advantages of non conventional sources of energy

Potential players in the renewable non-conventional energy sector include solar, wind, algae, geothermal, nuclear, hydropower and ocean (tidal or wave) alternatives. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Three common minerals used by us in everyday  are copper, iron and salt. * Coal supplies will last longer than oil or gas, * Relatively cheap to mine and to convert into energy. What is the Plot summary of the bamboo dancers? Non Conventional Resources: Advantages There are a lot of advantages of non-conventional energy resources.

The dutch have been using windmills for centuries to pump water...and you will see newer style windmills all over the Australian 'outback' to pump water from bore holes. Overusing them at such rapid pace will only lead to their permanent absence. Land-locked states can't have ocean energy sources available. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. their potential appeared, in the beginning, after the first oil crisis in 1979 and became, significant domestic energy source, with great, contribution to their energy balance, helping, security of their energy supply. Some form of technological breakthrough is needed to further geothermal and ocean energy sectors. Wind might be in short supply for wind turbines, or cloud cover might interfere with solar energy collection. …. The increasing concerns over the depletion of fossil resources and its associated geo-political issues have driven the entire world to move toward sustainable forms of energy. Most of the appliances and equipment you use everyday are engineered for those sources of energy that are readily available, and therefore are the least expensive. Ano ang pinagkaiba ng komunikasyon noon at ngayon?

for heating, air conditioning or lighting. The large-scale production, maintenance and harvesting of algae can translate into exorbitant expenditures. Universe and will be the new fuel which we. Controversies arise about how efficient the non-conventional energy resource can be during times of hardship. (a) Renewable energy resource or Non conventional energy resource An energy resource that is continually replaced and will not run out. Ores of metallic minerals are found in igneous and metamorphic rock formations. The infrastructure is in place for many of them. In general is see the following: Advantages * Can be harmful to the environment to a lesser degree than current sources. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies.

to the decentralization of the energy system, making it possible for energy needs to be met, at a local and regional level, thus relieving, infrastructure systems and reducing losses, They provide opportunities for the rational, use of energy sources because they cover a wide, range of users’ energy needs (i.e.

The land management afterward can be taxing as well.

We need cheap energy and coal and oil fit the bill. Initial setup costs are steep for unconventional energy sources. Earthquakes, floods, sinkholes, tornadoes, hurricanes and all manner of natural disasters can damage a nuclear plant, creating leaks and environmental contamination. Non conventional sources of energy :-Those sources of energy which are produced continuously in nature and cannot be replaced quickly is called non conventional or renewable source of energy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of non conventional energy sources?

Oil, diesel, natural gas and coal are fossil fuels. * It is a relatively cheap form of energy. Ltd. Download books and chapters from book store. Nuclear reactors create toxic wastes that are harmful to living things, thus making storage, transport and disposal a serious challenge. Is clean air and water really that important? * It's a slightly cleaner fuel than coal and oil. These energy sources are abundantly available in nature, and often their stocks get replenished by natural cycles. What will happen if all tigers and lions in the world are killed? The symbol used for representing dependent sources.

Consider hydropower dams during a drought. © You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. plants which use conventional resources, they, lead to a reduction in the emission of other, pollutants, such as sulfur and nitrogen oxides, contribute to increasing energy independence, and security of energy supply at the national, They are geographically dispersed, leading. Non-conventional energy sources that are location-specific have limited accessibility. Many accidents occur while extracting energy from mines. And raw materials are relatively cheap and can last quite a long time.

Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Give five ways in which you can save energy at home.

A few of them are: No Fuel Cost: Renewable energy resources provide energy continuously at negligible fuel cost and hence these are cheap source of energy which makes them favorable over other sources of energy.

Conventional techniques have several limitations which can be addressed by using them in tandem with non-conventional methods for biomass pretreatment.

But non-conventional sources are renewable sources that do not get exhausted. You may be thinking fossil fuels, millions of less privileged have firewood as the main fuel source and animal including human power for transport. Why won't they take metal other than cans ?

This can be avoided by using these non-conventional sources.