key concepts in journalism studies pdf

In this chapter, I, an Indian ‘exotic author’ ethnographic researcher, aim to reveal my own epistemological and ontological beliefs and perspectives on ethnography as a research methodology. We first examine how sharing analytics function as a novel form of news commodification, influencing reporting and editorial practices, with possible implications for news media diversity. It is becoming exceedingly important for scholars to study and understand how Twitter is influencing news reporting. Sign up for a free trial and experience all SAGE Knowledge has to offer. The ethical argument against such payments is that they may encourage people to lie or embellish facts to gain money, or impede the free flow ... Franklin, B., Hamer, M., Hanna, M., Kinsey, M. & Richardson, J. E. (2005). In offering personalized content geared toward users’ individual interests, recommender systems are assumed to reduce news diversity and thus lead to partial information blindness (i.e., filter bubbles). Explore research monographs, classroom texts, and professional development titles. Rather, it aims to provide students, teachers, journalists and general readers with the tools necessary to navigate the digital journalism landscape in the era of President Donald Trump, and to filter out the 'fact' from the 'fake' in their news. : The low importance of Twitter as a sourcing tool for economic journalists.

Our results are partly in line with current general theory on algorithmic appreciation, but diverge in our findings on the relative appreciation of algorithms and experts, and in how the appreciation of algorithms can differ according to the data that drive them. Watch cutting-edge streaming video that supports teaching, learning and research at all levels. Our paper critically analyses journalisms’ increasing dependence on social media news-sharing analytics and the implications for news media diversity. The relegitimation of journalism reiterates and reinforces the historically shaped essence of journalism that reflects a continuity of legacy journalism; and this is an organisational and occupational response to, and boundary defence against, the trend of delegitimation of journalism in the digital era. Together, the different contributions within this issue illustrate that the increasing use of online sources has impacted, yet perhaps not drastically changed, all aspects of journalistic news production. Whilst live blogs have become an established part of the news media ecology, corresponding research is still in its infancy, especially that which examines the crucial question of sourcing practices. Key Concepts in Journalism Studies (SAGE Key Concepts series) | Bob Franklin, Martin Hamer, Mark Hanna, Marie Kinsey, John Richardson | download | B–OK. Whether you've loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. Looking for digital journalism studies the key pdf to download for free?

A comparison of the platforms has shown that Twitter is more commonly used as a news source than Facebook.

McNair presents fake news not as a cultural issue in isolation but rather as arising from, and contributing to, significant political and social trends in twenty-first century societies. These interrelated features articulate the central dimensions of journalism studies, establishing the boundaries of the field and its relational, cultural, holistic, ecological, and contextual acts of scholarship. Actors producing information are multiplying, but still media companies hold central position. The researcher conducted a one-month ethnography of a large news organization and their online forums and discovered that journalists set high expectations of commenters, but willingly accept low-quality content.

We show how YouTube has become an important venue for the production and dissemination of youth perspectives. In this case study, I conduct a content analysis of links posted in discussions of local public affairs on Seattle’s subreddit r/Seattle to see what information from Seattle’s information ecology discussants are citing and re-posting. The data, collected in partnership with the World Press Photo Foundation, suggest the historical underrepresentation of women in photography is ongoing. Applying a qualitative approach, 36 semi-structured interviews were conducted with agency correspondents and bureau chiefs in Brussels from 27 national and international media organisations, accompanied by think-aloud protocols.