dave black photography

You’ve got a front row seat to watching Dave in action and learn how he approaches covering an entire game. His father Richard was a physician and a professor, and his mother MaryAnn was a nurse practitioner; both worked at Johns Hopkins University. See instructions, https://daveblackphotography.com/upcoming-workshops/, 2019 December WATR…Christmas Time Images and Poems, 2019 October WATR… Autumn Images and Backstories, 2019 September WATR… Jet Ski Tempest Images and Backstories, 2019 August WATR… DETAILS of SPORT Images and Backstories, 2019 July WATR… More Images and Backstories.

Dave digs deep from his decade's worth of experience to share his tips and techniques for helping you get in the right position, with the right gear and the right settings, to get the shot you need. Now, Dave Black is bringing that passion and skill to KelbyTraining.com with his debut class!

Dave starts off with a walk through of all the gear needed for lightpainting before taking us through the importance of a site survey. Known for his creative use of Speedlights and in particular with the artistic technique of Lightpainting, Dave’s portfolio continues to broaden into the commercial and advertising industry, and with specialized lighting projects including work for the National Geographic and their book Where Valor Rests, Arlington National Cemetery. CHECK OUT my NEW: 2020 Workshops Calendar to see when and where I will be teaching a workshop or seminar that you might be interested in Dave’s 2020 Workshops Calendar: https://daveblackphotography.com/upcoming-workshops/  Continue reading article →. They’ll be right in the action following players down the field while they discuss different styles of shooting depending on your client (a school’s sports information department, magazine, wire service). …What can I say, I’m in a Holiday mood. For 34 years, veteran sports photographer Dave Black has been capturing the essence of competition for publications like Sports Illustrated, Time, Newsweek and ESPN.

https://mikescamera.com/school/daveblack, October 14, 21 and 28, 2020 … Roberts Camera Workshops Online: Join me online for 3 Wednesdays in a row featuring: SPORTS Oct. 14, HSS Action Oct. 21, and LIGHTPAINTING Oct 28.  https://robertscamera.com/dave-black.

Nikon Ambassadors are responsible for the content of their photographs, websites, exhibitions, and visual images and the manner in which such content and images are obtained.

Sports and commercial photographer Dave Black is a Nikon Ambassador. I love to make pictures that draw the audience in for a closer look.