did xander and cordelia sleep together

It seemed that Xander had finally found happiness when he met Anya. Again, I believe that Faith was sexually abused, perhaps repeatedly, so her perspective on men is bound to be skewed. She assumes he’s there for sex, even though he sincerely assures her that he’s not. She thinks all men only want sex. Here are five moments when we felt sorry for him, along with five times he was the worst. I loved BtVS but found Angel a bit meh! RELATED: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Xander's 10 Best Quotes. Her torrid relationship with Spike, whether a mistake or not, had nothing to do with Xander. In fact, she tells Willow and Xander to look for Faith in her haunts and to “be careful.”. In this series, I will look at an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer that deals with rape, sexual assault, or consent issues as a main plot point or as a featured event of the episode. Lyrics: Pain, I can't sleep He slowly gets to his feet and walks over to her. Buffy; Willow; Oz; ... What season did Xander and Anya sleep together for the first time ? I’d love to read it when it’s finished. VICTIM: Xander Harris. The mind of the perpetrator: Faith, still in deep denial over having taken a human life (by accident), responds to Xander’s offer of help with disgust, defensiveness, and sarcasm. He was a pretty immature 18 year old for the most part, so perhaps those feelings wouldn't have continued had the relationship, and it certainly wasn't the kind of love that, for example, Bangel shared. And they’re kind of a big joke to her. I enjoy Cordelia and Xander as a couple, but it was never going to last because Xander was so ignorant and immature. Victor tells Sonny that Leo is gone, he’s chasing Xander around.

His uncle Rory was an alcoholic and Xander spent his Christmases camping outside so he wouldn’t have to hear his parents fighting. Greetings. “Honestly, Faith, is there any member of the group that isn't sleeping together?” Joyce asked with a grin. She thinks that Xander wants to defend her so that he can use the opportunity to tell everyone that they slept together: “XANDER: See, you’re trying to hurt me. She has an MFA in Screenwriting and Producing and enjoys almost anything in the horror genre. It was definitely a hard episode to watch and it was really triggering. The viewers know this isn’t true, as Xander didn’t tell anyone about sleeping with Faith until he thought the information was necessary (when she got into trouble and he wanted to help her). For the first few seasons, Xander held a torch for Buffy that was impossible to extinguish. If there was someone Giles had the least in common with, it was Xander. He was pretty mean to Cordy and he seemed unconcerned with her at all. But right now, you need someone on your side. I actually think that Willow is the only person he genuinely loves, though perhaps not romantically, throughout the whole BtVS tv series (I find it hard to gauge emotion in comics).

He falls all over Faith right in front of Cordelia in Faith, Hope & Trick and then starts with the Willow kissage in Homecoming -- the same episode in which Cordelia admits to Buffy that she thinks she loves Xander. She assumes he’s come over for a second round of sex, even though he insists several times that he hasn’t. But can you imagine if the situation had been reversed, if Buffy had slept with a man, assumed they had a connection, only to have Xander reply that “the girls he sleeps with are kind of a big joke to him?” Willow and Giles would have jumped down his throat. I’m currently re-watching all the episodes of Buffy and I absolutely agree with you about this episode.