web components framework

Web Components are a powerful new W3C Standard that’s already been agreed upon by all the major browsers and can be used today in our apps (with a polyfill). Polymer (created by Google), allows developers to use the powerful W3C spec today in all browsers, and it’s 100% production ready. Web Components are the biggest thing since HTML5. We try to ignore it, but in the back of our minds we know we’ll eventually be downloading that hottie. There’s a lot to think about, and writing a component can require a lot of boilerplate code. I can’t completely hate on frameworks… We’re witnessing evolution people! Since web components under the hood are written in web programming languages, there’s nothing stopping anyone from using these in their framework of choice (I.E. Should I go with meanJS or meanIO?

If you’re one of the developers that sampled this technology in its early stages (.5 version), don’t let the beta release fool you. With intentionally small tooling, a tiny API, and zero configuration, Stencil gets out of the way and lets you focus on your work. If you or your team want to learn more about Web Components and all of it’s greatness, have a look at my “Polymer Learning” Trello Board where I’ve handpicked the best of the best videos, tutorials, and live demo examples to get you going. My only real beef is the repetitive and wasteful process they drag us through. ), or you could always just create one yourself! Developers and Frameworks are involved in a tragic love story… We fall in love with a framework and create amazing next-level apps… Then one day that super bad piece of framework comes along and whispers in our ear… “vDOM”. The options a developer has now are endless… Frameworks pull us in a million different directions and train us to do things from the framework author’s perspective.

If you like, you can build your app entirely out of Web Components. I quickly got caught up in the maze of trying to find the answer to… Which stack is the “best”? Just like the old HTML 5 Shiv required to support older browsers (IE6, IE7, IE8) in the past, the Polymer team created the Web Components Shiv (11kb) for Web Components support in all browsers. In 2015 I researched 100+ flavors of M.E.A.N. Learn how Stencil seamlessly integrates with: Stencil was created to power the components for Ionic Framework - a cross-platform mobile development technology stack used by more than 5M developers worldwide.

These practices might be good, bad, or completely new concepts… But in many cases, it comes down to their way or the highway’, buddy. By now you’re probably aware that Polymer’s Web Component “library // framework // standard” is my favorite choice in the world of development. Like the name suggests, this DOM addition gives us the ability to “componentize” the web into small, reusable, modular containers that fit into web apps like puzzle pieces. You know, the one with the curly brackets. : angular-polymer or react-polymer) Stencil is a toolchain for building reusable, scalable Design Systems. The world is changing for the better and we’re sitting on the verge of a big shift for web enthusiasts from all corners… It’s up to us to push it forward and “hashtag” #usetheplatform !

You can see tons more examples on OutWebIO or PWA Rocks! A tiny runtime, prerendering, and the raw power of native Web Components make Stencil one of the fastest compilers around. https://news.polymer-project.org/list/top_stories, React Tips — Setting State and Internationalization, Persisting data with localStorage and Redux middleware, Essential JavaScript Array Methods for Beginners, Over engineering trivial tasks using Axway API Builder and Amazon Alexa, Search Engine Optimized w/ friendly URL slugs. Look at this one!… . As developers, we all know that reusing code as much as possible is a good idea. : angular-polymer or react-polymer).