florida panhandle beaches

Alligator Point Beach Cam. With a nickname like “Florida’s Playground,” Navarre Beach has a lot to live up to.

VISIT FLORIDA® is the Official Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation. The crystalline water feels blessedly cool, and the surf crashes with some vigor. We use cookies on our website to enhance your experience.

A beloved gem, St. George Island State Park has some of the finest powdery white beaches you’ll find in Florida. Beauty is a subjective issue and everyone has their views on what makes something beautiful, but it can be universally agreed that Santa Rosa Beach is quite simply one of the most gorgeous coastal locations in the world. It’s pristine sugary white sand and turquoise waters are a perfect oasis for nature lovers. Get our latest stories & deals in your inbox! With 27 miles of stunning white quartz sandy beaches, Panama City Beach is more than its past reputation of college-age students on Spring Break. Hiram’s Resort in Florida, 10 Vacation Homes for the Most Relaxing Florida Beach Getaway, Celebrate Halloween Safely at Miami’s Not So Spooky Drive-Thru Event, The Florida Keys Reopen – Here’s What You Need to Know, Head North: 8 Beautiful Outdoor Places to Visit on Minnesota’s North Shore, Top 12 Airbnbs in Asheville for Every Budget & Style, 12 Staycation Spots in the North Georgia Mountains. A unique ecosystem including scrub, pine flatwoods and salt marshes surround a body of water called Western Lake. Spend a half-hour checking out locally made jewelry, Adirondack chairs, copper art, tie-dye art, pottery, photography, watercolors, painted windows, sculptures, acrylics and more. To any fan of walkable towns, the vernacular architecture and New England-style commons seem familiar. Hire diving gear to explore the “Wreck Diving Capital of the South,” take a boat out to gawk at the frolicking dolphin pods, or hop on a sunset boat tour for a relaxing view of the area.

Nearby Dog Island is also a nice beach with low numbers of visitors, perfect for people who love their privacy and want to avoid the crowds. Leashed dogs are allowed on the nature trail and in the campground, but not in cabins or on the beach. You can hoof it, but the lazier among us prefer to travel through the forest to the beach via a tram that leaves from the park entrance every hour on the hour during the spring and summer, and every two hours in the fall and winter. You Need to Know: A beach house here offers restrooms, changing rooms, and an outdoor shower. By continuing on our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Where can I go for top-rated things to see near me, fun things to do today, with toddler, social distancing, beach and last minute resort ideas for couples: Ontario, Bessemer, Bookstores, Guilford, St Croix, Murfreesboro, Winston-Salem Wedding, ME, Wellington, Boulder, RI, Boise Day Trips. Still image, hit reload to see new image. Please contact us to send a comment or to report a problem.

The nearby historic village provides the perfect backdrop to a lazy day of beach relaxation, and Grayton Beach often ranks among the prettiest beaches not just in the Florida Panhandle, but in the whole of America, so it really is a must-visit location. Basic amenities can be found at this beach and it's an unbeatable spot for sunbathing and relaxation.

The opinions expressed in the getaway ideas, Floridians' Favorites and readers' comments do not necessarily represent those of VISIT FLORIDA. Visit nearby Topsail Hill Preserve State Park for sunbathing, biking, hiking and spotting wildlife or relax on the 3.2 miles of secluded white sandy beaches.