social media analytics examples

Shares happen any time an audience member shares your content to their newsfeed. In your weekly report, your conversion chart will look like this: In your quarterly report, they’re going to look like this: The last step in your weekly report will involve tracking the number of clicks that your content has received on each channel. With 20+ downloadable templates and resources. 02608970360, Expert System Wins 2020 Artificial Intelligence Breakthrough Award for “Best Overall Natural Language Processing Company”, Expert System Releases Natural Language API, Brand awareness has a major impact on consumer choices. I write tutorials on WordPress speed optimization and SEO. You can create multiple widgets in your dashboard. Metrics: Visits from each major social network Traffic drives people to your website, which in turn should create conversions. Write headlines that drive traffic, shares, and search results. With its $26.2 billion acquisition of LinkedIn, Microsoft is betting on the business value of social media analysis via LinkedIn’s social graph of more than 433 million users. Tracking your landing pages can show where your audience is ending up the most often on your website. While not an easy task, the job of social media analytics tools is to make this content useful and effective for business: How can social media analytics be used? Once you have that done, move your previous three weeks of data back a week in your chart to make room for the new week’s data. This dashboard breaks down most main social networks into their own widget. In this article, you'll discover five ways to analyze the effectiveness of your social media marketing. Social Media Analytics. Everything you need to know to go agile, right now. You can update the legend in your chart to reflect the new weeks.To fill out your quarterly chart, you’ll use the same process, however, remember the data for this graph should be reflecting every quarter, not every week. In your weekly report, your traffic chart will look like this: In your quarterly report, your traffic chart will look like this: The second part of your traffic data is going to involve recording your highest trafficked content, once a quarter. Try CoSchedule. When creating a widget within your dashboard, each metric will have a question mark icon. But, you can’t just throw some numbers in a spreadsheet and call it good. And, I know, mine is a pretty weak right now. If it’s where you need them to go, great! These report templates require a lot of data research to complete. Go to the Dashboards tab and click Create. Tom Dupuis started OMM in 2011. However, only two out of 10 tend to proceed to read the rest of your content. Try the Headline Analyzer », The Best Social Media Report Template to Show Your Results, How to Drill Into Data to Extract Powerful Social Media Insights, How to Use Social Media Analytics to Create the Best Content. Download this bundle and you’ll get: Snag your free templates first. See instructions below…. When you hover it, it will show the definition of that metric. To get better SEO metrics (like click-through rates, ranking position, and bounce rates by page) see the left side of Google Analytics and go to Acquisition → Search Console → Landing Pages. Check out my bio to learn 50 random and disturbing things about me. You can add this into your weekly report if you so choose, however for these templates we’ve only included it in the quarterly report, which looks like this: The next set of statistics you’ll learn how to record involves how many followers your social channels have gained. in GTmetrix) you should configure a cache plugin, optimize images, and setup Cloudflare + MaxCDN. Social Media Analytics: messy, murky, constantly changing, unreliable and insightful, essential, valuable: Social media analysis is a lot of things, depending on who you ask. What 10 Studies Say About The Best Times To Post On Social Media How To Attract An Audience With The Best Blog […], According to Copyblogger, 8 out of 10 people will read a headline. Start your 14-day trial to get organized with CoSchedule today. Login to Google Analytics and look to the left on the main menu. EIG: avoid these 80+ hosting companies, We use cookies on this website. With this report, your marketing team can: Just log into your CoSchedule account and find Social Network Reports in your analytics pane: Then, click on your selected network and get a detailed performance breakdown for each channel: Our new Social Campaign Report lets you create social media reports for each social media campaign you create.