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Therefore they should not be baptized. For what is already opened needs no opening. Consequently, if a layman were to baptize even outside a case of urgency; he would sin, yet he would confer the sacrament; nor would the person thus baptized have to be baptized again. Action is attributed to an instrument as to the immediate agent; but to the principal agent inasmuch as the instrument acts in virtue thereof. It seems, however, that none of the uncircumcised died in the desert, for it is written ( <19A403> Psalm 104:37): “There was not among their tribes one that was feeble”: and that those alone died in the desert, who had been circumcised in Egypt. (7) Whether an intention is required on the part of the one baptized? Hier. Merit. On the contrary, It is written ( Ezekiel 36:25): “I will pour upon you clean water, and you shall be cleansed from all your filthiness.”, I answer that, As the Apostle says ( Romans 6:3), “all we, who are baptized in Christ Jesus, are baptized in His death.” And further on he concludes ( Romans 6:11): “So do you also reckon that you are dead to sin, but alive unto God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”. On the contrary, Rabanus says (De Instit. It seems that in Baptism it is not necessary for someone to raise the baptized from the sacred font. Now Christ commanded the sacrament of Baptism to be given with the invocation of the Trinity. And each of these may happen in a twofold manner; artificially and naturally. et Remiss. Rightly were you dipped three times, because you were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, Who on the third day rose again from the dead. And for this reason she asks those who come to be baptized whether they believe. xli, it is written: “We believe that no catechumen, though he die in his good works, will have eternal life, except he suffer martyrdom, which contains all the sacramental virtue of Baptism.” But if it were possible for anyone to be saved without Baptism, this would be the case specially with catechumens who are credited with good works, for they seem to have the “faith that worketh by charity” ( Galatians 5:6). Now “deacons” are so called from being “ministers”; because, to wit, it is not in the deacon’s province to be the chief and official celebrant in conferring a sacrament, but to minister to others, his elders, in the sacramental dispensations. Secondly, because of the danger of death, for no other remedy is available for them besides the sacrament of Baptism. Nevertheless in the Old Law the remedy against original sin was affixed to the member of procreation; because He through Whom original sin was to be removed, was yet to be born of the seed of Abraham, whose faith was signified by circumcision according to Romans 4:11. To readers and exorcists belongs the duty of catechizing and exorcizing, not, indeed, principally, but as ministers of the priest in these things. Further, the Apostle, speaking of the Fathers of old, says ( 1 Corinthians 10:2), that “all were baptized in the cloud, and in the sea”: but not that they were baptized in circumcision. But sinners who have been baptized derive spiritual assistance from the very character of Baptism, since it is a disposition to grace. Wine and oil are not so commonly used for washing, as water. 1:5): “(Who) washed us from our sins in His own blood.”. Further, to baptize belongs to those having authority. Now washing may be done with water not only by immersion, but also by sprinkling or pouring. v). (7) Whether it is essential that someone should raise the person baptized from the sacred font? For he says (Contra Ep. (3) Whether Baptism should be deferred? Whether Baptism should be deferred? On the other hand circumcision did not contain the perfection of salvation, but signified it as to be achieved by Christ, Who was to be born of the Jewish nation. Much less, therefore can a difference of clothing have any efficacy in the Faith of Christ. Further, it is told of Blessed Laurence, who was a deacon, that he baptized many. (8) Whether faith is necessary? Therefore Baptism has not an equal effect in all. And forasmuch as man is born once, whereas he eats many times, so is Baptism given once, but the Eucharist frequently. If, therefore, the child in the mother’s womb cannot be baptized, it would be better for the mother to be opened, and the child to be taken out by force and baptized, than that the child should be eternally damned through dying without Baptism. iii). We should “not do evil that there may come good” ( Romans 3:8). On the contrary, Augustine says (Ep. Christ was baptized not that He might be regenerated, but that He might regenerate others: wherefore after His Baptism He needed no tutor like other children. But it is otherwise with the angels, who differ in species. On the contrary, Where there is one agent there is one action. For just as he preached penance, and foretold the baptism of Christ, and drew men to the knowledge of the Truth that hath appeared to the world, so do the ministers of the Church, after instructing men, chide them for their sins, and lastly promise them forgiveness in the baptism of Christ." In every commonwealth minor affairs are entrusted to lower officials, while greater affairs are restricted to higher officials; according to Exodus 18:22: “When any great matter soever shall fall out, let them refer it to thee, and let them judge the lesser matters only.”