we are legion bible meaning
It is at least possible. Authoritative vs. Nurturant Styles of Religion. This demon possessed man “lived among the tombs. How to use legion in a sentence. And he seith to hym, A legioun is my name; for we ben many. The quote comes from the Bible. A Roman legion was a division of the Roman army and typically numbered between 3,000 and 6,000 soldiers, so a legion is This event is recorded in Mark chapter five when “They came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes. When we find the word “legion” in the New Testament, it’s referring to a specific number more than a Roman legion itself. We are legion. No one had the strength to subdue him, Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Legion, for we are many, the unclean spirits came out and entered the pigs; and the herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea, The herdsmen fled and told it in the city and in the country. When Jesus asked "Who are you? In the Roman army, a legion was a unit of soldiers. When Jesus asked the man to say his name, he said, "My name is Legion because we are many" ( Mark 5:9, Luke 8:30 ). NAS Exhaustive Concordance. Was it that they feared encountering Jesus who they knew had the power of God and it would take a considerable force to arrest Him? And he said, "Legion": because many devils were entered into him.The Gospel of Matthew, Matthew 8… Jack Wellman is Pastor of the Mulvane Brethren church in Mulvane Kansas. legion definition: 1. a large group of soldiers who form a part of an army, especially the ancient Roman army: 2…. Today in our study of the miracles of Jesus we will find Him dealing with demon possessed people. Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. Question: "What is the meaning of perfection in the Bible?" In Christianity, we are free to pursue God in all areas of our lives. And no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain, for he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces. It was a division of a couple thousand Roman soldiers, though the number could vary. “I am Legion, for we are many” comes from the scriptures. And people came to see what it was that had happened. We acknowledge this as an appropriate metaphor. Imagine that! And when he came to the other side, to the country of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men met him, coming out of the tombs, so fierce that no one could pass that way. Definitions from Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828. "We are Anonymous. Luke 8:30 N-NFS Definition: a legion. Demoniacs were persons whose minds came under the control of an evil spirit or spirits. Anonymous obviously has no love for Wall Street; it helped foster the Occupy Wall Street movement back in 2011. An indepth look at the meaning and etymology of the awesome name Legion. These nuts claim that God ...", "Maybe what happened to you was simply something going on in your mind or heart ...", "Medical science has progressed tremendously in the last 200 years. Mark 5:9 Context. A legion of Roman troops in Jesus’ day numbered about fifty-six hundred soldiers, but this does not mean that the same number of evil spirits had taken control of the Gerasene demoniac. "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many." ... She is an excellent and outstanding actor. What does Mark 5:9 mean? A military force; military bands. 2. And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him. My name is legion for we are many. [⇑ See verse text ⇑] In this verse, most of the attention is usually placed on the name of the demon: Legion. Definition: a legion, a body of soldiers whose number differed at different times, and in the time of Augustus seems to have consisted of 6826 men (i.e. This article is part of our larger resource library of popular Bible verse phrases and quotes. Get updates from Christian Crier delivered straight to your inbox. And he saith unto him, My name is Legion; for we are many." Mark 5:9 - And he asked him, What [is] thy name? This could mean that almost 700 soldiers in all came to arrest one Man, Jesus Christ. - Weymouth Bible He asked him, "What is your name?" His (our) spirit is “unclean” because it is … And they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man, the one who had had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid, And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him, And they began to beg Jesus to depart from their region, Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation, not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares, Identity Politics vs. Transactional Politics. We … A great number. Think about some of the vivid contrasts. Remember when Peter and the other disciples witnessed Jesus calming the storm just before this “And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him” (Mark 4:41)? In Mark 5:9 the demon-possessed says, "my name is legion, for we are many," "because many demons (Greek) were entered into him." I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not. Word Origin. This is a Biblical allusion to an incident where Jesus healed a maniac who ranted and raved as an animal, cut himself with stones and lived among tombs. So the term legion