independent spirit awards by year

Producers: Julie Parker Benello, Jeff Reichert, Apollo 11 Bowling for Columbine wins Best Documentary and Michael Moore makes a speech against George Bush’s declared war. Davy Rothbart – 17 BLOCKSNadia Shihab – JADDOLAND (Winner) Julie Béziau, The Third Wife

The Winners. Erick Stoll & Chase Whiteside – AMÉRICA, Annual Bonnie Award Producers: Evan Krauss, Thomas Baxley Petersen, For Sama

Producers: Luca Borghese, Ben Howe, Caroline Kaplan, Oren Moverman, The Last Black Man in San Francisco Kirill Mikhanovsky, Give Me Liberty, Marriage Story Robert Eggers – THE LIGHTHOUSE The full list of winners for the 2020 Independent Spirit Awards are listed below. Director: Kent Jones DIANE Director: Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre The Film Independent Spirit Awards[2] (abbreviated "Spirit Awards" and originally known as the FINDIE or Friends of Independents Awards), founded in 1984,[3] are awards dedicated to independent filmmakers. Film awards dedicated to independent filmmakers, Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), "2017 FILM INDEPENDENT SPIRIT AWARDS PRESENTERS ANNOUNCED - Film Independent Press Center", "Sundance Now to Exclusively Stream the 32nd Film Independent Spirit Awards", "Familiar names top Indie awards - Roger Ebert's Journal", "A Tribute to Anna Thomas: Biography for Anna Thomas", "The Little Award Show That Could : Film: Since it started in the '80s, the Independent Spirit Awards, sort of an offbeat Oscar, has gained big-name supporters. Writer/Director/Producer: Phillip Youmans

The Souvenir (United Kingdom), Director: Joanna Hogg, American Factory (WINNER)

A complete list of winners follows. Now called the Film Independent Spirit Awards, the show is produced by Film Independent, a not-for-profit arts organization that also produces the LA Film Festival.

Producers: Noah Lang, Kyle Marvin, Diane Here are the Winners of the 35th Film Independent Spirit Awards.

Vintage Viewing. Octavia Spencer – LUCE, Best Supporting MaleWillem Dafoe – THE LIGHTHOUSE (Winner) Former Spirit Awards hosts Andy Samberg and Fred Armisen make surprise cameos as Eddie Vedder and… a dead guy, respectively. Ronald Bronstein & Benny Safdie & Josh Safdie, Uncut Gems Chinonye Chukwu, Clemency Director: Edward Watts We kid, of course. The Farewell, Uncut Gems and The Lighthouse all hail from A24. Producers: Timur Bekbosunov, Julian Cautherley, Bronwyn Cornelius, Peter Wong, Marriage Story Jonathan Majors – THE LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO Robert Duvall and Alfre Woodard serve as Honorary Co-Chairs. Taylor Russell, Waves

Director: Olivia Wilde Taylor Russell, Waves See the full list of winners below: BEST FEATURE (Award given to the producer. Davy Rothbart, Director of 17 Blocks Julius Onah, Luce

John Turturro hosts the show. ‘First Cow’ Director Kelly Reichardt Wins $50,000 Spirit Awards Filmmaker Grant, Aubrey Plaza to Return as Host of 2020 Film Independent Spirit Awards. Elisabeth Moss, Her Smell