sustainable ecotourism

Ecotourism’s perceived potential as an effective tool for sustainable development is the main reason why developing countries are now embracing it and including it in their economic development and conservation strategies. IBO [International Baccalaureate Organisation], 2009. It is also about the long-term viability of employment, and avoiding the inequality that can occur when one group benefits much more than others from tourism. Seemingly, the cultural and historical importance of roads in connecting communities and commerce had shaped both the orientation of villages (which stretched along the road, rather than deeper back or behind them) as well as how people interacted with them (as a place for playing, socializing, trading and the like). When you consider the revenue from wildlife photography tours, luxury safari camps, and other ecotourism offerings, a single Elephant is worth $1.3 million over the course of its lifetime!”. According to one popular eco-travel blog, “Elephants are worth 76 times more alive than dead. It includes an interpretation/learning experience, is delivered to small groups by small-scale businesses, and stresses local ownership, particularly for rural people.

Yet, throughout my travels I was struck by how many compromises (in my view) were being made for sustainability, be it the through taming of wildlife, prioritization of economic development at the expense of local customs, or many other examples. This can protect it from being harmed by other economic activities. Sustainable tourism and ecotourism: Learning activities Questions. Accessed 23 January 2018. Consider the sustainable tourism paradox as the focus of your question. A similar definition from the IUCN is “environmentally responsible travel to natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and accompanying cultural features, both past and present) that promote conservation, have a low visitor impact and provide for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local peoples” (IUCN, via The Nature Conservancy, n.d.). Natural heritage and biodiversity must be conserved if tourism is to be considered sustainable. Mullis, 2017. What is the difference between ecotourism and Don’t Forget to Move: Why All Tourism Should Be Sustainable Tourism: Protecting the Future of Travel.

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Maybe, Sustainable Development Goals: A Balloon Debate, How do you know that? Search for “Koko the talking gorilla” (or watch this video) to see more. Urban environmental and social stresses, Urban microclimates: modification and management, Case study: Air pollution in New York City, 4. The following is a summary of some anecdotal evidence that suggests ecotourism is growing (general source: Center for Responsible Travel, 2017): AIG, 2017. The treks featured by Ecotourism Laos are mostly operated by provincial guide services and the villagers along the trail, all of who have received training. Yet, several moments throughout our trip made me question how ecofriendly and sustainable such travel really is or can be. In an instant, the chimp jumped up, clapped and yelled angrily, and picked up a large branch which he threw at me javelin-style! Indeed, the vast numbers of vehicles in the parks and conservations areas seemed overwhelming at times, demonstrating clearly that the notions I had of “wild” animals and preserves as devoid of humans were romanticized at best or nearly inaccurate at worst.