disadvantages of nuclear agriculture

Due to increasing population day by day, we need to improve the food security and enhanced acreage yield of wheat as well as others crops in the Pakistan. No doubt, this energy has many applications apart from just generating electricity. Biggest Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy. of Punjab Mark-up free Agri. According to Makkar, content of plant secondary metabolites in some of the unconventional feed resources, could give adverse effects to the feed of livestock. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the UKDiss.com website then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! The nuclear energy has a higher density as studies have found that energy produced in nuclear fission is ten million times greater than the amount of energy released by burning fossil fuel atom. *Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]. This gamma irradiation is an effective technique which enhances nutrient availability in plants that are fed to livestock. The process of fission turns Uranium matter into massive energy, thus is called Nuclear energy. The initial set up of a nuclear power plant needs investment and then can be utilized to supply clean fuel as well. Role of Odonates as a beneficial insects in nature. Radioactivity damages the cells and destroys the molecular structure, which causes permanent disfiguration or embryo damage. Other than that, our government can implement joint projects with developed countries, so that more application of nuclear energy can be used in Malaysian agriculture. He further explained that bioavailability of nutrients decreases at high levels of plant secondary metabolites. Thus, it is found that gamma irradiation is an effective technique to inactivate the adverse activities. The method of splitting atoms, also known as fission takes place inside a closed and protected system known as the reactor.
What are Advantages and Disadvantages of Natural Gas? It can’t be said that nuclear reaction emits zero Carbon Di-Oxide, though the amount of carbon dioxide is relatively small and is harmless to the environment. Many countries have safely disposed the short-lived wastes. They further explained that nucleic acid hybridization (nuclear related technique) is a promising technique for disease diagnosis. Soil may be contaminated within a 10-mile radius, posing a danger for human occupation for at least three decades. Gamma irradiation is one of the non-isotopic nuclear techniques. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. While there are many benefits of nuclear energy, there are also some downsides and negative effects of atomic energy, which may be adverse and centuries long. It has been found that this technique increases the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer while reduces environmental pollution. Other than that, Khanal and Munankarmy (2009) stated that there is possibility to improve health, feeding and fertility of livestock. Data obtained from SMNP are used to calculate the soil water balance and estimate the total amount of soil water removed from soil evaporation and plant transpiration (Joint FAO/IAEA, 2004). No doubt, technology has some merits and demerits but if we can use it moderately we can increase our production. Co-ordinated Research Project (CRP) was carried out on the use of nuclear techniques for optimizing nitrogen fertilizer application under irrigated wheat. 10th May 2017 Thus, it is said to be very effective in terms of time and sensitivity. Company Registration No: 4964706. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. It has been reported that the increasing price of gasoline, electricity, diesel fuel and natural gas is one of the major problems to farmers. For instance, mutation breeding has given more than 3000 crop varieties of some 170 different plant species in more than 100 countries. Copyright © 2003 - 2020 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. Even after a reactor is dismantled after use, the land remains devalued and can contaminate the surrounding life further. According to Farm Press, nuclear power is considered cheap to be used in agriculture development.
In 1986, there was a Chernobyl accident occurred in Ukraine.