wildlife photographer of the year 2020 winner

Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2020 finalists. f/11, ISO 160, 2x Yongnuo 560 III flashes, Sirui T-1204SK tripod, SMDV 60 speedbox diffuser, Yongnuo wireless controller. One photograph of a critically-endangered primate called a douc was shot by Arshdeep Singh, 13. Another, by Charlie Hamilton James, shows a single tree against the backdrop of a raging forest fire, shining a light on the destruction of the Amazon rainforest.

The 2021 competition opens for entries on October 19 and closes on December 10 2020.

News; Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2020: Image of two mice brawling over food on a Tube platform wins people’s choice award Mr Rowley described his win as a “lifetime dream”.

The competition can be followed on all social media platforms on the night and live streamed on the NHM website. Go deeper and discover the surprising – and often challenging – stories behind the images during a time of environmental crisis. Key dates . Photograph: Jaime Culebras/2020 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Wildlife photojournalism, single image category: Memorial to the albatrosses by Thomas P Peschak, Germany/South Africa

Wildlife photojournalism, single image category: Memorial to the albatrosses by Thomas P Peschak, Germany/South Africa Until finally, in May, we select the ultimate winners. Pallas's cats are no bigger than a domestic cat and they stalk small rodents, birds and occasionally insects.

All rights reserved. Popular gallery searches 2019 Mammals South America Invertebrates Underwater + Asia Black and White. Heartfelt thanks to the professional judges, Georgina Steytler, Michael Aw and Drew Hopper, for taking on the difficult task of selecting the successful images. Taking advantage of the gusts of wind sweeping the birds towards her, she captured their impressive acrobatics against the moody sky and jagged, snow-capped mountains.

This is how it happened and how we may be able to rescue them.

Natural History Museum Wildlife Photographer of the Year:Treetop douc by Arshdeep Singh, (Image: Arshdeep Singh/Natural History Museum), (Image: Charlie Hamilton James/Natural History Museum), Extinction Rebellion shut down Manchester – protestors blockade roads, Sea levels now match WORST CASE scenario predictions, Greta Thunberg rival's blistering attack on protests, (Image: Garth Lenz/Natural History Museum), (Image: Gary Meredith/Natural History Museum), (Image: Quentin Martinez/Natural History Museum), (Image: Laurent Ballesta/Natural History Museum), Coronavirus and threat of China 'more important' than Brexit deal, Archaeology: Climate change caused Neanderthals to improve tools, Natural History Museum's Wildlife Photographer of the Year, How 'lab-fertilised' coral reef breakthrough may save dying ecosystems, David Attenborough steps in with classy gesture to save London Zoo, BBC Bitesize Primary Daily: How to watch David Attenborough lesson, David Attenborough's vision to save planet 'we CAN turn things around', Climate change: NASA study exposes the cause of rising sea levels, Climate crisis: Antarctica ice shelves at risk of collapse, Boris Johnson's perfect opportunity to make UK 'global leader'. These images artfully demonstrate both the magnificence and fragility of the natural realm that we hold so precious. Express. The Moment Yongqing Bao Adult Grand Title Winner. 5D Mk II housing, SCALY-TAILED POSSUM, Photograph: Charlie Hamilton/2020 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, More: Wildlife Photographer of The Year h/t: guardian, Behaviour, mammals category: Surprise! Elias Mugambi is a ranger at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in northern Kenya. This is the 56th year of the Natural History Museum’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Chair of the judging panel, Roz Kidman Cox, said: “Several of my favourite images from the competition –the ones that I can look at again and again – are among the commended pictures. Interestingly, it’s not just serious photography that professionals pursue.