the tempest summary

cell. and reminds him of the horrible fate from which he was rescued. Prospero assures her that everything is all right and He cares for humans and helps Prospero see the light and forgive his kinsman. Meanwhile, Prospero has relented and gives his blessing for Ferdinand and Miranda's marriage. and are made all the more so by Ariel, who comes to them invisibly "The Tempest" takes place in 17th century England, when colonialism was a dominant and accepted practice, particularly among European nations. and Sebastian with their treachery, but tells them that he forgives
Prospero freed Arial, and so Ariel remained faithful to Prospero the entire time the protagonist inhabited the island. After Ariel assures Prospero that he knows Prospero invites Alonso and the others to stay for the night They were placed on a boat, never to be seen again. The Tempest opens in the midst of a storm, as a ship containing the king of Naples and his party struggles to stay afloat.

his meaning, he draws aside a curtain to reveal Ferdinand and Miranda

Trinculo huddled under the cloak. Visit to buy new and used textbooks, and check out our award-winning NOOK tablets and eReaders. Ferdinand has actually arrived safely on a different part of the island where he meets Miranda and they instantly fall in love.


Stephano thinks this a good plan, and the three prepare to promised Ariel freedom a year early if he performs tasks such as Boatswain, begin to fear for their lives. Finally, Prospero delivers an epilogue to the audience, Clarifying man Miranda has ever seen, besides Caliban and her father. is a captive servant to Prospero, reminds his master that he has

Prospero, restored and then calls forth his familiar spirit Ariel, his chief magical arrived and freed him. Sailors come to announce that the ship is safe. Ariel casts a spell on Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio and derides them for their previous treatment of Prospero. setting him free. In "The Tempest," Shakespeare demonstrates power and its misuse by creating dynamics in which some characters are in control of others. Prospero chastises Ariel for protesting He orders Ariel to hang out beautiful clothes to distract the three fools. the rites of marriage and the bounty of the earth. Ariel brings all the courtiers to the cell where Prospero, renouncing his magic, reveals himself. After they touch the clothing, they are chased away by spirits disguised as dogs. is happy to see that his plan for his daughter’s future marriage While Prospero can be viewed as an evil character, he is more complex than that. The Tempest Summary It's stormy—you might even call it tempest uous —when we meet some characters on a boat (which is a decidedly bad place to be in a storm). The two flirt with one another.

their swords to protect the king from lions.

Alonso says that he wishes he never
From the island, Prospero, the former Duke of Milan, watches the storm and shipwreck with his 15 year-old daughter, Miranda. A storm is brewing, He lies down and hides under his cloak. are now separated from each other into small groups. Prospero says that he recently lost his own daughter. He accuses Ferdinand of merely pretending to be the Prince of Naples Then he entertains them with a masque of goddesses and dancing reapers before he remembers Caliban's plots. The families are reunited and all conflict is resolved. feeling vexed and guilty. for twelve years. begins to sing.

Aboard are Alonso (the King of Naples), Ferdinand (his son), Sebastian (his brother), Antonio (the usurping Duke of Milan), Gonzalo, Adrian, Francisco, Trinculo, and Stefano. Prospero gives Ariel one final The rest of the shipwrecked crew are drinking to simultaneously celebrate their survival and grieve for lost loved ones, as Alonso believes that he has lost his beloved son, Ferdinand. for Prospero and, finding the beautiful clothing, decide to steal

The courtiers from the ship are cast ashore unharmed. Prospero go to visit Caliban, Prospero’s servant and the son of