abseiling rope setup

If you need to traverse or downclimb a bit to find bomber placements, or if the rap gear on a sport climb isn’t in excellent condition, do so.

Knowing how to rappel also serves as a safety measure. Our editorial and design team—and all of our contributors—are climbers just like you who love the sport and want to share all the great things it has to offer. From thumb-down jams to pinkie-down jams to donut jams, from finger bars to ring locks to tips cracks, there’s lots of technique to be learned in just finger-sized cracks (to say nothing of all the other sizes!). You go up, then what? Do not get cheap with rappel anchors. Tie one overhand backup knot with both strands of the rope below your device (A), then clip the knot to your belay loop with a locker.

Tie one overhand backup knot with both strands of the rope below your device (A), then clip the knot to your belay loop with a locker. A figure-8 on a bight makes a great “stopper knot,” and will jam in your rappel device, saving you, should you misjudge the distance to the ground or the next rappel station. There is more to climbing than just going up. Pitons are suspect: you don’t know how solid they are, and the freeze/thaw of winter can cause a piton that was bomber one summer to fall out in your hands the next—don’t use them unless you 4) The rope reaches the ground or the next rappel station. Rappel in one steady flow rather than bounding. You can abseil with either one rope or two. You need a belay tool that doubles as a rappel device, a Personal Anchor System (PAS) and a backup to safely set up your rappel once you reach your anchor. Rappelling off the ends of the rope is a real danger—climbers die from that mistake. S – Safety and Sharps: Back up your device with an auto-block such as a prusik. Alternately, split the long rappels into short ones—less rope equals less friction, and less rope to abandon When you’re out for a day of cragging, it is usually quicker and easier to, You need a belay tool that doubles as a rappel device, a Personal Anchor System (PAS) and a backup to safely set up your rappel once you reach your anchor. Experiment with the length of the prusik, and get it exactly right before you are in the field. The most versatile rappelling device is a “tube” type. There are lots of types of climbing out there: What’s the difference between free climbing, free soloing, sport climbing, traditional climbing, bouldering and aid climbing? If you're using one rope to abseil, feed one end through the abseil point. For example, Rifle Mountain Park in Rifle, Colorado, is so well maintained that lowering is considered proper form. Sit back on the device that is now in “auto-blocking” or “guide” mode. Your PAS, which should still be firmly attached to both bolts, can now also be set up as an extension of your rappel device: It’s the duty of the last person down to deal with potential snags. Your subscription to our award-winning print magazine or donation will help us continue down a path that is uncompromised, and keep the website free for climbers like you. It only takes a few seconds and knots in the ends to prevent you from accidentally. Have fun! Rock climbing and rappelling are dangerous. That way if the system were to fail—although failure is highly unlikely—you’re attached to the rope with a locker to the strongest part of your harness. E – Ends: Tie knots into BOTH ends of your rope. Regardless of the situation, remain connected to the anchor until you are rigged to rappel, only then disconnect yourself from the anchor.