prince-bishoprics in northern Germany for members of his family, decided to stop Tilly's advance in 1625. It was instigated by Ferdinand of Styria who closed some Protestant churches. (April 7, 2021). The war lasted for 30 years, but the problems that caused the war were not fixed for a long time after the war was over. d. ogg, Europe in the Seventeenth Century (6th ed. The Last Valley is a 1971 film directed by James Clavell, a historical drama set during the Thirty Years' War. The Twelve Years' Truce (1609), which had brought a halt to Dutch-Spanish hostilities, expired in 1621. The Renaissance. The war also marked the political end of the Renaissance. Thirty Years War 1618 - 1648 The Thirty Years War began as a religious civil war between the Protestants and Roman Catholics in Germany that engaged the Austrian Habsburgs and the German princes. The proposal was not well received. In 1634 Spain sent a fresh army to Germany across the Alps under the command of one of Philip IV's brothers, the Cardinal Infante Ferdinand. "Thirty Years' War In any case the Peace of Prague was deficient because it had failed to make provision for buying off the Swedes, who still maintained troops in many parts of Germany—in particular in the north—with territorial or financial concessions. Cicely Veronica Wedgwood, The Thirty Years War; 480 pp (paperback); Penguin Books, Middlesex; 1957 (1938) Oxford historian, Canetti translator and National Gallery trustee Veronica Wedgwood (1910-1997) is an icon of British historiography. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Instead, he has declared that the conflict was rooted in the problems inherent to the Imperial constitution. The principal battlefield for all these intermittent conflicts was the towns and principalities of Germany, which suffered severely. Hans Medick. Wilson has argued that the Thirty Years’ War was not a religious conflict at all, except in the sense that everyone in the 17th century was religious. The crisis had a constitutional and political as well as a religious dimension. The Palatinate was occupied by Bavarian and Spanish troops in 1622, the palatine electoral dignity was transferred to Maximilian of Bavaria, and the army of the Catholic League led by Count Johann Tserclaes of Tilly threatened to dismantle the remaining Protestant strongholds in northern Germany. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Protestantism was not outlawed but was likely to be reduced to the status of a barely tolerated and marginalized religious community in Germany. Most participants in the war entrusted the raising and maintaining of troops at least to some extent to military entrepreneurs who had their own sources of income and credit, thereby complementing the insufficient resources of the state. France was now the chief Western power. It pitted the Austrian Habsburg family and their predominately Catholic supporters against a number of Protestant states in an increasingly bitter conflagration that would pull in foreign powers such as Denmark, … Moreover, the fight for Protestantism was an essential part of the claim to legitimacy of the Swedish dynasty, the Vasas, which had won the crown in the 1590s by ousting the older, Catholic branch of the family, which continued to rule in Poland. The Thirty Years' War had complex and diverse origins but religion was perhaps the most important, and religious motivation was an integral part of the political, economic, and dynastic policies that formed and reshaped the course of Europe in the 17th century. The Russo-Polish Peace of Polyanov in 1634 ended Poland’s claim to the tsarist throne but freed Poland to resume hostilities against its Baltic archenemy, Sweden, which was now deeply embroiled in Germany. Leipzig, Munich, and Vienna, 1907–1997. Soon both sides tried to find allies both in Germany and in Europe. In addition, the war marked the end of a long period of economic expansion and prosperity. The Thirty Years' War was bitterly fought and terribly destructive. In 1619, Ferdinand II (1619–37) ascended the imperial throne and joined the League in an all-out war against the Bohemians. His dedication to Catholicism and determination to stamp out Protestantism prompted a revolt in Prague, the capital of Bohemia. In fact, almost all of the powerful countries in Europe were involved in the war. It was one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in European and human history. Asch, Ronald G. The Thirty Years' War: The Holy Roman Empire and Europe, 1618–1648. The Swedes won again at the Battle of Lutzen, but Gustavus Adolphus was killed in the battle. His allies in Germany became increasingly restless and either withdrew from active participation in warfare altogether or insisted on ending the war. Vol. Catholic Spain invaded France in retaliation. "War, Economy and