list of scientific theories

it's the other way around. Doesn’t that contradict what you said? He was Catholic beginning to end. But science has shown that Earth’s timeline is much greater than that and that many of its processes would require tens of thousands of years. Equalizer: It's ignorant theists like you that have contributed so much to the dumbing down of America. Or not? That’s naive, if that is what you’re saying. Statistical mechanics: James Clerk Maxwell, Ludwig Boltzmann, J. Willard Gibbs, late 19th centuryBy explaining heat in terms of the statistical behavior of atoms and molecules, statistical mechanics made sense of thermodynamics and also provided strong evidence for the reality of atoms. Matthew 10:34: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. Oh geez. These combined with many assumptions we need to accept without evidence result is a theory whose major claims and explanations cannot be seriously proven experimentally in any lab….however, even though it claims a lot and proves wry little people assume is correct.
I mean for us a day is 24 hours but on a planet like Venus a day is 243 Earth days so who knows what a day would be for God. They are accepting as true that which has no supporting evidence and may have substantial evidence to the contrary. Any decent theoist believes that our creator created creation and how it evolulved or changed or developed, came out of that creation. Proponents of the theory, which began with the work of Aristotle and was expressed by everyone from St. Thomas Aquinas to the empiricist philosopher John Locke, insisted that all mental content was the result of experience and education. Why does the measured circumference of the planet not change? Plate tectonics: Alfred Wegener, 1912; J. Tuzo Wilson, 1960sWegener realized that the continents drifted around as early as 1912. For these thinkers, nothing was instinct or the result of nature.

Maybe it was that many people around the world are worried that the USA has so many nuclear weapons and is the only nation to ever use them? It’s been disproven again and again and again…. Biographics – History, One Life at a Time. Since when and where is your proof?

From Climatic History of the Holocene, by James S. Abe has written that the ocean levels are now shrinking. It seems to me that nothing will persuade a religious person to change their beliefs, whereas a scientist will immediately do so provided he or she is supplied with the necessary evidence, which other scientists can verify in their own laboratories. We lost more in the drug war in Mexico over the last couple of years alone. You believe your god started everything from nothing. They don’t matter? If you think the theory of evolution doesn’t explain the observed phenomena, explain it better and support your assertion. Why did Mars warm up more than Earth?…. You have much greater faith than I do if you believe it all came from nothing! (It was only rarely used to mean what it does today before Copernicus put revolutions in the title of his revolutionary book. Don't include us in your Evolution Dreams…. You claim that Mormons are smarter than other people? I'm prouder to be related to them than some "humans". “A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”…Max Planck. You have written your peace repeatedly. It is closed and finished. Seriously. This is the last I will write on this. According to this theory, the following is the list of the instincts that are present in men and women: Not really.. Look at Matthew 5:44. We’ve got Atheists and Christians debating, and let’s keep it a debate, not a small minded arguement please. Actually Einstein's theory predicted that the universe was expanding, but because that had not yet been discovered, Einstein created his cosmological constant. For example, famed scientist Louis Pasteur showed that maggots would not appear on meat kept in a sealed container, and the invention of the microscope helped to show that these same insects were formed not by spontaneous generation but by airborne microorganisms.
Andrei I feel sorry about you too. As for my qualifications, I have none; I'm (obviously) a Humanist. I will not spare you the rational people talk. According to quantum physics, the universe has no beginning. Rome was faltering. Game theory: John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern, 1944 (with important embellishments from John Nash in the 1950s)Developed for economics, where it has had some successes, game theory didn’t quite completely revolutionize that field. I agree I believe that people just constantly have to have something that doesn’t agree. i found hm 61 years ago. And as far as “It doesn’t matter what the bible says, it’s what people do”… So it’s the bible’s fault people decide to disobey and be hateful?

I would believe in such a god if there was any evidence for it.