textual sermon

"well, but I am better than that guy." There's information on your screen, or you can get online and become a partner. And so some of you are like that today. You see I have been perfectly loved by Jesus. So together, we are discovering life's everyday answers. What a great privilege it is to have a problem and be able to go to God and say, "I need you to help me with this," and to know that he listens to you. Todd White (July-16-2018) Deny Yourself Pick up Your Cross and Follow Him. Joyce Meyer: "I prayed about this and God did it, oh my gosh, so excited." You gotta put your hand to some things and see if they fit. You know, just because God hasn't given you the answer yet, I mean, I prayed for my dad's salvation for 40 years on and off before-- ginger: that was a case though that you knew to keep- Joyce Meyer: I knew, yeah, I knew that that was a situation where I really needed to keep praying because that was in the word. I've lived in this atmosphere for a long time, but I remember the first time I walked into a meeting like this, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. It’s the revealing of your value.” And to one that was worthless and valueless, that made no sense. Breathe Jesus.

Don't ever be afraid of anything that God wants to show you about you. I need His presence. Joyce Meyer: trust him all the time.

That's really important. I'm gonna have to be willing to let the things go in my life that are hindering the work of God or hindering my witness. He said, “Come to me and I will give you rest.

Well, we do it because we love God, not to get God to love us. Everybody say, "put on." And praise God I hope you don’t have skin on your teeth. Joyce Meyer: do you really love your life or are you just kind of putting up with it, going through the motions day after day? Anybody can have it at any time in their life. We always think it's somebody else. But, they were out there selfish. Her neck is killing her. We're judgmental. And she’s living in a place of regret, which is demonic strategy set up to get you to actually take your life. I’m right with God. I said, “Oh no, no, no. Joyce Meyer: whoo!

Thank you. Because the Truth of who God says you are crushes everything. It makes you feel bad about yourself and it puts a heaviness on you. Joyce Meyer:Now Jeremiah chapter 18, the first 4 verses. Father, fill this conscience with the Truth of who You say I am. She walks out to the car. What was that? You know, Dave said one time, and he doesn't--you know, he doesn't, like, stand up and prophesy a lot, but he felt like he got a word from God to just tell the people that "as long as you're jealous of what God is doing in somebody else's life, you'll never get what you want." It’s so ridiculous and the devil thinks he won. Joyce Meyer: well, condemnation makes you feel pressed down.

I get to manifest my Dad everyday of my life and it’s exciting. And, of course, it's the whole Bible, but we've highlighted all the scriptures on the mind and the mouth, and got lots of articles in there that I've--teachings that I've done, and life points, things for each day. Make a decision tonight that you're not just going to try the word, but you're going to stand on the word of God no matter how long it takes, no matter what happens, because there's nothing better for you to do. When I find this out, I’ll lay my life down.