bokmål vs nynorsk examples

There are actually a few patterns that one can pick up intuitively - especially if the word uses a lot of prefixes or suffixes or follow some sort of standard formula, but in order to be sure, you just have to learn the pronunciation and intonation along with the spelling. Mention the word Iran to most people and this image is probably close to what first comes to mind: Older people will remember a vastly di... A page from a skin manuscript of Landnáma in the Árni Magnússon Institute in Reykjavík , Iceland I wrote a post on this subject back in... A discussion on this has been going on for a few days over at Auxlang, namely that though at-sight IALs (Interlingua, Occidental, etc.) Nynorsk was established in 1929 as one of two state-sanctioned fusions of Ivar Aasen's standard Norwegian language (Norwegian: Landsmål) with the Dano-Norwegian written language (Riksmål), the other such fusion being called Bokmål. Compare the examples: English: I — bokmål: jeg — nynorsk: eg . So the people on TV and radio would use dialects that did not really exist in the real world, but was very close to a spoken version of bokmål and nynorsk. Actually, Høgnorsk is a mostly archaic form of Nynorsk, which is still maintained to some degree by individuals. Revisjon av ordbøkene. Men for å komme til dette målet, gikk nordmennene to forskjellige veier. Yes, nynorsk is more Norwegian than bokmål is (considering it's based on dialects while bokmål is based on, uh, Danish of the 17th/18th century or so), but that doesn't make bokmål not Norwegian, nor does it make it,, ... lforms.png, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (Bosanski/Hrvatski/Српски), Indonesian/Malay (Bahasa Indonesia/Bahasa Malaysia), Australian, Austronesian and Papuan Languages, Central and South American Indigenous Languages, Unilang - Information, Input, and Questions.

Begge Bokmål Nynorsk Avansert søk. Nynorsk is a variation which is closer to Landsmål, whereas Bokmål is closer to Riksmål.

Nynorsk, however, is the predominant written language in certain municipalities around Stavanger, but not around Trondheim.

Norwegian (Norwegian: norsk) is a North Germanic language spoken mainly in Norway, where it is an official language. To solve the problem everybody should speak the Danish dialect of the island of Fyn / Funen; it is saidf to be what God speaks at sundays. Opprinnelse, språkdebatt, likheter og ulikheter. We're talking about two different standards of the same language. Icelandic > Nynorsk > Swedish > Danish > Bokmål with 2 genders or Urnordisk .=. En større revisjon av Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka er i gang ved Universitetet i Bergen. Bokmål users have to learn a limited amount of Nynorsk in school, which many of them see as a waste of time. Newspaper by 2008. Nynorsk is the least common wirtten form of Norwegian, only 12% of Norwegian school children use it.