simple php login system

you can add following script to the file, just don’t forgot to change connection variable as per your server setting. So, I always come to these tutorials when I need a good login system. nice tutorial regarding login system it is very helpful to my project. Fantastic tutorial! Easy to follow, well written and uses new technology. Hi thanks Sir, problem is user is not activating after clicking on email link, database is working. // ---------------- SEND MAIL FORM ---------------- Example. error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Very cool looking and functional. Therefore, I decided to make one myself giving high quality advice on how to make your first login system with a users online script! In JS i was add: how would i go about referencing the send_mail directly into the demo.php file and where exactly?

. But as we use $_SESSION to store all the encountered errors it is important that we unset these variables, once we show the errors to the user. 6 is a horrible blunder, but 7 and 8 are still annoyingly behind in everything compared to basically every other browser. $sentmail = mail($to,$subject,$messages,$header); // else if $count not equal 1 Software engineer & Blogger live in India, has 8+ years of experience working with the Front-end and Back-end Web Application Development. Whatever button, etc.

Could that be the problem? I would still like to be able to approve the registration. PHP Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/var/php_sessions/) failed: No such file or directory (2) in /hermes/bosweb/web256/b2562/demo/demo.php on line 16 which one should i consider for this project ?? Tutorialzine founder. We later use this in the registration to determine whether the username has been taken. isset() function in php determines whether a variable is set and is not NULL. I agree with Matt rounded corners is just for fancy design, nothing crucial. found it in login_panel/css/slide.css icrease the number of z-index in top panel line z-index: 999999; It looks very cool, but why no live Javascript/Ajax form validation (next to server-side validation) and sending while you were at it? Give you lots of work, sorry! Login System in PHP and MySQL, Complete Registration System With Session: Everyday on the internet we see too many login forms.In other words, user registration system.

Because one of the comment was about disadvantage using JS in Login Form (because (i think) than people can not log on or register, when they have switch off JS) so i was modify a little part of code. $pass = substr(md5($your_ip.microtime().rand(1,100000)),0,6); // create a new pass Do I have to go into PHPAdmin and set anything up there before this will work? Since years i use a php login script from evolt - know i change.... An all-browser rounded-corner solution would cost too much in terms of development time for a feature that is not that important. : Sorry for the bad english, i'm brazilian. You can try and modify the code to use the mail() function directly - you'll only need to copy the code inside the send_mail() function I've made and paste it directly in demo.php (line 42 in the second part of the file in the PHP section of the tutorial). I can't use this script. Great Job. First, we have to incorporate Web-kreation's form into our page. Busy working on the next big thing. send us error code. I didn't misspell my database name.... ? I have checked my "mail()" functionality in a standalone PHP file, and it works fine from the command line. The page where the line is called edit_profile.php and some how i need to indentif the user i tryed to put dif php code but no results. N.B . Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/lrpaid/public_html/test/Login/activate.php:2) in /home/lrpaid/public_html/test/Login/activate.php on line 6, you are tutorials is very good… echo "Cannot send the password to this e-mail address"; Martin also suggested to log in via PHPAdmin (this you can find on the Cpanel of your website). There are two new things in this file, we use the GET method instead of POST and also we use a while() loop. The date(‘U’) function gives us a the amount of seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT (Unix epoch). how do i incorporate this script(s) into my webpage? The info was then added and checked out ok. Plz tell me how can I use your demo and download file on my blog.

$email_to=$_POST['email_to']; If the cookie is not present (due to browser restart) and the visitor has not checked the remember me option, we destroy the session. Why? Could someone help me out with a forget password script? As I mentioned, you can see this page is slightly different. mysql_query(" UPDATE tz_members SET pass='".md5($pass)."' i have just purchased a login and register script using PDO, am geting an error when running.. can you help? Can anybody also explain how to include forget password mechanism or password reset feature?