bill evans albums

* Riverside R-45435   Bill Evans - What Is This Thing Called Love? Columbia 30th Street Studios, NYC, May 26, 1958, * Columbia CL 1268   Miles Davis - Jazz Track * Allegro (E) ALL 737   Various Artists - Jazz Great.

* Impulse! * Columbia C2 38262   Various Artists - Newport Jazz Festival Live 1956-1963, radio broadcast, "Bandstand USA", "Spotlight Lounge", Washington, DC, August 9 or June 30, 1958, * Jazz Music Yesterday (It) JMY ME 6402   Miles Davis - Four-Play. : Zoot Sims, tenor sax; Bill Evans, piano; Jim Hall, guitar; Ron Carter, bass; Philly Joe Jones, drums. "Montreux Jazz Festival", "Casino De Montreux", Switzerland, June 15, 1968, * Verve V6-8762, 827 844-2, (J) J33J 25001   Bill Evans At The Montreux Jazz Festival : same personnel. Bill Evans, piano; Howard Collins, guitar; Bob Carter, bass; Sol Gubin, drums; Lucy Reed, vocals. * Audio Fidelity AFLP 1978, AFSD 5978   Benny Golson - Pop + Jazz = Swing.

Bill Evans, piano, interviewee; Marian McPartland, piano, interviewer. * Chiaroscuro CR 140   Chuck Israels - The National Jazz Ensemble, Fantasy Studios, Berkeley, CA, June 10-13, 1975, * Fantasy F-9489; Original Jazz Classics OJC-439, OJCCD-439-2   The Tony Bennett/Bill Evans Album, "Montreux Jazz Festival", Montreux, Switzerland, July 20, 1975, * Fantasy F-9510; Original Jazz Classics OJC-644, OJCCD-644-2   Bill Evans, Eddie Gomez - Montreux III = Milestone M-47046   Bill Evans - The Second Trio * Jazz Lab (Swi) JLCD-2   Bill Evans Trio - In Buenos Aires, Vol. (complete take), What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life? * Riverside RLP 376, RLP 9376; Original Jazz Classics OJC-140, OJCCD-140-2   Bill Evans - Sunday At The Village Vanguard Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. We know, we’ve heard them all. * Jazz Lab (Swi) JLCD-3   Bill Evans Trio - In Buenos Aires, Vol. * Verve 314 512 659-2   Lee Konitz - Live At The Half Note. * Impulse!
Bill Evans, piano, overdubbed piano. What the best sides of The Bill Evans Album have to offer is not hard to hear: No doubt there’s more but we hope that should do for now. * Milestone M-9185, MCD-9185-2   Bill Evans - Blue In Green. * Elektra Musician E1-60311   Bill Evans - The Paris Concert, Edition 2. Eddie Gómez – bass * Prestige P-24052   Various Artists - Piano Giants "Yubin Chokin Hall", Tokyo, Japan, January 20, 1973, * CBS/Sony (J) SOPM-40   Bill Evans - Live In Tokyo = Verve 314 527 953-2   The Complete Bill Evans On Verve

Don Elliott, trumpet, mellophone, vibes, vocals; Hal McKusick, flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto, tenor sax; Janet Putnam, harp; Bill Evans, piano; Barry Galbraith, guitar; Ernie Furtado, bass; Paul Motian, drums; unidentified chorus. Freddie Hubbard, trumpet; Eric Dolphy, alto sax, flute; Oliver Nelson, alto, tenor sax, arranger; George Barrow, baritone sax; Bill Evans, piano; Paul Chambers, bass; Roy Haynes, drums. = Riverside RS-3006   Bill Evans - Live At The Village Vanguard Tony Scott, clarinet; Bill Evans, piano; Jimmy Garrison, bass; Pete LaRoca, drums. NYC, May 11, 12, 17, 19 & 20 & June 9, 1971, * Columbia C 30855   The Bill Evans Album. = 32 Jazz 32136   Tony Scott - At Last Bill Evans, piano; Chuck Israels, bass; Larry Bunker, drums. * Riverside RLP 399, RLP 9399; Original Jazz Classics OJC-210, OJCCD-210-2   Bill Evans - Waltz For Debby Marty Morell – drums, Funkallero

Top end extension is critical to the sound of the best copies. = Riverside (J) VICJ 60951/3   Bill Evans - The Complete Live At The Village Vanguard 1961