nynorsk eller bokmål

Hva er bokmål – Hva er nynorsk – Hvor mange dialekter har vi på norsk? Identitet ligger i å skille seg ut, og det gjør vi med språket. Så egentlig er bokmål et litt ulogisk ord. The strongly conjugated verbs are intransitive. If there is an adjective involved, the possessive pronoun also may come first, especially if the pronoun or adjective is emphasized; «mi eiga hytte» (my own cabin), «mi første bok» or «den første boka mi» (my first book). Du kan legge til en oversettelse som ikke fins i ordboken, eller du kan stemme et allerede foreslått ord rett eller galt. From the outset, Nynorsk was met with resistance among those who believed that the Dano-Norwegian then in use was sufficient. Det er faktisk et sosialt lim som vi er mektig stolte av. [40] Nynorsk requires the use of double definiteness, where as in Bokmål this is not required due to its Danish origins, but the usage in Bokmål depends on the formality of the text. Though the common gender took what used to be the feminine inflections in Danish, it matches the masculine inflections in Norwegian.

There is also a system where one can use both -a endings and -e endings at certain verbs, this system is known as kløyvd infinitiv.[48]. They all have to agree with the determinative nokon in gender and number.

The adverb form of an adjective is the same as the neuter form of the adjective, just like in Bokmål.

Det er ikke noe galt med andres smak, men det er noe med at ett sted må jeg jo få være meg. Forskjellige dialekter utviklet seg etterhvert. The Norwegianization in the 20th century brought the three-gender system into Bokmål, but the process was never completed. Ivar Aasen, however, favoured a more radical approach, based on the principle that the spoken language of people living in the Norwegian countryside, who made up the vast majority of the population, should be regarded as more Norwegian than that of upper-middle class city-dwellers, who for centuries had been substantially influenced by the Danish language and culture. [25] It's also widely used in theaters, like Det Norske Teatret and by teachers.

Bokmål og nynorsk er likestilte i Noreg.

Eg meiner det er heilt naturleg at ein i nynorskkommune i eit nynorskfylke Sogn og Fjordane har nynorsk som opplæringsmål.

eitt-talsverdi for vurdering av luftlydisolasjon, ett-tallsverdi for vurdering av luftlydisolasjon, akademiker som studerer videre etter eksamen. Written Nynorsk is found in all the same types of places and for the same uses (newspapers, commercial products, computer programs, etc.) In order to abstract this structure from the variety of dialects, he developed some basic criteria, which he called the most perfect form. As of 2020, 90 municipalities have declared Nynorsk as their official standard, while 118 have chosen Bokmål and another 148 are neutral[17], numbers that have been stable since the 1970s.

Men i Årdal skal dei lære nynorsk. The system of ergative verbs is more pronounced in Nynorsk than in Bokmål. Du kan finne mange morsomme videoer med dialekter på Youtube. Legg igjen en kommentar. Nynorsk mot bokmål. Other important copula verbs where predicative agreement happens are verte and bli (both mean "become"). These laws are in order to keep Nynorsk and Bokmål as equals, which has been seen as an important case since the creation of the language forms.

Nå har BT kåret det mest bergenske ordet, etter at mange har deltatt ivrig i konkurransen.