the power of asking questions

Asking people questions about their lives can unlock fascinating truths about the human experience. Ask the Dumb Questions. When you ask the right questions, you find the answer. From a seemingly dumb question, we learned about a problem that we didn’t even know existed (and something about the Ops Coordinator). “I didn’t want to ask a dumb question.”. At Bell + Ivy, we strive to ask the right questions. That’s the value of creating a culture where anyone can ask any question.

You have an idea - let it go! That doesn’t mean it’s dumb -- it just means it’s not obvious to other people. The Power of Asking Dumb Questions Great solutions and insights often start with someone having the guts to ask a 'dumb' question. You can get fired if you don’t ask enough questions. Although from my own experience, I would say that the simplest and most effective way to use the power of questions to benefit one’s life is by posing them to themselves. Control. We learn about life through questions. As a teacher of middle schoolers I have spent most of my career promoting higher-order thinking in my students. Questions can be key to your own reality. Watch Now Checking list. Just because something is easy for you doesn’t mean it’s easy for other people. Be a forward thinker and use your creative spirit to drive you towards the space you want to exist in. Link up and band together with like-minded individuals. I responded, “It’s still a good question because I’m learning something in the process. “You asked me to bring them.”. 15:31 Jia Jiang What I learned from 100 days of rejection Jia Jiang adventures boldly into a territory so many of us fear: rejection. Seek to ask someone a question they’ve never been asked before. Soak up the experiences that lift you up and give you the platform to grow as a person and a professional. But I might not be explaining myself clearly. You get fired for asking too many questions. The Power of Asking Questions: When in Doubt, Just Ask! The Power of Questions . So often we spend our time unconsciously avoiding or ignoring thoughts or emotions that we don’t like, instead of confronting them with the presence of awareness. By seeking out rejection for 100 days — from asking a stranger to borrow $100 to requesting a "burger refill" at a restaurant — Jiang … Here are 10 ways to ask questions more intelligently you can start using today. Because you’re afraid of looking dumb.

When you ask a question, there is a strong social pressure … They can identify who you are, clarify your passions and interests, and can make your life a thriving one. Stand out from the crowd and be yourself! Approach life like the immersive canvas of knowledge that it is. One of the most effective ways to approach any problem is to ask questions about it. Unlock the cornucopia of the human narrative and discover the truth. PeopleImages | Getty Images. Asking questions cuts to the truth of a conversation. Instead of asking someone what they “do,” ask them: “What is your passion?” Watch the conversation crack wide open! Though they can make us uncomfortable, they allow us to confront the possibilities of the unknown.

I explained to him that there’s no such thing as a dumb question, but there are dumb actions. Don’t just wing it. Then, two weeks later, the Ops Coordinator asked me the same question again. People want to talk about the experiences that shaped them, even if those experiences are painful. Related: The Power of Asking Questions. Many leaders forget that, so you dismiss questions as dumb because you already know the answer.

Why? And as the Class of 2019 graduates and embarks on the journey of … I hope this helps. Most companies in corporate America are not set up to encourage people to ask questions. The key to a story is a question. Jumpstart Your Business. Just ask the question.