refers to any large number of beings; a multitude. He said to him, "My name is Legion, for we are many." Demon possessed people came up to Him all the time. This legion was a legion of demons. legion (1), Legion (2), legions (1). We Are Legion Why Now Is the Perfect and Most Important Time to Catch up on Legion Stop bingeing lesser comic book shows and get on the bandwagon before it’s too late. Mark 5:15 N-AFS GRK: ἐσχηκότα τὸν λεγιῶνα καὶ ἐφοβήθησαν NAS: the very man who had had the legion; and they became frightened. Legion is a 2010 American action horror film directed by Scott Stewart and co-written by Stewart and Peter Schink. Luke 8:30 - And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? Believers partake of unleavened bread and wine in remembrance of the sacrifice of Jesus' beaten body and shed blood. Answer: The meaning of perfection in the Bible relates to a state of completeness or absolute wholeness. That year, the group released a video in which they used the "legion" phrase to declare their disgust with what they view as corrupt corporations, government, and banks. Officials have stated repeatedly that what happened at the stock exchange was the result of an internal error, not an outside attack, and that there was no evidence the three incidents were connected or that any hacking was involved. In the Roman army, a legion was a unit of soldiers. Those who have witnessed demon possession tell us that each demon has its own distinct personality and that the individual possessed begins to manifest the … Arch Enemy's song "Nemesis" has the line 'We are Legion/Voice of Anarchy'. All rights reserved. And yet, some have. The New Testament outlines an encounter where Jesus healed a man from Gadarenes possessed by demons while traveling, known as Exorcising the Gerasenes demonic. 3. Learn more. Fallen Angels are not discussed in the Bible too much, seeing that the majority of angels in heaven have never “fallen from grace” and gone to the dark side. We do this by praising him and trusting him through difficult times. - World English Bible And Jhesus axide hym, What is thi name? Legion also known as the Gadarene demon, or translated as Lots, are a group of demons referred to in the Christian Bible in Mark 5:9 and Luke 8:30. . Meaning of Legion. A "legion", i.e., Roman regiment (figuratively) Greek: λεγεών, legeōn (G3003) 4 King James Bible Verses. We are Legion, a terminal of the geth. A military force; military bands. Legion is the name taken by the gestalt consciousness formed by 1,183 geth programs inhabiting a unique geth "mobile platform". The residents of the country of the Gerasenes must have realized that this was God in the flesh and they feared him because they were apparently unwilling to repent “And they began to beg Jesus to depart from their region” just as the demons begged Jesus that they might enter the pigs (Mark 5:17). Matthew 8:28-34 ESV / 70 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. When Jesus was about to be arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter drew his sword in trying to defend Jesus’ from the authorities but “Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. That fact must be kept in mind in our ethical discussions. Usage: properly: a division of the Roman army, numbering about 6,000 infantry with additional cavalry; hence: a very large number; a legion. So where does the phrase "We are Legion" come from? Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible. Mark 5:9. The verses continue, "And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.". For our intents and purposes in the Bible, we will look at what was commonly understood to be a legion in the times in which Jesus had His earthly ministry or about A.D. 30-33 so that we can get a precise biblical definition of a legion. What does Mark 5:9 mean? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him. No one had the strength to subdue him” (Mark 5:3-4). Do Colors Have Special Meaning In The Bible? But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so, some officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees, They came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes. When they arrived on the shore of the town of Gadara, which is on the road to Damascus, they were immediately met by a wild man who lived in the tombs outside the city. Legion is a unique geth mobile platform, designed to operate outside the Perseus Veil and … NASB Translation. Below are the English definition details. For a complete Scripture study system, try SwordSearcher Bible Software, which includes the unabridged version of this dictionary. It is a memorial of his death as the true Lamb of God. And they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man, the one who had had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid” (Mark 5:14-15). And people came to see what it was that had happened. > Where did the quote “I am Legion, for we are many” come from, and what does it mean? We “are of more value than many sparrows” (Matt. Most people who are familiar with the Bible have heard of the many possessed by a legion of demons. At the time of Augustus, this included 6100 foot soldiers and 726 horsemen. Swedish Black Metal Band Marduk has a song called "Legion" with the line "My name is legion, for we are many in here". 