world history timeline 1500 to 1800

This is a culmination of a long process for the nomadic tribes of central Asia, who have posed an ever-increasing threat to the Chinese – a threat such that the Chinese have built a long series of defensive walls separating their agricultural homeland from the steppes. This may be the achievement of steppe peoples of East Asian origin. In Europe, the French Revolution posed a serious challenge to the old monarchies. World History Timeline (1450-1750) Print; Events. India’s economic rise has been unable to match that of many East Asian countries, but a relative relaxation of economic rules in the 1990s has led to some years of strong growth. The weakness of China has not prevented her from exporting her civilization wholesale to neighbouring peoples. Anti-Western – and in particular, anti-US – feeling also inspired the resurgence of militant Islam, which in 1979 led to the fall of the pro-Western Shah of Iran and his replacement by a regime dominated by Islamic clerics.

They have discovered that India, South East Asia and China are reachable from Europe by sea; but most dramatically, they have stumbled across a massive landmasses of North and South America. European nations, especially Britain and France, have established their power over some coastal enclaves, and expeditions of exploration are gradually mapping the interior of the continent. The chaotic situation this caused allowed European nations to extend their influence from their small toe-holds on the Indian coast.

Apart from being a convenient demarcation to help us moderns make sense of the past, does this actually mean anything? Paper has been invented in Han China. In South America, this is the period when the famous Nazca lines are being laid out. Continue to the next world history map, the world in 2500 BCE. In the steppes of central Asia, the nomadic horsemen have become a major threat to the settled civilizations of Eurasia. Now, the EC (whose name was changed to the EU in 1993) acted as a magnate to the former Communist states of central Europe. The level of engagement is determined by aspects like organic clicks, active sign ups or even potential leads to your classmates who can pay for the specific paper. The Arabs have brought a vast territory under their control, with chunks of both Europe (in Spain and Portugal) and the Indian sub-continent (most of modern-day Pakistan) falling to them. Psychology In the meantime, doctrinaire Communist regimes continued to blight parts of eastern Asia. Central Africa, which was already underpopulated before the slavers arrived in force, has suffered doubly from slavers from the Atlantic coast (Europeans) and from the Indian Ocean coast (Arabs). The main victors of this war, the USA and the USSR, now faced off against each other in the Cold War. It also gave way for the spread of culture. The 30 kings of Shang dynasty ruled a largely agricultural society that was established in the Yellow River Plain from the mountains of Shansi to the Shangtung massif. The British Empire is at the forefront of this development. However, the young politician, Octavian, has just defeated his rivals, Antony and Cleopatra, at the battle of Actium.

The Celts, or Gauls, as the Romans call them, have been expanding over the past few centuries, into Italy, Spain, Britain, the Balkans, and even as far as Asia Minor. At the same time, the Jewish people are now experiencing the early stages of their Diaspora, which by this time has also reached the frontiers of Rome and Parthia. In the Western Hemisphere, in Mexico, farming is becoming more and more intensive.

Africa has seen the emergence of kingdoms on the West African savannah south of the Sahara desert.

China is a huge, self-contained empire; its enormous and sophisticated internal economy feels no need for European trade. The spread of cars, air travel, domestic electrical appliances, radios, TVs, the cinema and so on have made lives in industrialised countries more varied and comfortable.
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Although these ideas had been advanced before, Martin Luther codified them at a moment in history ripe for religious reformation. – All the World’s history, at your fingertips –.

In fact, most slaves are now being taken from central and southern Africa, regions already destabilized by centuries of slaving.

In all of these, rich families of European descent own land on which African slaves grow and process crops for export to Europe.