benefits of truthfulness

We can understand it better when we try to compare it with ‘relative’. Starve it instead. This is the sign of a mature believer — a disciplined thinking pattern that has trained his or her cerebral faculties through continual and repeated arrest of sinful thoughts and motives. How Mindfulness increases Emotional Intelligence, How the Illusory Self is Sustained in One’s Mind, Importance of understanding the concept of Emptiness, In Spiritual Matters, There is Nothing to Achieve, Indulgence in Pleasure and Pain, the two obstacles to Enlightenment. Conversely, when you share something relevant, you grow as a person. As the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, related: 2. In his book, ‘Living with the Himalayan Masters’, Swami Rama told a beautiful story about how truthfulness will always prevail. The biblical theology of the mature believer serves to inform him of the existence of his fallen nature within him. Pride in their work – Having pride in you work means you have better productivity, fewer errors, which means less time spent in rewrites, less waste, and less time wasted redoing the job, because of miscalculations. He chose his “high school buddies” over his dad’s proven, seasoned professionals. As such, truthfulness is the very cornerstone of the upright Muslim’s character and the springboard for his virtuousness deeds. The ultimate source of truth is the Bible. Being honest is completely by choice. It is the very essence of deeds and the well spring of spiritual states, it allows the person to embark boldly into dangerous situations, and it is the door through which one enters the presence of the One possessing Majesty. It can be about anyone’s beliefs and personal experience. is a digital hub for the Muslims in Nigeria and the diasporas. But you must remain on the side of reality. The worst part about lying is that you have to remember it all the time.

Do not sacrifice truth and personal integrity on the altar of political expedience, my beloved friend.

There's a saying in the publishing world that fits this scenario – "The worse you want it now, the worse it will be." A well concised written article, eloquently narratting the fundamental aspect of one’s true nature. If you try to be honest with your co-workers, you will feel that they have started respecting and trusting you even more. “And whosoever obeys God and His Messenger, such will be in the company of those whom God has blessed: the Prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs, and the righteous. This can be termed as a universal truth, and no one can deny it. The station master was brought in front of a judge. You don’t have to remember your lies. Research has shown that in organizations where truthfulness is withheld, relationships are nonexistent, resulting in absolutely no open or candid conversations. This will help you find good people.

The Hebrew word for truth is emet. This fact led to his devastating failure. You know the type. Irrespective of their opinions, the truth is independent. Practice this rule faithfully for the next three months”. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR LONGEVITY AND PERSEVERANCE IN OFFICE, THEN BECOME A HABITUAL TRUTH TELLER! Islam, however, teaches that truthfulness is far more than having an honest tongue. By Only Being Authentic.

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However, he persevered on his practice. O most truthful one!...” (Qur'an 12:46) …and that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was also declared truthful in the Words of God: “The Messiah (Jesus), son of Mary, was no more than a Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him. Although there are various benefits and advantages of truthfulness, here we are discussing some.

Any “white lies” or “big lies” can drag you into a big problem, so it’s better to remain silent sometimes.

The following Proverb helps us to not succumb to such pressures: Proverbs 28:6 Better is the poor who walks in his integrity than he who is crooked though he be rich. They perceive the truth is not grandiose enough. This is what truth demands of me.

( Log Out /  It matters a lot because any individual cannot live on being morally weak and just pretending. Honesty is the easiest choice. Objective truth Benefits of Truthfulness . A wonderful benefit of forming habitual truthfulness is the commensurate admirable behavior that results. Benefits of Telling the Truth The Keller Institute points out the link between trust and truthfulness. The problem with this strategy emerges when leadership tosses four or five strangers in a room and demands immediate results on a project. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Plan out your day, so that it includes time to work on building good relationships -- a few minutes to say hi and chat with a co-worker; reply to a Twitter or LinkedIn posting; have lunch with a co-worker or acquaintance – all these actions build relationships. Therefore, the virtue of truthfulness can prevent us from many vices!

In this post, we will understand that, so let us get started straight away-. SHARES. “Truthfulness carries not only the idea of veracity and accuracy, but also of durability, permanence and reliability”3 states a leading commentator on Proverbs. Dr. Phil McGraw refers to this as, “You, being your fictional self”. Truthfulness creates great relationships. ( Log Out / 