Society." Freiburg 1957–65); suppl., Das Zweite-Vatikanische Konzil: Dokumente und kommentare, ed. The power vacuum created by the collapse of his authority enabled ambitious princes such as Maximilian I, the duke of Bavaria, or Frederick V, the elector palatine, to pursue their own agenda. Their attempts to exploit the simmering religious conflict in Germany, which found its expression in the foundation of the Protestant Union, led by the Palatinate, in 1608 and the Catholic League (Liga), led by Bavaria, in 1609, were bound to undermine peace and stability. By the Peace of Augsburg, concluded in 1555, each German prince was free to choose the religious faith—either Lutheranism or Catholicism—to be followed in his own realm. Updates? Not only did the empire survive as a political and legal system providing reasonably effective protection and security to its members, but the rise of the Habsburg Monarchy after 1648, for example, and the flourishing baroque culture of many German courts in the later seventeenth century, show that in some areas at least the war had brought about changes that stimulated rather than stunted new growth once peace had been regained. defeat, however, forced the anti-Hapsburg German diplomats to look more to Scandinavia than to Holland for aid. Good survey of the impact of the war and the slow recovery after 1648, incorporating a great deal of recent research. Two of the emperor's representatives were attacked and thrown out of a window after a trial, an act that sparked a general revolt against Ferdinand's authority in Bohemia and Hungary. The governors miraculously survived this defenestration, but armed conflict had now become unavoidable. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. s. t. bindoff (London 1936). During the next two phases, which lasted until 1629, the Holy Roman Emperor strengthened his control over the German states. 1 The Prague Defenestration 2 The Battle of White Mountain 3 The Danish War 4 The Swedish War 5 The Franco-Swedish Phase This war's roots go back to the Reformation and the spread of … Sweden and Denmark, kingdoms to the north, were seeking new territory in northern Germany, while France was opposing Habsburg power in Germany and the Low Countries. Moreover, he had managed to antagonize his own family. ." The war continued for 13 years, during which time an internal revolt was transformed into an international conflict. Download. 13 .13Liborius Wagner, A Catholic Martyr, 1631 14. London, 1978. In this Catholic reformation, the Catholic League of Princes organized by Maximilian I of Bavaria in 1609 played a formidable part. Negotiating differences was decided upon. Within a year, the Swedish forces conquered Pomerania, won cooperation from George William, the previously aloof Elector of Brandenburg, and overcame the suspicions of some of the Protestant leaders who saw little difference between a Swedish absolutist and an Austrian one. He was now officially commander-in-chief of all armed forces in the empire. . Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. C.V. Wedgwood's magisterial book is the only comprehensive account of the war in English, as well as a triumph of scholarship and literature. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. See also Augsburg, Religious Peace of (1555) ; Bohemia ; Dort, Synod of ; Dutch Republic ; Ferdinand II (Holy Roman Empire) ; Ferdinand III (Holy Roman Empire) ; France ; Gustavus II Adolphus (Sweden) ; Habsburg Dynasty ; Habsburg Territories ; Holy Roman Empire ; La Rochelle ; Louis XIII (France) ; Mantuan Succession, War of the (1627–1631) ; Military ; Netherlands, Southern ; Palatinate ; Richelieu, Armand-Jean du Plessis, cardinal ; Rudolf II (Holy Roman Empire) ; Saxony ; Spain ; Sweden ; Tilly, Johann Tserclaes of ; Wallenstein, A. W. E. von ; Westphalia, Peace of (1648) . Ambition and religious commitment led Frederick to accept election and along with Count Matthew of Thurn and Ernst von Mansfeld, the new King took command of the Bohemian armies. It began as a struggle over the crown of Bohemia but eventually developed into a political and religious war that raged over much of central Europe and involved most of the major powers of Europe. "Thirty Years' War Partly because Ferdinand hesitated to abandon his old ally Spain, it was nevertheless three years before a settlement was reached. Beginning in 1618, the Thirty Years’ War was, at heart, a struggle for constitutional and religious power within the Holy Roman Empire – Europe’s largest and most populous state. Although the struggles that created it erupted some years earlier, the war is conventionally held to have begun in 1618, when the future Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II, in his role as king of Bohemia, attempted to impose Roman Catholic absolutism on his domains, and the Protestant nobles of both Bohemia and Austria rose up in rebellion. Spanish armies marauded through the Protestant cities of western Germany, then joined up with the emperor to put down the rebellion in Austria. So when the peace treaties were signed at Münster and Osnabrück on 24 October 1648, the Franco-Spanish conflict was deliberately excluded from the settlement. Thus Ferdinand II was able to crush his enemies. Spain had lost not only the Netherlands but its dominant position in western Europe. Bireley, Robert, S. J. Israel, Jonathan I. Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. The brief reign of "the winter king" came to an end. Cicely Veronica Wedgwood, The Thirty Years War; 480 pp (paperback); Penguin Books, Middlesex; 1957 (1938) Oxford historian, Canetti translator and National Gallery trustee Veronica Wedgwood (1910-1997) is an icon of British historiography. The Thirty Years' War caused things like famine and disease in almost every country involved. . In closing, the Thirty Years' War was not one war, per se, but a series of conflicts fought between the great continental powers of seventeenth-century Europe. London and New York, 1997. Although some of the accounts of wartime atrocities, such as most or all tales of cannibalism, for example, have to be dismissed as unreliable, the excesses soldiers regularly committed when dealing with the local population in friendly as much as in enemy provinces were sufficient to severely disrupt civilian life. Personal aggrandizement became a fixed part of the religious and constitutional struggle which had spread to adjoining territories with the renewal of the war between the United Provinces and Spain. The Oxford Companion to British History. r. g. asch, The Thirty Years' War (New York 1997). Although Ferdinand III was able to buy off Sweden's ally Transylvania, which had once more, as in the 1620s, intervened in the war (supported halfheartedly by the sultan), by territorial and religious concessions in Hungary, he was now forced to come to terms with his opponents. New Catholic Encyclopedia. Having lost the battle of Breitenfeld in Saxony in September 1631, Tilly retreated to southern Germany and was decisively beaten at Rain am Lech in April 1632. Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. To quell the rebellion, Ferdinand asked for help from his nephew, King Philip IV of Spain. From there, the conflict gradually expanded, playing itself out in several stages. Detailed study of French military organization which shows how ill prepared France was for the confrontation with Spain. . The Thirty Years' War was a major conflict that occurred in Europe from1618 to1648. The Catholic League was dissolved, and only Saxony and Bavaria continued, with the emperor's permission, to maintain armies, which remained semi-independent. His personal ambitions were strong; his religious convictions, sincere; and his political aspiration, genuine. The war caused massive damage and heavy casualties on both sides, and after more battles in Bohemia and southern Germany the Truce of Ulm was signed in 1647. Instead of marching on Vienna, the Swedes conquered Bamberg, the Upper Palatinate, Mainz, and Würzburg in rapid succession. The Thirty Years' War. In February Wallenstein, who was reluctant to cooperate with Spain and was suspected of treasonous dealings with the enemy, was assassinated in Eger on the emperor's orders. 1648: War and Peace in Europe. "Thirty Years' War The overwhelming defeat of the Swedes and German Protestants at Nordlingen in September 1634 permitted the Hapsburgs to press their campaigns with greater zeal and advantage. During the Thirty Years’ War, many of the contending armies were mercenaries, many of whom could not collect their pay. Origins of the War Since the similar religious and dynastic interests of the Austrian and Spanish Hapsburgs encouraged cooperation and coordination between the two powers, the Dutch naturally turned to Protestant Germany for support in an effort to resist the Hapsburg offensive. In November 1620 his army suffered a crushing defeat in the Battle of the White Mountain near Prague against the emperor's army, which had been reinforced by troops from the Bavarian-led Catholic League and by Spanish regiments. of A History of Modern Germany (New York 1959–). 1. Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte des Dreißigjährigen Krieges, Neue Folge, Die Politik Maximilians von Baiern und seiner Verbündeten 1618–1651. Fearful of his general's growing power and personal ambitions, Ferdinand relieved the duke of his command. In Spain the fall of the duke of Lerma as royal favorite in 1618 marked the victory of those factions at court that favored a more assertive and warlike policy in central Europe, whereas at the same time in the Netherlands the adherents of rigid Calvinism and of an aggressively anti-Spanish policy gained the upper hand in 1618–1619 during and after the Synod of Dort (Dordrecht). The Oxford Companion to British History. Summary. Part I, vol. The Protestants rose up in revolt, but within two years the rebellion was stamped out by the Habsburg general, Count of Tilly.After Bohemia was defeated the Protestant king of Denmark invaded the empire but was defeated by the famous general Albrecht von Wallenstein. P. Geyl, The Netherlands Divided, tr. ." Der Dreißigjährige Krieg. Leipzig 1931–32). The Danish armies were defeated by Wallenstein at Dessau and by Tilly at Lutter in 1626. Emperor Ferdinand III (ruled 1637–1657), reluctantly supported by the majority of the German princes, was now virtually on his own in his fight against both France (which had committed a major army to operations in southern Germany) and Sweden. ." Burkhardt, Johannes. Whereas Emperor Matthias (ruled 1612–1619) and his advisers wanted to recover the ground that had been lost by the Catholic Church and the ruling dynasty alike in the preceding years of domestic crisis, the Protestant opposition emphasized the elective character of the monarchy in Bohemia and its subjection to the control of the Estates. Oxford, 1982. Occasionally somewhat idiosyncratic and fanciful in its assessment of the international situation. Others tried, with limited success, to rely on taxation. The King's tactical deployment of cavalry, light artillery, and superior infantry gave him a spectacular victory. The armies of both sides plundered as they marched, leaving cities, towns, villages, and farms ravaged. JOHN CANNON "Thirty Years War Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Open warfare between Catholics and Protestants broke out in Swabia, a region of southwestern Germany, in the early 1600s. King Gustavus, supported by the Saxons, engaged Tilly's army at Breitenfeld (Sept. 7, 1631), routing the Catholic forces. Many Protestant princes joined the struggle and appealed to Sweden for help. New Catholic Encyclopedia. The hardship this involved for the civilian population was considerable. Religion and Politics in the Age of the Counterreformation: Emperor Ferdinand II, William Lamormaini, S. J., and the Formation of Imperial Policy. Whereas French financial subsidies helped Sweden gradually recover from the defeat of Nördlingen, Spanish resources became increasingly inadequate to finance the worldwide war effort of the monarchy in the early 1640s. h. s. brechter et al., pt. Frederick V, Ferdinand II, and Gustavus II Adolphus were political leaders with dynastic ambitions, but religious principles also played a decisive part in the role that these men filled during the wars. World Encyclopedia. Wallenstein, who had been restored by Ferdinand in an effort to halt the Swedish advance, rejected the terms, and instead, invaded Saxony in the hope of weakening the Protestant alliance. In August 1619 the Estates of Bohemia deposed Ferdinand II, who had officially succeeded Emperor Matthias as king of Bohemia in March, and elected Frederick V, elector palatine, the leader of the Calvinists in Germany, in his stead. Germany in the Thirty Years' War. 7 Apr. © 2019 | All rights reserved. French armies under Marshal Henri, Vicomte de Turenne and Louis II de Bourbon, Duke d'Enghien, invaded Spanish territory and crossed into Germany. In addition, many international interests became entangled in the war. organizing and financing warfare, but gradually more and more responsibilities such as the recruitment of soldiers were delegated to local magnates and urban corporations, and thereby decentralized. Why was the Thirty Years' War so amazingly bloody? The war ended with the Treaty of Westphalia. The emperor had sent troops to northern Italy to help Spain, but withdrew these troops in late 1630. . The central issue of the war was sovereignty*. The death of Rudolph and the inability of his brother and successor, Matthias, raised the question of succession in the imperial lands. Steinberg, ‘The Thirty Years War: A New Interpretation', History , xxxii (1947), 89–102; The ‘Thirty Years War' and the Conflict for European Hegemony 1600–1660 (London, 1966). Initially the Imperial Chamber Court (Reichskammergericht) —one of the two highest law courts in Germany—had managed to settle disputes between the religious antagonists, but from the 1580s onward it became increasingly paralyzed, and the Imperial 233–262. Experiencing the Thirty Years War: A Brief History with Documents. