borg tactical cube

Borg Missiles will put any enemy on the defensive as they try to figure out how to deal with destroyed shields as well as Auxiliary Power Tokens. The interior pressure of the Cube is however maintained by high energy forcefields and structural integrity fields with multiple redundencies. The tactical cube was a variety of the standard Borg cube featuring significantly enhanced firepower and improved defenses. An additional benefit of the generalised interior design is the aspect of presenting no particularly beneficial and specifically vulnerable targets of which enemy vessels may focus attacks upon. The tactical cube differed from the standard Borg cube in several ways, the most notable being the extensive hull armor that covered large portions of the exterior hull of the ship. CBS Entertainment | This site and its contents ® & © 2020 CBS Studios Inc. © 2020 CBS Television Distribution and CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved., The Borg tactical cube was also used in the climactic final level of, Tactical cubes are found in several campaign missions of. Voyager encountered one in 2376 when Captain Janeway attempted to infiltrate the collective in order to assist a small group of Borg rebels in their efforts to escape the collective. Section 31 This article or section does not list all values or entries associated with the discussed subject. The Borg Tactical Cube is one of the most powerful ships of the Borg Collective, outgunned only to the Unimatrix 0047 Command Ship and Borg Queen's Octahedron. Various weapons can be built as needed; typically heavily armed, total output 10,000,000 TeraWatts, Adaptive shield system, total capacity 7,290,000 TeraJoules, Generally none - specialized facilities can be constructed if required. Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Member. In the event the vessel poses a threat to the Cube, it will await the arrival of a vessel equipped for assimilation. Tactical fusion cubes were made by fusing together eight Borg tactical cubes. Borg vessels however possess hundreds, thousands perha… This was the most plausable reason which explained both why we'd never seen this ship until after Scorpion and why they put on excessive anti-energy beam armor on a ship which was always otherwise fully capable of defeating anything before-hand. Each side is identically armed and armored, denying enemy species the luxury of any directional weaknesses in defenses and blind spots in firing arcs. Thrusters are positioned upon both corners on all vertical faces of the Cube, movement is achieved by firing which-ever happens to be the "aft" thrusters in this particular engagement and rotation is achieved by firing one aft side thruster and one frontal thruster.