. Wherefore we admonish your Beatitude not to add any other days to this custom.”. ): “No one can be born a second time unless he be born first.” But Baptism is a spiritual regeneration. Instruction is manifold. Consequently, a man may, without Baptism of Water, receive the sacramental effect from Christ’s Passion, in so far as he is conformed to Christ by suffering for Him. Baptism at St. Thomas If you would like your child baptized at St. Thomas Aquinas please fill out the Baptismal Information Form and email to Once the form is submitted a church staff member will reach out to you. A fourth is the instruction in the profound mysteries of faith, and on the perfection of Christian life: this belongs to bishops “ex officio,” in virtue of their office. Wherefore they are not remitted, like the sins which preceded Baptism, as to the whole debt of punishment. But circumcision was an `obligation imposed by the Law, according to Galatians 5:3: “I testify... to every man circumcising himself, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.”. But it was not necessary for the validity of the sacrament: because if anyone delayed beyond the eighth day, they could be circumcised afterwards. Just as water is used in Baptism, because it is more commonly employed in washing, so for the purpose of designating the three Persons, in the form of Baptism, those names are chosen, which are generally used, in a particular language, to signify the Persons. It seems that children of Jews or other unbelievers should be baptized against the will of their parents. For the Baptism of Water impresses a character; which the Baptism of Blood cannot do. If you or someone you know is in need of food when the pantry is … It is through baptism that a new Christian is brought into the life of the Church and the hope of salvation. He did not, however, altogether abolish temporal punishment yet awhile; for hunger, thirst, and death still remain. I answer that, As the Apostle says ( Romans 6:3,4), “all we who are baptized in Christ Jesus, are baptized in His death: for we are buried together with Him, by Baptism unto death”; which is to say that by Baptism man is incorporated in the very death of Christ. Hence Augustine says (De Baptism. But penance is required in adults before Baptism, according to Acts 2:38: “Do penance and be baptized every one of you.” Therefore Baptism has nothing to do with the remission of actual sins. It is therefore unbecoming for the minister to say, “I baptize thee”: the more so that “Ego” [I] is understood in the word “baptizo” [I baptize], so that it seems redundant. Wherefore it is manifest that insincerity hinders the effect of Baptism. Baptism is one of the sacraments of initiation in which by water and the power of the Holy Spirit, a person is cleansed of all sin, including original sin, and experiences birth into the new life of Christ. Donat. At baptism, the presider prays over the water: Father, look now with love upon your Church, and unseal for her the fountain of baptism. But this effect is sometimes hindered by insincerity. The change in sea-water and in other waters which we have to hand, is not so great as to destroy the species of water. Now bodily washing with water is essential to Baptism: wherefore Baptism is called a “laver,” according to Ephesians 5:26: “Cleansing it by the laver of water in the word of life.” But that the washing be done this or that way, is accidental to Baptism. ): “If indeed there be such a one with a mind so foreign to faith as to baptize while omitting one of the aforesaid names,” viz. Consequently, just as it belongs to a priest to consecrate the Eucharist, which is the principal purpose of the priesthood, so it is the proper office of a priest to baptize: since it seems to belong to one and the same, to produce the whole and to dispose the part in the whole. But faith is in the apprehensive power, whose operations appear mostly in the head. But the principal cause is indicated as conferring the sacrament by His own power, in the words, “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”: for Christ does not baptize without the Father and the Holy Ghost. Hier. Therefore circumcision should