who were the silent majority

A group that makes up a majority of voters but does not widely express its views through marches or demonstrations. Following the renewed anti-war movement around the States, President Richard Nixon went on television and radio to call for national solidarity on his war effort in Vietnam and to gather support for his policies. First, Trump failed to attract a majority … It is why the spending levels keep going up; it is why little to nothing has been on abortion; it is why, even under the Trump administration, government continues to grow. All rights reserved. The Silent Majority is inspired by TRUTH. It is always where the parties generally lean, because that status quo also keeps all levels of governments off of the radar of the Silent Majority.

Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference? It does not like being told to stay away from them. Although the phrase “Silent Majority” came into use as early as in the late 19th century to depict “dead”,  it was not popularized until  the speech of U.S. President Richard Nixon to address the war in Vietnam to American people on November 3, 1969. The GOPers maintained that there was a silent majority that would vote for President Nixon, and they were proven correct when he won in a landslide. Now, the Silent Majority is more likely to go with the candidate that will re-establish the status quo. The Silent Majority was mostly populated by blue collar white people who did not take an active part in politics; suburban, exurban and rural middle class voters. The Silent Majority, Boston, Massachusetts. 10 Types Of Nouns Used In The English Language. The appeal to the Silent Majority was an appeal to the Americans who were tired of the turmoil and chaos for which they were not responsible, had no hand in perpetrating, and felt they could do little to nothing about.
After giving the speech, Nixon’s approval ratings rocketed from 51 percent to  81 percent in the States and 86 percent in South while 77 percent supported his policy in Vietnam in another survey conducted by Gallup. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Having provided this point of view on the situation of Vietnam, Nixon then appealed to American people asking the “great silent majority” for their united support to work towards his “peace with honor” plan in Vietnam.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'thevietnamwar_info-box-4','ezslot_0',113,'0','0'])); This famous speech also put out Nixon Doctrine which stated that each ally nation had to take main responsibility for its own defense of freedom even though America would provide military and economic support when called upon. It hates the idea that they are supposed to take seriously people with platforms and no experience. The Silent Majority is founded in quiet, but deep patriotism and when our freedoms are challenged - we rise.We produce products for proud Americans that embody the values that sustain our national life and embrace our freedom and independent spirit. But this info may have a bracing effect on conservatives who have remained silent in the past, knowing now they are not alone and could indeed be this election’s true silent majority. It is generally fine with the status quo, as long as that status quo does not interrupt their regularly scheduled programming. It is an active push against the idea of a Silent Majority, where the expectation is that people have to take time out of their already burdened daily lives to deal with another burden. It hates the idea of extremes, and hates the idea that they have to care about someone’s pet issue. And in the last year, boy has the channel been changed. By using “great silent majority”, President Nixon referred to the vast majority of Americans who did not take part in the mass demonstrations against the Vietnam War nor participate in the counterculture and public discourse in the country. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. One of the greatest things about our shared nation is the fact that we take the peaceful transfer of power between presidents for granted. So what is the status quo that the Silent Majority will want to return to?

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