disadvantages of biomass class 10

Question 4 Describe the construction and working of biogas plant? Biomass densification, which is also known as briquetting of sawdust and other agro residues, has bee n practiced for many years in several countries. Instead of using biomass directly as fuel, it is always advantageous to use biogas produced from biomass. Domestic sewage is digested in large sewage gas plants to well as manure. animals (called livestock) to provide animal dung, therefore, biogas can become a steady source of energy in our rural areas. (5) As more and more biogas collects in the dome , it exerts. It is non – conventional source of energy. When cow-dung cakes are burnt, they produce heat. 3 Cow-Dung and Biogas. Biogas consists of methane, carbon dioxide along with the small amount of hydrogen sulphide, and moisture. Disadvantages of Biogas Wood is a renewable source of energy. Biogas is a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide. Give few examples? of biogas. While the advantages of biomass energy are plenty, there are also some shortcomings, including: 1.

7 Construction of Bio Gas Plant.

are mixed with water and fed to the digester through the inlet as shown in the figure. Class 10.

So, wood has been used as a fuel for a long time (Wood that is burnt as a fuel is called firewood). Agricultural wastes, vegetable wastes, poultry droppings, and paper scrap can also be used for producing biogas. Economics Chapter 4 Food security in India – Notes & Study Material, Economics Chapter 3 Poverty as a Challenge – Notes & Study Material, Political Science Chapter 5 Working of Institutions – Notes & Study Material, Political Science Chapter 4 Electoral Politics – Notes & Study Material, Political Science Chapter 3 Constitutional Design – Notes & Study Material. 3. The, spent dung slurry, left after the extraction of biogas, is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus compounds and, (7) Once the gas-plant becomes operative, more fresh dung slurry is added to the digester tank regularly.

DISADVANTAGES . (1) A biogas plant consists of a well-shaped, underground tank called digester, which is made of bricks, and has a dome-shaped roof , also made of cement and bricks.The digester is a kind of sealed tank in which there is no air(or oxygen).

Bio Gas and Green Energy.

(1) Biogas is used as a fuel for cooking food. Similar observations can be noted for biomass. Another major disadvantage is that the land used for growing crops for biomass, is occupied for the long term and which may be used for other purposes like housing, conservation, farming,  resort or agricultural use. After extracting the biogas, the spent cow-dung can be used as a manure because it still contains all the nutrient elements which were present in it initially. paper sludge from paper recycling processes). Required fields are marked *. tank in which there is no air(or oxygen). (d) There is no storage problem for biogas as it is supplied by pipes directly from the gas plant. 10 Benefits of Biogas. Sun is the ultimate source of all fossil fuels.

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Biomass is the organic matter which is used as a fuel to produce energy.

The large scale utilisation of bio wastes and sewage materials for producing biogas can provide us a safe and efficient method of waste disposal besides supplying energy and manure.