importance of solar energy

That also helps keep the prices down and at steadier levels. We make use of this solar energy in a number of different ways. Since 2008, U.S. installations have grown seventeen-fold from 1.2 gigawatts (GW) to an estimated 30 GW today, enough to power the equivalent of 5.7 million average American homes. The heat is used to drive a heat engine, usually a steam turbine, that is connected to an electrical power generator which is then used to produce electricity. In 2015, solar energy was the fastest growing energy sector with a 33% rise according to Bloomberg. Besides advances in solar energy cell technology and lower costs to consumers for these devices, another very important benefit to solar energy is its cleanliness. Regardless of the specifics of a given installation, there are two main types of solar energy technologies—photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP). This means that solar energy isn’t just limited to generating power. Clean Energy Ideas is home to a wide variety of articles covering topics relating to renewable energy Though demand for energy continues to rise, there are things every homeowner can do in order to lower their costs and help the environment. Solar energy—power from the sun—is a vast, inexhaustible, and clean resource. All Rights Reserved. Together, they explain how the sun has become one of the most important natural energy sources available to our planet. When the sun shines onto one of those solar panels, photons from the sunlight are absorbed by the cells in the panel, which creates an electric field across the layers and causes electricity to flow. This technology uses mirrors to reflect and concentrate sunlight onto receivers that collect solar energy and convert it to heat. This is the key reason why many homeowners have opted to install solar energy systems.

Many homeowners want to weed through their questions first and then make a decision on whether or not solar energy with a renewable energy company is right for their home and family. Regardless of the specifics of a given installation, there are two main types of solar energy technologies—photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP). The environmental advantages are the main drivers in promoting solar energy. Using the sun as an alternative to fossil fuels avoids the release of these gases.

Solar energy has the potential to reduce or even eliminate your energy bills. It is used primarily in very large power plants and is not appropriate for residential use. This type of energy doesn’t produce greenhouses gas and it doesn’t pollute water or air. Around 31% of these jobs are based in China, followed by Japan at 7%, Germany at 5%, and the United States at 4%. When it comes to renewable energy resources, you can be confident that your home is being powered through domestic energy production. It’s a positive cycle that you can really stand behind. First of all, solar energy systems vary depending on application and size. The Sun Is Renewable. This does require adequate research and a suitable climate, but ROI is easily achieved in many parts of the world.