jammu and kashmir flag

By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 16 septembre 2020 à 03:35. We have been keeping you up-to-date with information on the developments in India and the world that have a bearing on our health and wellbeing, our lives and livelihoods, during these difficult times. mirrors, Jammu and Kashmir's first flag was from 1846 on wholly saffron red with a

Son article 21 prévoit toutefois que les relations entre le territoire et le reste du pays sont régies par un « Conseil » dirigé par le Premier ministre du Pakistan et le gouvernement fédéral d'Islamabad. rounded tail. Le point culminant du territoire est le mont Sarwali qui se situe à 6 326 mètres au dessus du niveau de la mer. The Jammu and Kashmir High Court has directed the state government to hoist the state flag on official buildings and vehicles of constitutional authorities in adherence to the mandate and spirit of J&K Prevention of Insult to State Honour Act, 1979. Find the perfect flag of kashmir stock photo. Jarig Bakker, 30 April 2002. “Yet the induction of eligible officers was delayed despite availability of slots and 49 undeserving officers were inducted despite non-availability of slots,” it reads. The state had the permission to fly the state flag together with the national flag. On August 11, 1952, the Constituent Assembly of Jammu Kashmir itself had made it clear that the State Flag did not compete with the National Flag. En 1972, l'Inde et le Pakistan signent l'accord de Simla dans lequel les deux pays s'accordent pour régler leurs différends pacifiquement. Your support for our journalism is invaluable. We also reiterate here the promise that our team of reporters, copy editors, fact-checkers, designers, and photographers will deliver quality journalism that stays away from vested interest and political propaganda.

[2], The flag symbolises various aspects of the state. L'Inde envahit le Cachemire et engendre le premier conflit indo-pakistanais que l'ONU fera cesser le 1er janvier 1949. Till date, Jammu and Kashmir had two flags – its own and the national tricolour. La partie septentrionale du « Cachemire pakistanais » étant formée par le Gilgit-Baltistan (ou « Territoires du Nord »).

Le maharaja, qui jusque-là envisageait l'indépendance de sa principauté, s'unit à l'Union Indienne en échange d'une aide militaire. En 1963, le Pakistan concède à la Chine les territoires situés sur le versant nord du Karakoram. Jammu and Kashmir officers flag ‘irregularities’ in seniority list Srinagar, September 13, 2020 20:52 IST Updated: September 13, 2020 20:53 IST Selon le recensement de 1998, l'Azad Cachemire est peuplé de 2 972 501 habitants dont le district de Muzaffarabad est de loin le plus peuplé tandis que la ville la plus peuplée est Mirpur. At this difficult time, it becomes even more important that we have access to information that has a bearing on our health and well-being, our lives, and livelihoods. The separate state flag was one of the three symbols of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, the other two being a separate Constitution and criminal procedure code. À l'inverse, le centre et le nord sont bien plus élevés et présentent donc des étés doux et des hivers très froids et enneigés. The flag of Azad Kashmir (Urdu: پرچم آزاد کشمیر ‎) is a state flag representing the territory of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.It features a green background, four horizontal white stripes alternating with green, a star and crescent on the upper fly, and a golden canton on the upper hoist.