the new basement tapes merch

One of which is an online merch store, where the first Basement t-shirts are currently available for order. Designed by Tanner Waite of The Howls, the site is a collaborative effort from a number of individuals in the Rexburg music and art scene. It's an historic album project from five of music's finest artists -- Elvis Costello, Rhiannon Giddens (Carolina Chocolate Drops), Taylor Goldsmith (Dawes), Jim James (My Morning Jacket) and Marcus Mumford (Mumford & Sons) -- in unique collaboration with a 26-year-old Bob Dylan. The ground shipping method used will be determined at Music Direct's discretion. Lost On The River: The New Basement Tapes is a music event 47 years in the making. 1, a heavy bass and metal show featuring local bands Jakrta, Artificial Aliens, That Other Doctor and Zick. Music Direct does not guarantee delivery within that specified time period. MediaNet, Website Platform by Basement Merch After supporting the likes of Bring Me The Horizon and Brand New, Basement are now more than just an insider tip for Balance And Composure or Title Fight fans. Music Direct will not charge additional shipping for any back orders items. Lost on the River: The New Basement Tapes is an album produced by T Bone Burnett featuring a collective of musicians recording under the moniker The New Basement Tapes—Elvis Costello, Rhiannon Giddens, Taylor Goldsmith, Jim James and Marcus Mumford.. There are more items in your cart than displayed above. **Orders must be at least $49, before tax, to qualify. All music is free to listen and download. Local music and art venue, The Basement, has publicly launched their official website. This offer is not included on any shipments to FPO/APO addresses. Elvis Costello, Rhiannon Giddens, Taylor Goldsmith, Jim James & Marcus Mumford in Collaboration with a 26-Year-Old Bob Dylan, A Music Event 47 Years In The Making Produced By T Bone Burnett. Oklahoma. 2016. Go to your cart to see if you qualify for. The venue previously relied on their Facebook page to announce all events held at The Basement. The photo gallery features images of a number of local bands, shot by local photographers Emily Rose Perkins, Josh Gervacio and Jordan Henrie. Basement Tapes. In 1969 an album mysteriously titled, The decades since these legendary recordings were made in that West Saugerties basement have seen publication of countless books and articles on the influence and importance of, 19. We stand behind every product we sell and offer free live support if you need assistance setting-up, troubleshooting, or maximizing your purchase.