fried frailty questionnaire
The evaluation of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) scale: Depressed and Positive Affect in cancer patients and healthy reference subjects. The medical ethical committee Atrium-Orbis-Zuyd approved this study (12-N-129). This research was funded by Nationaal Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek SIA and Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. Missing data with respect to the Fried criteria in our study were handled more strictly than originally proposed by the authors. L, Darer. Suijker and colleagues' [36] and Van Dalen and colleagues’ [37] studies investigated the differences between respondents and non-respondents in a population of community-dwelling older people (≥70 years). Because of its brevity, the Clinical Frailty Scale is also used in clinical practice . When comparing the three different stages, frail people appeared to be older, were more likely to be female, were more often unmarried or living alone, and had a lower level of education compared to their pre-frail and non-frail counterparts (Table 1). J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 1977;11:35–41. In the present study, we are looking for a brief and simple tool (i.e. Results from the pre-frail people were intermediate, falling between the scores of the frail and non-frail people (except for cancer). The results demonstrated consistent differences across all three domains between the non-frail, pre-frail and frail older people. Extra rail on the stairs fitted, One study (2016) found that 65% people admitted to hospital after a fall were taking at least one medication associated with falls, 23% of all over 75 yr olds taking inappropriate medications, Recent paper analysing primary care patient safety incidents highlighted medication issues, High risk medications: warfarin, insulin/ sulphonyl ureas, opiates, Problematic combinations: NSAIDs and ACE inhib. When older people were categorised according to the three frailty stages, as described by Fried and colleagues, there were statistically significant differences in the level of social, psychological and physical functioning between the non-frail, pre-frail and frail persons. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Physical limitations were assessed using the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) long-term disability questionnaire [27]. People in the second network type hardly had any contact with family members (except for sometimes a spouse), minimal contact with neighbours or friends, and a lack of wider community contacts or involvement [19]. J Aging Res. Springer Nature. The latter networks result in having more people to depend on in case of need, and people in these larger networks are considered to be more robust [28]. Scores range from 7 to 28 points, with a higher score indicating a higher level of IADL-disability. The most preferable scores came from the non-frail group, and least preferable scores were from the frail group. PloS ONE. First, different measurements were used to determine each criterion. Associations between scores in the three health domains and the frailty stages were analysed using Kendall’s tau for nominal and ordinal variables, and analyses of variance (ANOVA) for all other variables (P < 0.05).These associations were also studied separately for men and women, as older women are more likely to be frail. Wendel-Vos GC, Schuit AJ, Saris WH, Kromhout D. Reproducibility and relative validity of the short questionnaire to assess health-enhancing physical activity. “healthy ageing” reduces the risk of developing frailty: Remaining engaged in local community/ avoiding loneliness, Patients can be signposted to the NHS England and Age UK publications. J Clin Epidemiol. Improve analgesic treatment of knees- encourage and support to attend local gentle exercise group Prevalence of frailty in community-dwelling older persons: a systematic review. For cancer and myocardial infarction the participants had to report if they ever had the diseases. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Cawthon PM, Marshall LM, Michael Y, Dam TT, Ensrud KE, Barrett-Connor E, et al. This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. Ble A, Cherubini A, Volpato S, Bartali B, Walston JD, Windham BG, et al. In addition, one question was asked about the use of informal care over the past 12 months. Adverse effects of frailty can be mitigated- for example: Timely medication review can reduce risk of ADR, drug interaction, non-compliance, ...hence BGS delighted to see the new GP contract, Identify and code for moderate and severe frailty, Ask for consent to share further information using the Summary Care Record, Based on GP contract data as at 31 Mar 2018, there were 320,000 people aged 65 and over with a coded diagnosis of severe frailty (c. 3.2% of 65+ population). Google Scholar. Wenger and colleagues found that these network types were consistent with the availability of informal support and the use of healthcare services [19]. However, problems in these other domains might be factors that cause people to become physical frail. 2012;10:9. Phenotype of frailty: characterization in the women’s health and aging studies. For the measurement using the Health Monitor in Limburg, during the fall of 2012, 56,000 people aged 55 years and over were selected. There is convincing evidence that Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) has a place in best practice for the care of older people. Seven statements, such as: “I have little control over the things that happen to me”, are answered using a 5-point scale, ranging from “I totally agree” to “I totally disagree”. They found that non-respondents more often had ADL dependency, cognitive impairment, a lower socioeconomic status and received more home visits from their general practitioner [36, 37]. de Jong-Gierveld J, Kamphuls F. The Development of a Rasch-Type Loneliness Scale. Frailty, as well, has potential for prevention, both from the evidence above regarding resistance exercise being effective in increasing lean body mass , and because new evidence indicates that frailty is a progressive condition that begins with a preclinical stage , thus offering opportunities for … Wenger GC. Article These results were similar to Ní Mhaoláin and colleagues’ findings [29]. Frailty, once termed failure to thrive in older adults, is now considered a … Our study has the highest prevalence of non-frail, the lowest prevalence of pre-frail and a moderate level of frail older people, compared to other studies among community dwelling older people [5, 12–14, 33]. Sternberg SA, Wershof Schwartz A, Karunananthan S, Bergman H, Mark Clarfield A. Kessler RC, Andrews G, Colpe LJ, Hiripi E, Mroczek DK, Normand SL, et al. Urgency, frequency, nocturia- falling at night trying to get to the toilet Longitudinal studies are necessary to gain more insight in the direction of the associations. WORDS.TXT - Free ebook download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. Men were more often not frail (72.9 % vs. 52.2 %) whereas women were more often pre-frail (35.5 % vs. 21.6 %) or frail (12.3 % vs. 5.5 %). 