media ownership 2020

A study from 2013 found one third of climate change news reported in Australia revealed skepticism and saw News Corp as the leading source for this reporting (Readfearn 2019). But have you ever thought about the people behind these outlets and their possible influence on the headlines we see. Munro, K., 2018. Thankyou for educating me of a new word! But have you ever thought about the people behind these outlets and their possible influence on the headlines we see. Cirque Du Soleil in Vegas – Live Audience Experience. I access a significant amount of news while scrolling through my feed, but I never questioned who may be controlling what I consume. Furthermore, Murdoch’s top selling newspapers within News Corp, The Daily Telegraph and The Herald Sun, also reflected Murdoch’s ideologies as 45% of the articles published did not believe the scientific evidence of climate change (Milman 2013). Everyday we are consuming mass amounts of news from various media outlets whether we are aware of it or not.

[ONLINE] Available at: The Verge. I watch The Project every night with my mum and boyfriend, and we watch WIN News for local news, sport and weather. This was done by Cambridge Analytica through an app called “thisisyourdigitallife” that illegally took data from users and their friends and it was alleged the information collected was used in Trump’s 2016 campaign for the purpose of targeting ads at consumers (Wired). Learn how your comment data is processed. One of the ways they will ensure this is by introducing an incentive for local content to be filmed in the local area. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

“Don’t try to be original; just try to be good.”,,,,,,, Facebook is another source of media I use to access news from which was founded by Mark Zuckerberg who is the CEO. Coming to learn about Murdoch’s ownership I have become more aware of why it matters where I get my news from and who controls it as I was unknowingly being persuaded. ( Log Out / 

Mass media influence the way facts are viewed and debated in the society. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. And how can media authorities address excessive media concentration if they don't know who is behind the media's steering wheel? rooster says. Religious institutions gained a foothold in media - and don't keep a low profile. ( Log Out /  Independence and pluralism in media, public opinion and views— including criticism of people in power— are the safeguards of a healthy democracy. Facebook’s privacy breach has created mistrust that will damage the integrity of the company for many years to come and provokes discussion about its propaganda tendencies. As consumers it is important to know who controls the media and where we access our news from as two of the sources I used daily have been proven to be biased and untrustworthy seen in Murdoch’s media and Facebook’s 2016 scandal. [ONLINE] Available at: Updating Australia’s media laws | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. Traditional media giants are racing to consolidate in the face of tech industry disruption. This privacy breach reinforces the importance of why it matters to be aware of those who control our media and news. its the only way to push back against the incessant neo-liberal, scare-mongering, destructive propoganda.

As a small nation, we’ve had a number of Government safeguards in place to ensure a range of media sources would be available to all media citizens. [online] Available at: