cognitive styles

Thinking may involve perceiving information, processing information, and applying information. Field dependence represents the tendency to perceive and adhere to an existing, externally imposed framework while field independence represents the tendency to restructure perceived information into a different framework (McGee, 1979). Example: In the field dependence - independence model some learners are better at distinguishing information and separating it from the information around it.

Unlike individual differences in abilities, cognition describes a person's typical mode of thinking, perceiving, remembering, or problem solving. Cognitive learning style is, in essence, a personality component. Cognitive style can be compared with cognitive ability, which refers to how good a person is at thinking and processing information. Cognitive style is usually described as a personality dimension which influences attitudes, values, and social interaction. Evidence exists that individuals possess habitual ways of approaching tasks and situations associated with particular patterns in cognitive processes including decision making, problem solving, perception and attention.

Other articles where Cognitive style is discussed: George S. Klein: Schlesinger introduced the term cognitive style to refer to the combination of several cognitive controls within a single person.

As we look at each of the three cognitive styles, as you assess your own results, you'll find that they fall on a scale of about zero to ten. Cognitive learning style describes an individual’s habits of processing environmental stimuli (information). Cognitive style is a person's habitual, prevalent, or preferred way of thinking. The term cognitive styles refers to the different approaches people characteristically use in undertaking cognitive tasks. Cognitive style is a term that refers to a way of perception, thinking, decision making and problem solving. Considered to be a personality trait and representing both nature and nurture effects, cognitive styles are thought to influence individuals’ values, attitudes, and social interactions. Learning Style and Personality .

Each person obviously thinks a little differently, but usually has a characteristic style of thinking.

On this scale, typical values are about four. What you should notice is that there will be a dominant style that then would be a high score on any of these scales. Cognitive learning style simply indicates the tendencies of certain behaviors that occur during thinking and learning. Cognitive style refers to a person's preferred way of thinking, remembering or solving problems, again, analytic vs. global. Cognitive learning styles are the information processing habits of an individual. Klein also did research on subliminal (below consciousness) perception and altered states of consciousness.

It is important why a given individual or group holds such style, how they think.