nuevo león people

Governor of Nuevo León Monterrey is the major hub. The fact that three people have died under suspicious circumstances within weeks of each other in Nuevo León state prisons 1 and 2 in Apodaca is deeply concerning and calls into question whether state prison authorities are meeting their obligations to protect the lives of detainees. Jaime Rodríguez With only 5.1% of its people being recognized as of pure indigenous origin, Nuevo León boasted a large population of assimilated individuals, with 253,878 individuals – or 75.5% – being classified as mezclada (or mixed).However, nearly one-in-five of Nuevo León’s inhabitants – 64,697 (19.2%) – claimed to be white. Prison authorities are legally required to provide adequate food, water, bedding, clothing, and medical treatment free of charge. After the failure to populate the area, a group of Portuguese and Spanish settlers who were of Jewish descent, requested permission from the Spanish King to attempt to settle the area which would be called the New Kingdom of León and would fa… By bus: Most people in the region use buses heavily. Nuevo León was founded by conquistador Alberto del Canto, although frequent raids by the natives of the north, prevented the establishment of almost any permanent settlements. Less than 24 hours later, on July 14, prison authorities reported that Aguilera Escamilla had died of electrocution while in detention.

It is reported that the state human rights commission and the state prosecutor’s office are investigating the death of Aguilera Escamilla. Outbreaks of Covid-19 We are writing on behalf of Human Rights Watch and Citizens in Support of Human Rights (CADHAC) to express our profound concern regarding allegations of abusive conditions in Nuevo León’s state prisons. – MEXICO Dear Governor Rodríguez, Guerrero said that prison authorities had tested 206 prison staff and seven detainees for Covid-19. On July 24, Modesto Martínez de la Cruz was reported dead at Nuevo León state prison Apodaca 2, just three days after entering the prison. Help us continue to fight human rights abuses. We respectfully urge you to take all necessary measures to ensure that the situation does not deteriorate irreparably. Additionally, given the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, it is critical that you take immediate action to reduce overcrowding and ensure that detainees and staff at Nuevo León prisons can follow health and social distancing recommendations. Join our movement today.

The interviewees claimed that many prisoners do not report these conditions to human rights groups, authorities, or their families out of fear that they will be punished. Extortion and Abuses We are deeply concerned about the growing outbreak of Covid-19 in Nuevo León’s prisons, especially given the crowded and unhygienic conditions in which most detainees in Mexican prisons are forced to live.