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The confessionalization of politics, culture, and society in the later sixteenth century had in fact created a climate of all-pervasive distrust that made such a compromise almost impossible. France, however, which was reluctant to rely on military entrepreneurs because of the dangerous domestic implications of such a system, was hardly more successful in asking noblemen to pay for the units under their command partly out of their own pockets without giving them, in compensation, full legal ownership of their regiments. Overall, the struggle was between the Holy Roman Empire, which was Roman Catholic and Habsburg, and a network of Protestant towns and principalities that relied on the chief anti-Catholic powers of Sweden and the United Netherlands, which had at last thrown off the yoke of Spain after a struggle lasting 80 years. Langer, Herbert. However, no satisfactory settlement was reached in the Palatinate, in Hesse, or, for the time being, in Württemberg. A mercenary soldier and a teacher, each fleeing the religious war in southern Germany, accidentally find the valley, untouched by the war, and there live in peace. Frankfurt am Main, 1992. The crux of the war centered on religious differences between Catholics and Protestants, but each nation that entered the war had different agenda. Good on the social history of warfare. By the Treaty of Lubeck in 1629, the Danes gave up their alliance with the Protestants and the Danish king was allowed to keep his throne. Politically inspired but backed by the religious sentiments of his people, Christian accused the Emperor of unconstitutional acts against the Elector-Palatine. However, in March 1645 the Swedes beat the imperial army decisively at Jankov in Bohemia. . For this reason, victories won in battles could rarely be fully exploited. Christian's troops were routed at Lutter am Barenberge (1626). 11 Comments. Stimulating and well-argued account by a leading German scholar. Most of the fighting took place in the Holy Roman Empire, although the war grew to include European powers outside of the Empire. Tilly, the imperial commander, fell in battle in 1632. The Thirty Years War: Europe’s Tragedy is a history of prodigious erudition that manages to corral the byzantine complexity of the Thirty Years War into a coherent narrative. Some historians have argued that it was a series of separate wars that happened to overlap in time and space rather than one coherent sequence of military campaigns in which a clearly defined set of issues was at stake throughout. second balkan or interallied war The logistics of warfare in a country that had been utterly devastated by continuous fighting and lacked the most essential provisions proved a major obstacle to large-scale offensive operations. in the Holy Roman Empire. However, many problems had been left unresolved in 1555, such as the status of the ecclesiastical principalities that were ruled by Protestant prince-bishops, and of ecclesiastical property confiscated and secularized after 1555. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. It also provided for an army for the entire Empire as well as for the removal of foreign forces. Spain suffered important naval defeats against the Dutch off the English coast in 1639 (Battle of the Downs) and near Recife in Brazil in 1640. New Haven and London, 1986. Buy the print book Check if you have access via personal or institutional login. Their last doubts were dispelled when Magdeburg, a town of great symbolic importance to Protestants (it had resisted a long siege by Catholic armies in the late 1540s) was besieged by Tilly, taken by assault, sacked, and set on fire in May 1631. Instead he reached a compromise with the moderate and essentially loyal Lutherans led by Saxony. Despite the French success at Rocroy (1643) and preliminary overtures toward peace, the war dragged on. Unrivaled account of the social and economic aspects of warfare and of recruitment in this period. Despite Richelieu's subsidies, the Swedes never regained the initiative even after the succession of Emperor Ferdinand III (1637–57). Drawing on a huge body of source material from different languages and countries throughout Europe, it provided a clear and comprehensive narrative and analytical account of the subject. Dame Wedgwood was the third woman to be appointed member of the Order of Merit on the strength of her biographies of (among… The position of Protestantism in northern and eastern Germany was now reasonably safe once more. In despair Ferdinand II decided to recall Wallenstein to reorganize his army. The member states of the Holy Roman Empire were granted full sovereignty. The spark that set off the Thirty Years War came in 1618, when the Archbishop of Prague ordered a Protestant church destroyed. April 1626 and the battle of Lützen in 1632 three Years before a was! The deepening crisis of the Protestant princes joined the king of Sweden,,! In a Gordian tangle of alliances as princes and Estates were allowed to participate in the affairs Europe. 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