2. ( … Where one sin has entered, legions will force their way through the same breach. Bible verses about Legion. But now in His public ministry Jesus encountered humans who had been so controlled by evil forces that they … There is the Foreign Legion and the American Legion but a legion can be a large group of people, soldiers, a national or local organization, a military force, a very large force of any kind, a national association of veterans or a Roman Legion which can be anywhere between 3,000 and 6,000 troops, depending upon what century it was. It's actually a biblical quote with some deeply sinister implications. Note: Many of these officers are involved in the quest Restoring Hope, and completing this quest will cause the opposite quest to fail. 3. Biblical perfection involves freedom from fault, defect, or shortcoming. Naturally, that did not satisfy the more suspicious among us, especially after it was discovered that Anonymous tweeted the night before the systems' outages: "Wonder if tomorrow is going to be bad for Wall Street." Eight people were shot and killed and several others injured Thursday night... Is it Friday? I guess that means some takes. It can also be translated “oppressed” meaning coming under the power of, or influenced by, or to weigh heavily on. A Biblical Definition Of Longsuffering, "Sondergaard is a member of the New Apostolic Reformation cult. The New Testament outlines an encounter where Jesus healed a man from Gadarenes possessed by … And he answered, saying, "My name is Legion: for we are many. 11 Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! When the demon in Mark 5 said that its name was Legion, it meant that the demoniac of the Gerasenes was possessed by a large number of unclean spirits. But it's certainly an idea that is not out of the question. 10 And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country. Wall Street, expect us.". Online Bible Study Lesson 9 Jesus and Legion Demon ... Jesus for just one day. The term was used colloquially to refer to a large number of individuals. What does the source Greek word λεγεών mean and how is it used in the Bible? Topics and verses are auto-generated from user searches. So, when discussing what the Bible says about fallen angels, we have to first cover the idea that “angel free will” exists because angels are not human (they’re divine beings). Jesus asks a man with an “unclean spirit” what his name is and the man answers “My name is legion, for we are many.” What the man is referring to is the multiplicity of egos within himself (ie, the human being.) Here is legion in the Bible. Please also opt me in for Exclusive Offers from Patheos’s Partners, What Does Longsuffering Mean? At Jesus command “the unclean spirits came out and entered the pigs; and the herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea” (Mark 5:13) showing again the divinity of Christ as even the demons are subject to Him. How to use legion in a sentence. "And he asked him, What is thy name? The Bible meaning of the Passover, for the New Testament Christian, revolves around the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter and special offers. Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" There's no question that the New Testament teaches that there will be... Craig's Atonement and the Death of Christ-- Part... Q. The gospels need to be read through movement eyes, through the lives of people, particularly African Americans, who are increasingly struggling with a militarized police presence that, coupled with rampant abuse of power through racism, is creating war zones in … For all who take the sword will perish by the sword. 8 For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. "The Gospel of Luke, Luke 8:30, describes the following in the country of the Gadarenes:And Jesus asked him, saying, "What is thy name?" Each legion was divided into ten cohorts, each cohort into ten companies, and each company into two centuries. He replied, “My name is Legion, for we are many.”. And when Jesus had stepped out of the boat, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit” (Mark 5:1-2). Then “Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Legion, for we are many” (Mark 5:9). 6 But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him, 7 And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? a legion. Mark 5. If bound, he would break any fetters or chains that tried to hold him. This is what the typical size of a Roman legion was at the time. Scripture does not say … Angela Gossow's singing style is the perfect compliment to the lyrics. Jesus famously sent the demonic legion into the herd — αγελη ( agele) or "a thing driven" — of swine, which promptly destroyed itself. 10:31). This man had 2,000 demons in him, a small legion but still a very powerful one at that! Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? At this, “The herdsmen fled and told it in the city and in the country. Where one sin has entered, legions will force their way through the same breach. Anonymous originated on the imageboard, 4chan. And he answered, saying, My name [is] Legion: for we are many. Answer: The story of Jesus casting the legion of demons into a herd of pigs is found in Matthew 8:28–34; Mark 5:1-20; and Luke 8:26–39. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, It's A Small, Small (Complementarian) World, Masturbatory Worship and the Contemporary Church. The Romans used the term to mean 6000 soldiers . My Name Is Legion. Each legion was divided into ten cohorts, each cohort into ten companies, and each company into two centuries. We continue now in this section of Matthew with a passage that shows that Jesus had authority over the spiritual world, or to be more precise, the world of spirits. Then Jesus demanded, “What is your name?”. Church and ministry leadership resources to better equip, train and provide ideas for today's church and ministry leaders, like you. When Jesus asked his name the man answered, “Legion, for we are many” (Mark 5:9). One Bible account is found at Mark the 5th chapter. The warriors of the Thousand Sons legion of Chaos Space Marines, essentially possessed suits of armor, have a special rule called "we are legion", indicating their lack of individuality. Besides, as powerful as angels are, one would be more than enough. It is something like the behavior and personality change in a man who is totally intoxicated. Legion, the chief subdivision of the Roman army, containing about 6000 infantry, with a contingent of cavalry. - Mark 5:6–10 After all, demons are supernatural creatures and thus when it comes to sheer strength, these evil beings are vastly more powerful than even the strongest human being. For our intents and purposes in t… My name is legion, for we are many. My name is legion, for we are many. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter. The phrase has been interpreted to mean that the demons in the man were working as one entity, which is a fitting parallel to the group that works independently to pursue the targets of their hacks yet falls together under a common mission. Why is it that demon possession is not referred to very much in the Old Testament but talked about frequently in the New Testament? It seems likely that if Anonymous were involved with the NYSE hack, they would have definitively claimed responsibility by now. When th… Jesus was teaching on the west side of the lake, but wanted to go over to the other side. We'll discuss the original Greek, plus the words and names Legion is related to, plus the occurences of this name in the Bible. In the Bible, Jesus comes upon a man possessed by a demon, and asks him "what is thy name," according to the King James version. KJV: and had the legion, sitting, INT: him who had the legion and they were afraid. Even so, the Bible never puts the worth of animals on the same level as the worth of humanity. In this case, Jesus gives an example of how many angels He might be able to dispense at any given time and that is at minimum, a legion of angels which could be anywhere from between 3,000 to 6,000. [⇑ See verse text ⇑] In this verse, most of the attention is usually placed on the name of the demon: Legion. If a verse or topic does not belong, please contact us. What does the Bible refer to as a legion? When Jesus asked his name the man answered, “Legion, for we are many” (Mark 5:9). Matthew has already recorded the account of the temptation in which Jesus overcame Satan, the prince of demons. The Jewish authorities brought with them a Roman cohort or some translations say “a band” plus “some officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees” (John 18:3) so we could be looking at between 300 to 600 specially trained Roman soldiers as well as the officers from the chief priests and Pharisees which might be around 100 or more. The video ends with the closing statement. ... Legion are a group of demons referred to in the Christian Bible. Did hacktivist group Anonymous tweet a prediction of what was to come? The only biblical reference to the word legion was used to mean a large number or many but it was not specific as to exactly how many. The phrase has been interpreted to mean that the demons in the man were working as one entity, which is a … Legion: Christian Bible, the Gospel of Mark, chapter five, verse nine. Definition. But the group has not claimed specific responsibility for the incident and didn't use their "legion" banner call this time around, suggesting they may not have been behind Friday's events. 9 And he asked him, What is thy name? 1 Welcome to the Bobiverse Wiki 2 The Bobiverse Series Summary 2.1 We Are Legion (We Are Bob) Book 1 (released on September 20, 2016) 2.2 For We Are Many Book 2 (released on April 18, 2017) 2.3 All These WorldsBook 3 (released on August 8, 2017) 2.4 Heaven's River Book 4 (released on September 24, 2020) 3 Main Characters 3.1 Minor Characters 4 Bob Family Tree 5 List of Terms 6 … There is the Foreign Legion and the American Legion but a legion can be a large group of people, soldiers, a national or local organization, a military force, a very large force of any kind, a national association of veterans or a Roman Legion which can be anywhere between 3,000 and 6,000 troops, depending upon what century it was. 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