have been instituted as binding, not the Jews only, but also all nations. i) that the eighth day was never anticipated for any motive, however urgent. Dogm. Consequently, others said that grace was conferred in circumcision, also as a particular positive effect consisting in being made worthy of eternal life; but not as to all its effects, for it did not suffice for the repression of the concupiscence of the fomes, nor again for the fulfilment of the precepts of the Law. Therefore it is not the effect of Baptism, to open the gates of the heavenly kingdom. Hence Augustine says (Cont. But all the infirm do not receive bodily health in Baptism. But before the Passion the entrance to the heavenly kingdom was closed to the circumcised. But an infant’s body, before being born from the womb, can nowise be washed with water; unless perchance it be said that the baptismal water, with which the mother’s body is washed, reaches the child while yet in its mother’s womb. v, vi). Further, just as some things are done in the exorcism before Baptism, so are some things done after Baptism; for instance, the priest anoints the baptized on the top of the head. Therefore children should not be baptized. On the contrary, Augustine says (Super Levit. For in order to receive Baptism, the person baptized must have the intention, as stated above ( A(7) ). It is to this that Dionysius refers (Eccl. Whereas “we” does not mean “I and I,” but “I and thou”; so that this would be a change of form. Therefore circumcision was not a preparation for, and a figure of Baptism. For if a child die after the exorcisms, before being baptized, it is not saved. Then the salt which is put in the mouth, and the anointing of the nose and ears with spittle, signify the receiving of doctrine, as to the ears; consent thereto as to the nose; and confession thereof, as to the mouth. But the penalties of the present life, such as death, hunger, thirst, and the like, pertain to the nature, from the principles of which they arise, inasmuch as it is deprived of original justice. (5) Whether works of satisfaction should be enjoined on sinners that have been baptized? And the three days of His burial were not necessary for our salvation, because even if He had been buried or dead for one day, this would have been enough to consummate our redemption: yet those three days were ordained unto the manifestation of the reality of His death, as stated above ( Q(53), A(2) ). Original sin was taken away in circumcision, in regard to the person; but on the part of the entire nature, there remained the obstacle to the entrance of the kingdom of heaven, which obstacle was removed by Christ’s Passion. For a dead work, which is void of charity, can never come to life. St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is here to assist anyone in the Bridgewater community who is in need of food. And consequently, when the insincerity passes away, subsequent sins are indeed remitted, but by Penance, not by Baptism. It merely means that the apostlesbaptized by the authority of Christ, and that they used the name ofJesus Christ in connection with baptism. Consequently it was fitting that those who went to receive that Baptism, should confess their sins, so that they should receive a penance in proportion to their sins. This has its efficacy from the Passion of Christ, according to Romans 6:3: “We who are baptized in Christ Jesus, are baptized in His death”; and in the Holy Ghost, according to John 3:5: “Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost.” Therefore it is that solemn Baptism is held in the Church, both on Easter Eve, when we commemorate our Lord’s burial and resurrection; for which reason our Lord gave His disciples the commandment concerning Baptism as related by Matthew ( 28:19): and on Whitsun-eve, when the celebration of the Feast of the Holy Ghost begins; for which reason the apostles are said to have baptized three thousand on the very day of Pentecost when they had received the Holy Ghost. But since “the head of the woman is the man,” and “the head of... man, is Christ” ( 1 Corinthians 11:3), a woman should not baptize if a man be available for the purpose; just as neither should a layman in the presence of a cleric, nor a cleric in the presence of a priest. P(3)- Q(67)- A(7) Whether in Baptism it is necessary for someone to raise the baptized from the sacred font? P(3)- Q(67)- A(2) Whether to baptize is part of the priestly office, or proper to that of bishops? On the contrary, our Lord said ( John 3:5): “Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”. He who answers in the child’s stead: “I do believe,” does not foretell that the child will believe when it comes to the right age, else he would say: “He will believe”; but in the child’s stead he professes the Church’s faith which is communicated to that child, the sacrament of which faith is bestowed on it, and to which faith he is bound by another. Further, the water that flowed from the side of Christ hanging on the cross was a figure of Baptism, as stated above ( A(3), ad 3). Therefore a woman cannot baptize. Nevertheless the saying that “Baptism is water” may be verified in so far as water is the material principle of Baptism: and thus there would be “causal predication.”