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It means a new bid must be made at forming a government, Getting rid of a measure just because it was introduced by an administration led by a different political party is a short-sighted way of understanding politics, The Catalan separatist leaders on trial for their involvement in the 2017 secession bid have been given all the guarantees necessary for a fair verdict, The need to reach deals forces parties to review their own strategies, Pedro Sánchez’s party may have won most votes at Sunday’s election, but there are several alternatives that lay ahead, with upcoming local, regional and European polls likely to be key, The final message of Saturday’s march by supporters of Catalan independence was not the one that pro-secessionist forces proclaimed in Madrid, but the one that they took home with them to Catalonia, The only arguments that should influence the outcome of this high-profile Supreme Court case are legal ones, not political ones, The Spanish government is venturing into slippery terrain by allowing an ill-defined figure to be present at cross-party talks about Catalonia, The Socialist government wants to modernize the economy, but its plan lacks specific details and is guided by electoral concerns, The outcome of the vote in Spain’s most-populous region represents a political change across the country, A society that takes its comedians to court is losing its own sense of generosity and greatness, The European Union must keep its promise about the Spanish role in the future of Gibraltar, No agreement would be worse and more disruptive than a mediocre one, Party unity would be the most effective response to the Catalan premier’s ultimatum over an independence referendum, Spain must put forward its own pact on the British offshore territory to guarantee the rights of cross-border workers and to combat tax evasion, Pedro Sánchez’s planned reforms to the protection that Spanish politicians are afforded from the lower courts is a short-sighted political play, Despite all the grandstanding, the regional premier failed to produce a real governing program, The European Union has proposed an end to the twice-yearly changing of the clocks, but such a measure would be hard to apply – particularly in Spain, The lawsuit the former Catalan premier has filed in Belgium against a Supreme Court judge is nothing more than a political ruse, The City Hall and port authority have both refused to take responsibility for the collapse of a seafront boardwalk that left hundreds injured, Ongoing street protests are harmful to both the industry and passengers, The first case to go to trial in connection with a network of stolen babies is a reminder of a pending task in Spain, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s main task now is to repair the damage done by Mariano Rajoy’s Popular Party, With his selection of ministers – including a high proportion of women – Pedro Sánchez has opted for a message of stability and moderation geared toward Europe, Now that they are in opposition, the conservatives need to regroup and exercise loyal opposition to the government, not create tension and agitation, Perhaps it is less costly to fight a little more so that we can achieve a better victory, Spain’s newly appointed prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, must form a solid government that facilitates stability, The no-confidence vote will remove Mariano Rajoy as prime minister, but won’t produce greater political stability, Negotiated early elections are the best way to end the political uncertainty, Buscador por calles | Averigüe la incidencia del virus en su zona y si está afectada por las restricciones, Uno de cada diez enfermos graves de covid produce anticuerpos que empeoran su enfermedad, Madrid se resiste al confinamiento y pide ayuda “urgente” al Gobierno, España encabeza la segunda ola en Europa y muchos expertos endurecen sus críticas a la gestión, La UE urge a los países a tomar “medidas inmediatas” para frenar una segunda ola del virus, Casos confirmados de coronavirus en España y en el mundo, In defense of clowns: the Dani Mateo case. An investigation is urgently needed into what happened and why communication failed after the explosion in Tarragona, where the delay in adopting confinement measures could have had consequences if there had been a toxic cloud, The government must explain why it has chosen former justice minister Dolores Delgado to be prosecutor general, The investiture of Pedro Sánchez as prime minister offers Spain the small chance of returning to normality, Spain is taking a firm approach to talks about the future of the British Overseas Territory after Brexit, At this weekend’s investiture debate, prime ministerial candidate Pedro Sánchez must give a full explanation of the deal he has made with ERC on future talks about Catalonia, The deal signed between the Socialist Party and Unidas Podemos to form a coalition government is a step forward, but explanations are still required, The solution to the current political deadlock in Spain requires negotiating a bare-bones governing program as soon as possible, The arguments and policies set out by Vox during Monday’s pre-election debate should have set all kind of alarm bells ringing, The Supreme Court sentence on the Catalan separatist leaders is the result of the strict application of the law, not a partisan or revenge-driven trial, It is the parties themselves, and not the country’s parliamentary institutions, that are to blame for this failed political term, The European Central Bank is headed in the direction of fiscal policies and public investment, Pedro Sánchez’s failure at this week’s investiture vote should not mean new elections.