jquery get selected option text multiple

can you help me? Get Selected Option Value. $('#mltiselect :selected').each(function(i, choice_jk) { This site makes use of Cookies. You will get the multiple values in an array format in the alert message box.

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At times, it could be very useful to use jQuery to Get Selected Option Index value for carrying out relevant processing. Get Text and Value of selected items of ASP.Net ListBox using jQuery The following HTML Markup consists of an ASP.Net ListBox control and a Button. Did I miss anything or get something wrong? Comments that contain or appear to be advertisments, will not be published.

In this article, I am going to show you a very easy and simple way to get selected option index value using jQuery.And the actual code is just 1 line, so it’s super easy to follow and implement. hexvalues[i] = $(choice_jk).val(); jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 jQuery UI 1.9.2 Framework