. The spiritual regeneration effected by Baptism is somewhat like carnal birth, in this respect, that as the child while in the mother’s womb receives nourishment not independently, but through the nourishment of its mother, so also children before the use of reason, being as it were in the womb of their mother the Church, receive salvation not by their own act, but by the act of the Church. Therefore it seems that grace and virtues are not bestowed on man by Baptism. But sometimes there is a doubt about the baptism of those who really have been baptized. P(3)- Q(70)- A(2) Whether circumcision was instituted in a fitting manner? Hence the Master (iv, 3) says that “Baptism is the outward washing of the body done together with the prescribed form of words.”. Sacrament of Baptism. As the Apostle says ( Romans 5:15,16), the sin of Adam was not so far-reaching as the gift of Christ, which is bestowed in Baptism: “for judgment was by one unto condemnation; but grace is of many offenses, unto justification.” Wherefore Augustine says in his book on Infant Baptism (De Pecc. iv): “From the Church being compared to Paradise we learn that men can receive her Baptism even outside her fold, but that elsewhere none can receive or keep the salvation of the blessed.”. It seems that Baptism was instituted after Christ’s Passion. Now the Divine power which works in Baptism, pertains to the Essence; and therefore we say, “in the name,” and not, “in the names.”. What if we have trouble finding one man and one woman who satisfy the requirements and can be sponsors at the Baptism? Further, Baptism takes away the guilt of both original and actual sin. It seems that circumcision was not a preparation for, and a figure of Baptism. Again, since Christ’s coming, men are incorporated in Christ by faith; according to Ephesians 3:17: “That Christ may dwell by faith in your hearts.” But faith in a thing already present is manifested by a sign different from that by which it was manifested when that thing was yet in the future: just as we use other parts of the verb, to signify the present, the past, and the future. Suppose, therefore, a catechumen to have the desire for Baptism (else he could not be said to die in his good works, which cannot be without “faith that worketh by charity”), such a one, were he to die, would not forthwith come to eternal life, but would suffer punishment for his past sins, “but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire” as is stated 1 Corinthians 3:15. The principal part of the body, especially in relation to the exterior members, is the head, wherein all the senses, both interior and exterior, flourish. in Psalm 57). But many other sins are more grievous than insincerity, which are not said to hinder the effect of Baptism. Hier. Therefore the sacrament of Baptism is not to be conferred save on those in whom there appears some sign of their interior conversion: just as neither is bodily medicine given to a sick man, unless he show some sign of life. Further, it is better for several to instruct than for one only. 32:6: “Where there is no hearing, pour not out words.” Therefore it is unfitting to address the person baptized with these words: “I baptize thee.”, Further, it may happen that several are baptized by several at the same time; thus the apostles on one day baptized three thousand, and on another, five thousand ( Acts 2,4). Now the Baptism of Water derives its efficacy from Christ’s Passion and from the Holy Ghost, as already stated ( A(11) ). the inward justification — remain: the character remains and is indelible, as stated above ( Q(63), A(5) ); the justification remains, but can be lost. But this is most necessary in the case of those who have been baptized recently. If, on the other hand, while sane they showed no desire to receive Baptism, they must not be baptized. If, therefore, the things done in the exorcism effect anything, it seems that each of them is a sacrament. Therefore circumcision should not have been performed with a stone knife. For instance, “the Deluge” was a figure of our Baptism, in respect of the salvation of the faithful in the Church; since then “a few... souls were saved in the ark [Vulg. Christ, do His members derive spiritual sense consisting in the knowledge Of truth, and spiritual movement which results from the instinct of grace. 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