the hum recording

The city of Kokomo, Indiana hired a firm, Acentech Incorporated, to find the source of the Kokomo Hum and suggest solutions.

After an extensive study of the Hum in Kokomo, Indiana, researchers determined that it was caused by two nearby manufacturing plants whose production facilities were emitting specific low frequencies.

The experience described by Steinborn and Taylor, and many others, is what’s come to be known as “the Hum,” a mysterious auditory phenomenon that, by some estimates, 2 percent of the population can hear. All content is © Skeptoid Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. I also worked briefly as a web professional in the early 2000s alongside my teaching.” In 2012, he used a simple Google Docs tool to create a list of self-reported experiences with the Hum.

Who, What, Why: Why is ‘the hum’ such a mystery?

So what exactly does this Hum sound like?

24 Sep 2020.

In these places, some 2-10% of the population can hear the rumble. A scientific investigation into the Hum phenomenon. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Whatever the various causes of these peoples' experiences is, it seems clear that there is no one quantifiable Hum that adequately explains all these diverse reports. Ultimately the so-called solar neutrino problem (referring to the fact that only a third of expected neutrinos emitted from the sun are recorded as expected) was solved in 1998, leading to another Nobel in 2015 for neutrino research. One wonders if this is because of people like Kohlhase, who Deming sees as the main problem standing in the way of understanding the Hum and other scientific anomalies. The sound, always peaking between 30 and 40 Hz, was found to only be heard during cool weather with a light breeze, and often early in the morning. Humming Toadfish Are the Buzz of Sausalito – NBC.

The sound can usually be masked by background noise, such as a fan or keeping the radio on. I’d first heard stories of the Hum a few years ago, in the genre of weird conspiracies and odd occurrences one reads about when traveling the internet: another tin foil hat theory to go with the UFOs, Flat Earthers, and Raelians. Due to the large volume of emails received, not everybody will receive a timely or full reply.

West Seattle Blog. Some Hums are heard more often by older people, and some by younger people. The Industrial Revolution changed attitudes toward noise, as machines and urban life introduced a constant, deafening racket into the world. In 2009, the first episode of the reality show Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura offered a theory of the Hum possibly stemming from a government mind-control device, and in a 1998 X-Files episode the Hum (or something very much like it) caused spontaneous head explosions. Partly, he said, this had to do with the school year starting up again and the increasing demands of his main job and his other hobbies. They put a couple of compressor stations behind us, and after they installed those, probably seven months later, I started sensing a low-frequency disturbing noise when I was in bed—the typical thing: One person hears it and the rest of the family doesn’t.” He wasn’t alone in hearing the noise, he said. Enjoy!

“I don’t think he was crazy,” he said. If you go to your doctor to complain about the Hum, the most likely diagnosis you'll get is tinnitus. Vasudevan and Colin G. Gordon, who investigated claims of the Hum in 1977, established that it was “very probably” a real phenomenon and not an auditory hallucination, Hum sufferers have been consistently written off as either delusional or simply suffering from tinnitus.

There are many in the Hum community who see MacPherson’s box as an equally important scientific feat. Mystery humming sound captured – Sydney Morning Herald. “If I don’t show a sense of humor on this,” he said, “it’s going to be hell.”, David Deming has more or less ended his involvement with the Hum; he’s no longer doing research on it, and he declined an interview on the topic (though he did answer a few brief questions via email).

An inexorable attraction to anomalies is one of the ways science moves forward. Perhaps this is the reason so many people have seized on MacPherson’s experiment: its elegant simplicity, its promise of silencing the crackpots.