scss variables

// this will compile to: --pf-primary-color: #000000; /** CSS variables are included in the CSS output. The SCSS variables that Oracle JET uses to generate the application use the same naming convention and are grouped together according to function. Nice, but there are some serious problems with this approach: When using a prefixed CSS Custom Prop with SCSS you have to add the prefix by typing --#{$prefix}- and thats annoying.

A common approach when dealing with SASS/SCSS variables is to create a _vars file which will hold most of our app variables, and in the case of CSS Custom Properties, also add a prefix to avoid conflicts.

You need to prepend a variable with a $ dollar sign: This line doesn’t do anything apart from defining a variable, in our case a shade of yellow: We can then use it throughout our CSS, whenever a color unit is required: This .scss file will be compiled into a .css file, where all variables will be replaced with their actual value: Why is it called a variable? Sass libraries often use !default variables to allow their users to configure the library’s CSS. But despite their simplicity, they're one of the most useful tools Sass brings to the table. * --prefix-var-name: value; The function and mixins showed here are a demonstration of how to provide an architecture to a solid growth. Or someone will, eventually, add a hard coded prefix. Preprocessing. This mixin will be used to prefix our variables and add them on the code.
Programmers use variables to represent data, such as numeric values, characters or memory addresses. All your variables are on the same file, so a simple button style is consuming variables from a file related to the entire application. You’d have to define a $green: #32cd32; variable and replace all the instances of $pink with $green in your SCSS. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License. This makes it much easier to conditionally assign a value to a variable, or build up a value as part of a loop. Otherwise, the existing value will be used. Variables declared in flow control rules have special scoping rules: they don’t shadow variables at the same level as the flow control rule. * --prefix-var-name: value; Lets say we want to add a big button now. Instead, they just assign to those variables. What you can do, though, is define a map from names to values that you can then access using variables. then it uses the var() function to insert the value of the custom property later The !global flag may only be used to set a variable that has already been declared at the top level of a file. The underlying source code used to format and display this website is licensed under the MIT license. Then use your getters and setters to deal with variables along the app providing a pattern and reliability, now you can really separate the concerns in a solid architecture. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. So, here is my 2 cents on that subject: First of all, define getters and setters for your CSS Custom Properties. XML. * @include cssvars(( Users occasionally want to use interpolation to define a variable name based on another variable. If you have a very large codebase, you can use those prefixes as namespaces, to avoid name conflict on your own codebase. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding. Also be aware that when we talk about prefix here, we are talking about prefixes for variable names like --prefix-color:blue, not css native properties like -moz-*. One of the first reasons people turn to Sass is the existence of CSS variables.

The importance of variables is, you can reuse the stored values in the variable throughout the stylesheet.