theora plugin

The Ogre library does not provide any video decoding internally. theora_image_transport only works with 8-bit color or grayscale images. The Theora Video plugin allows referencing theora streams as @ref External-Texture-Sources. condenses the functionality down to a clean and simple OGRE-fied interface. Higher values can improve the appearance of the decoded images at the cost of more CPU. Theora uses the Ogg container format and is usually combined with Vorbis audio.
Code repository last updated in 2010. The Theora Video plugin allows referencing theora streams as @ref External-Texture-Sources. Does any one know why the decompression does not work? * - Provided by package: theora_image_transport - Publisher: This plugin publishes a video packet stream encoded using Theora. In fact, there are three plugins: Theora, Directshow and FFmpeg. If set to 1, every frame is a keyframe. For example, for viewing a stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth and latency. Video Plugin Overview. Theora is an open video codec based on On2's VP3 codec, open sourced in 2001.. based applications. Sound objects are derived from MovableObject, can be attached directly into scene graph via SceneNodes, Support for attaching EFX filters/effects to sounds if hardware supported, Integrates into Ogre3D as a FrameListener, Supports loading videos from material files. Before reading this page, make sure you understand the image_transport package. noetic A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics in representations other than raw pixel data. Wiki: theora_image_transport (last edited 2015-01-22 00:37:30 by TullyFoote), Except where otherwise noted, the ROS wiki is licensed under the,,,, Maintainer: Julius Kammerl , Controls whether to use constant bitrate (CBR) encoding, aiming for, Encoding quality level, in the range [0, 63].

Theora files can be streamed using the Icecast 2 streaming server, available for most recent Linux distributions. It's being developed by the Foundation of Ogg and Vorbis fame. It enables any node using image_transport classes to publish and subscribe to image topics compressed over the wire using the Theora video codec. Try 'rosmake theora_image_transport'. theora_image_transport is a plugin package for image_transport. specifications for each class and the methods on those classes which you can