what happens in the last episode of buffy

The reason some girls have been trained for years before activation (as Kendra was) is that the Slayer isn't picked randomly, but is selected from a group of Potentials - thousands of girls around the world born with the power to one day be chosen. Cordelia made the wish (that "Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale") because she blamed Buffy for her (Cordelia) not being popular any more (amongst things). The other reason is her agent. 5.8 (Buffy) Shadow: 21 November 2000....... Usually when he had sex in Angel, he was under some sort of condition (either drugs, hate, or despair).However, during the last season of Angel, he does have a semi-regular girlfriend and does sleep with her (though she does keep a stake handy just in case).

Her soul goes to heaven where she is reunited with her beloved family whom Angelus killed. They both wake up, realizing that they just shared a dream. THE Edit, Nope. At the mansion, Jenny continues her quest: she tries to convince Angel that he must kill Buffy and, as long as he is alive, she will be at risk. It's also possible that the curse was written by the gypsies specifically for Angel, and therefore couldn't be used to create a blanket effect. Some people will be/feel bisexual, but later find that they haven't been interested in the opposite sex for a long time, and then feel/identify as gay/lesbian. Additionally, in 'Fool For Love' we also see that her moods (such as her "death wish", as was the case in this episode) affect her performance in the field. 6.4 (Buffy) Flooded: 16 October 2001.......

Of course, if you believe that it's all in Buffy's head, all of the Buffyverse is in her head as well, a la St. Dawn ponders, "What are we going to do now?" Buffy then admits to Spike how special the night they shared was and that it gave her the strength to find new courage. Edit, Six possibilities.1) The guy was in another dimension when the wishes were reversed, and so missed out on the magic.2) Giles' book was wrong.3) This wish was still in progress, while the 1920's wish had long since been completed. When Anyanka's necklace is smashed in 'The Wish', we're told all her wishes will be reversed. Which is why he acts like he doesn't have a soul in ATS when he gets drugged by the movie star. Kendra was also given a last name (Young) despite saying in the series that she doesn't have one. #22: "Swell" By Steven S. DeKnight.
2.21 (Angel) Through the Looking Glass: 15 May 2001....... Edit, Sweet's final lines are "Say you're happy now - once more with feeling!"

Who is Spike's sire? Back at the house, Dawn angrily kicks Buffy in the shin for having Xander try to take her away from Sunnydale in the previous episode. A flashback to Buffy's final speech to the Potentials reveals that Willow is channeling the essence of the scythe in order to activate Potentials all over the world. After some more research, Buffy discovers that nothing will grow above or below the priests' location, and she is reminded of the dead trees at the Christmas tree lot.
THE GHOSTS OF CHRISTMAS PAST — As Buffy and her friends make plans for a quiet Christmas vacation, Angel is haunted by visions of his violent, demonic past, including the ghost of Jenny Calendar.

5.12 (Buffy) Checkpoint: 23 January 2001....... She later appeared on Angel in Season Two and killed a bunch of people in L.A. She comes back to Sunnydale in said Season Five episode, "Crush," trying and failing to win back a Buffy-obsessed Spike. Part 4" by Brian K. Vaughan Issue #10: "Anywhere but here" by Joss Whedon Issue #11: "A beautiful sunset" by Drew Goddard Issue #12: "Wolves at the gate, Part1" by Drew Goddard Issue #13: "Wolves at the gate, Part 2" by Drew Goddard Issue #14: "Wolves at the gate, Part 3" by Drew Goddard.