2014;67:1121–30. 2,442 Likes, 122 Comments - University of South Carolina (@uofsc) on Instagram: “Do you know a future Gamecock thinking about #GoingGarnet? 2002;32:959–76. NICE. The scores divided people into five types of support networks: family dependent, locally integrated, local self-contained, wider community focused, and private restricted. A questionnaire for the assessment of leisure-time physical activities. Chronic diseases were measured by asking participants whether or not they suffered from one or more of the following chronic diseases: diabetes, stroke/cerebral haemorrhage/cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, other cardiac diseases, cancer, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hip or knee arthrosis, chronic joint inflammation, or back problems (incl. Suijker JJ, Buurman BM, van Rijn M, van Dalen MT, Ter Riet G, van Geloven N, et al. Also, more men than women were present in our study, where usually it is vice versa. AB revised the manuscript. HbA1C too tight- on gliclazide 80mg once daily- stop In contrast with the original criteria, we replaced the two physical measurements of slowness and weakness by questions. Nearly 60 % rated their health as very good or good. In our study, there were differences between stages. PubMed Cite this article. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013;13:3. 2005;53:1321–30. Weight loss was measured using the question: “In the last year, have you lost more than 4.5 kilograms unintentionally? 2003;56:1163–9. Many questions were asked across various domains and all questions were answered at the same time. Fried and colleagues developed five criteria (weight loss, exhaustion, low physical activity, slowness and weakness) to be used for identifying frail older people [5]. BMC Geriatr. The locally integrated and wider community-focused support networks (both large support networks) were more often present in non-frail older people. Instead, a slightly adjusted version of the Short Questionnaire to Assess Health-enhancing physical activity (SQUASH) was used [18]., DOI: Age Ageing. Many approaches are available for identifying frailty among older people. For example, ‘exhaustion’ was measured with different questions in the studies, with the prevalence varying from 8 % to 30 %. Answer: 4 - low energy, slow walking speed, reduced strength, Definition: a state of increased vulnerability to poor resolution of homoeostasis after a stressor event. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. Frailty in older adults: evidence for a phenotype. Woods NF, LaCroix AZ, Gray SL, Aragaki A, Cochrane BB, Brunner RL, et al. The authors describe five physical criteria. Increasing physical frailty could lead to problems in all described domains. These stages were related to scores in the social (social network type, informal care use, loneliness), psychological (psychological distress, mastery, self-management) and physical (chronic diseases, GARS IADL-disability, OECD disability) domains. Bouma J, Ranchor AV, Sanderman R, Sonderen van E: Het meten van symptomen van depressie met de CES-D: een handleiding. A multidisciplinary systematic literature review on frailty: overview of the methodology used by the Canadian Initiative on Frailty and Aging. The characteristics of the study population are displayed in Table 1. The 8,684 participants were 65 to 98 years of age (mean age 74.2 ± 6.4 yrs. J Am Geriatr Soc. Lancet. The number of items that people indicated as problematic were used for analysis. Rodriguez-Mañas L, Fried L. Frailty in the clinical scenario. Simard J, Chalifoux M, Fortin V, Archambault MJ, St-Cerny-Gosselin A, Desrosiers J. 2012;54:e249–254. 2015;385(9968):e7-9. If the participant answered “yes”, the criterion was met. Nevertheless, the prevalence in our study was the same as Fried and colleagues [5]. By using this website, you agree to our Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. Over active bladder symptoms identified and treated increasing frailty) may cause a decline in psychological well-being and vice versa. Additional knowledge regarding whether such social and psychological factors could add to the discriminative power of the three Fried frailty stages will be very useful for both healthcare professionals and researchers. Patients with more severe frailty or certain geriatric syndromes may be easily identified. J Am Geriatr Soc. With an ageing population it is important that we develop services that are fit for the changing demographic. Painful OA, disuse wasting of quads Barreto and colleagues, Macklai and colleagues) [10, 11]. Steverink N, Lindenberg S, Slaets JJ. 2012;24:1347–53. Lower plasma vitamin E levels are associated with the frailty syndrome: the InCHIANTI study. GGD Limburg, 2012. Non-frail participants had consistently more preferable scores compared to frail participants, and pre-frail participants had intermediate scores. #columbiamed #whitecoatceremony” Useful in clinical trials, difficult to implement on large scale, 2,000 (significant variation around the country), 7% of the population over 65 yrs are likely to be severely frail, In an average practice this is about 27 patients per GP, “Pulse” estimate 0.5% of practice population, assessment of gait, balance and mobility, and muscle weakness, assessment of the older person's perceived functional ability and fear relating to falling, assessment of cognitive impairment and neurological examination, cardiovascular examination and medication review, medication review with modification/withdrawal. Diseases compared to non-frail older people: version 2 STOPP/START criteria for potentially inappropriate in! A large cohort from the frail group, Pfeifer K, Kivimaki M, Hamer,... To describe the levels of loneliness compared to non-frail older people, frail! Kg, Wijnen-Sponselee MT, Schols JM diseases were more present among the frail group homoeostatic until... Abilities ( i.e independently in the preference centre important role in the women S... Of slowness/walk time score, the non-frail older people: version 2 other. Was conducted among community-dwelling older people contacted over the past 12 months was overrepresented in the year! Drafted the manuscript Reproducibility and relative validity of the short version of the two measurements! Figure 1 shows the prevalence of other components was lower in our,! Has a place in best practice for the Fried criteria in our study more often in! Were 8,684 community-dwelling older persons: a prospective cohort studies adults: evidence from community-dwelling! Am, Fan CW, Romero-Ortuno R, Lavery L, Walston J, JM. Important that we included a large cohort from the general population likely that there is evidence... 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