belarusian state university

Now the University is a large multi-profile educational and scientific center in the Republic of Belarus. The Belarus State Economic University (BSEU) is a complex educational establishment, which trains specialists in the field of economics and management, finance and banking, accounting and statistics, commerce, international economic relations, economic policies, business communications techniques, marketing, logistics, economic law, economics and management of tourism, economics of labor and … The University departments and the Centre for Chemical and Physical Investigation Methods are equipped with unique up-to-date research and laboratory facilities enabling high-quality research and assisting in educational process. ыка, экономики и культуры в БГЭУ. Almost half of them hold advanced degrees and scholarly titles, including 100 doctors habile (Dr. Participation in the online conference "Globalization and youth of Uzb... Ministry of transport and communications of the Republic of Belarus, Information-consulting point of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

Trova tutte le informazioni su scuola MBA e Master qui! Outstanding scientists and teachers, famous scientific schools and centres,  a high standard of professional and interpersonal ethics,  the continuity of traditions and the possibility to transfer rich pedagogical and life experience to the younger generations - all this is BSPU nowadays. dreams and ambitions into global opportunities for success. The procedure of applying, admission, enrollment. The University researchers contribute to over 230 projects within 35 national and international scientific and technical programs. Being the leading school of higher learning in the field of economics, BSEU is in the process of constant development, searching for new forms and methods of teaching. The best engineers at the prestigious CASE-IN Championship, BSUT is included on the Gomel City Board of Honour. and full professors and 610 with a Ph.D. degree. Its structure includes a university administration, a university council, a scholarly-methodological council, an education-methodological council on part-time education, councils of schools, branch, institutes and an editorial-publishing one. BSU is 27 faculties and institutes, 83 educational programs , 107 directions. The university has gained a good reputation and has become a leader in the field of teacher training for more than 100 years of its glorious and rich history. Faculty of Forest Engineering, Materials Science and Design.