how to ask for estimated time of completion

If he wants something done sooner, get clarification on other priorities. Later, the shock got transformed into the following observation: “Why have I not figured out earlier that this question is probably the most important question related to work?”. I showed interest in working on it. Adjective to describe a task that will take a long time because it's a lot of work and/or a lot of waiting. And if you are clever and want to spend most of your time on the tasks and not on maintaining your journal you should learn how to use Emacs with Org-mode. As others have said, there are.some rules of thumb for most professions, starting with "whatever your first guess is, it will take longer and cost more; reality never matches the ideal case.".

Typically, only the really smart students get the idea. For a while, my estimates for software projects were wrong by a factor of 5 to 10: When I estimated “1 day”, it took more like a week in reality. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts.

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Swapping out our Syntax Highlighter. Meanwhile, I have been a university teacher for almost 30 years. Preview all messages on your phone.

If you approach your manager as an adversary, you can’t be surprised when he or she treats you the same way. Can I say Allah and his angels are in heaven by pointing my finger at up, The Functional Determinants in Peskin and Schroeder (Eq.9.77).

Then, whenever things go ideal, you're credited for being extra efficient.

How do progressive US political thinkers explain anti-black police discrimination in cities where the population and government are majority black?

Don’t hesitate to let them know that you will try your best and that you are committed to getting something done for them in an acceptable timeframe. If you're in a business of reasonable size, look around for 'who' is the communications person, and talk to them.

to write down, how much time they plan for a task to be done. I have considered ETC but wasn't sure if it is widely used. You can say of a software project that "the next version drops in two weeks" to mean that it is expected to be released and therefore "complete" (at least to some definition of "complete" for that version) in that duration. in your estimate to get a better number. Is there any evidence to support the claim that English grammar is unusually straightforward? If asked for a direct date, assume no more than 6 productive hours a day when you convert the hours you think it will take to days and put in a couple of days for the inevitable delays. Then if these "estimates" are actually guaranteed delivery times, add a big fat contingency on top. First of all: Don't shoot from the hip.

What did Lego set *instruction manuals* look like in the past? Example: When is the completion date for room 3 curtains and trimmings? Why is Schenker so influential in US academia?

Sounds like you need to focus on practicing it so you're ready next re.

Among other topics, it included

In military terms, ETC means estimated time of completion.

I will conclude my answer with an dialog from an Star Trek episode: La Forge: Yeah, well, I told the Captain I’d have this analysis done People who don't do that kind of tasks often fail to get the idea of "uncertainty".

Does hillbilly slang fall under a type of English language and if not, what is it called? It includes such things as testing, documentation and unanticipated problems. Of course he wants things don't on time.